whats in a good ayahuasca mix??

The plants are growable, I've thought about it before and maybe someday I will. For now though a good friend of mine owns an ethnobotanical business and his plants are of best health so I just go through him.

God damn! I could understand maybe 3 plants involved but 15 sounds like too much lol wouldn't put it past them south Americans though.
I personally wouldn't take lsd, no. Lol you'll quickly find there's no need to make Ayahuasca any 'stronger'. Plus I feel that the sense of urgency and hyperactivity of lsd would tamper with the ayahuasca in a negative way.

I know of people making a brew of only b. Caapi and drinking it while on lsd for a calming, more earthy experience.

Don't worry, b. Caapi!
Ha ha! Yeah. Your comment opened you up for a great joke opportunity. Had to take advantage. LSD might be too much. This recipe is awesome in its simplicity. And ease. THANK YOU High|High. As far as growing this stuff... I noticed that alot of these plants can technically be grown. Take mimosa root bark for example. If you read about growing the actual tree/trees themselves. You would find that it is doable. If you had a decent out doors area. In the appropriate climate. Or. You had a decent sized indoor area where you could attempt to train the tree to grow how you would want it to. Think about portions of scrog (for training techs). And appropriate pruning. Do some research. Write up a journal. Unfortunately. I can't do that where I currently reside. Later.
No problem man, glad people are interested in this. I know it's changed my life forever and can say with confidence that it is basically the best idea that I ever had in my life.

Just remember to think about 'why' you're taking it. What your intentions are. What's 'wrong' with you? How can you go about altering it to be positive?
And remember to think about the inner workings of compassion. Love.

It roots in everything.
Watch your 'problems' untie like a silky twizzler.
No problem man, glad people are interested in this. I know it's changed my life forever and can say with confidence that it is basically the best idea that I ever had in my life.

Just remember to think about 'why' you're taking it. What your intentions are. What's 'wrong' with you? How can you go about altering it to be positive?
And remember to think about the inner workings of compassion. Love.

It roots in everything.
Watch your 'problems' untie like a silky twizzler.

Coooolllll. Thanks again brother.
Silky twizzler. Mmmmmmmm. I'll eat that sh*t.
I'm gonna look into finding these ingredients! One thing, I've heard that it makes you throw up. How violent is this purge?? I ask because I had my gallbladder removed and I find that drugs i have to digest tend to make me feel really... Poopy at the least, I don't eat shrooms anymore cause too much and well... I eat 5 hits of acid, if I take a tums or two I'm fine. I just wanna be prepared for when it eventually leaves my body. Am I gonna have to have a bucket by me and my friend or should I just hang close to a bathroom lol?
Forgive me for sounding ignorant, but I was reading that b. Caapi is an maoi, so would I be able to just make a brew of b. Caapi and some DMT? I'm asking because DMT is readily available
Forgive me for sounding ignorant, but I was reading that b. Caapi is an maoi, so would I be able to just make a brew of b. Caapi and some DMT? I'm asking because DMT is readily available
Yes you could. Or you could swallow the dmt in a pill capsul to prolong the experience
I'd say to look that up
I'm gonna look into finding these ingredients! One thing, I've heard that it makes you throw up. How violent is this purge?? I ask because I had my gallbladder removed and I find that drugs i have to digest tend to make me feel really... Poopy at the least, I don't eat shrooms anymore cause too much and well... I eat 5 hits of acid, if I take a tums or two I'm fine. I just wanna be prepared for when it eventually leaves my body. Am I gonna have to have a bucket by me and my friend or should I just hang close to a bathroom lol?
It depends honestly, some of the deepest experiences I had I didn't puke at all. I have puked a couple times though just make sure you don't drink it too fast. Take a shot and wait for that to hit your stomach and be over with then take another. Weed helps. Take it slow, after about 3 you'll probably be fine but drink more if you know you can once you are already having an experience .. At least that's what I do.

Puking is intense but it's not a negative thing. The purge is supposed to be vomiting out your negativity and anxieties. But the experience is worth any vomiting and vomiting just isn't as bad for some reason as vomiting any other time.. Anyways I'd have a bucket ready
Puking is the only form of the purge tho? I'm mean like no diarrhea no stomach cramping? I'm gonna have to try this. I looked up DMT and b. Caapi, people do them together but it's not quite the same. I guess there are other things in the plants that get absorbed into the mix?
Well talked myself into it..... Want to gather up the essentials....plan to cook next month .... Definitely gonna need for at least 2 people ...so I hope I'm not wrong or off but rather ask then have the wrong idea...... Going with 114 grams caapi and 100 of acacia since they're both barks .....or will that hinder the brew?? With figure 42 grams Syrian rue....... Will be over kill to add a ounce or so of psychortria leaves?? really like the medicine aspect and think this is time for a movement both physically and emotionally..... from stories it's positive and lil of the psychedelic perk...... Sounds awesome.... Hope the effort of cooking the brew repays me
The diet won't kill you. That's bogus.
Doing the diet will reward you though.

A more traditional way, people use b. Caapi and chakruna. But I've just had friends do this and produce dud brews.

The recipe I posted works. It has taken a lot of trial and error to get that down to what it is.
Making ayahuasca alone is fine.
Get that negativity out of here lol
I've eaten blasphemous things before aya. I'll eat fucking tyramine powder straight. I'll Fuck my hand on ayahuasca. Dieta is good. But dieta is annoying. Ayahuasca will help you regardless of the diet or not. But doing the diet is a good idea.
It will not hurt you. Although once I think eating too much beef before hand have me a headache.

Don't mix the ayahuasca with any other drugs though unless they are something like marijuana.

kinda gotta stop you. it is possible to have a hypertensive incident and a stroke or embolism if you do not abide by the rules. the older you are the more dangerous. I made a mistake with such herbs and ran close to such an incident
Got my list together and ready to order....... Just wondering after the extraction how long with the blend by good...... Does it expire?? Have to find time to brew it up so will it last long out the fridge??
Got my list together and ready to order....... Just wondering after the extraction how long with the blend by good...... Does it expire?? Have to find time to brew it up so will it last long out the fridge??
Good question. I was wondering the same thing. Brew it now. For next week? Will it last for this weekends camping trip? Can I ship some to my brother?
Will it last for a camping trip god that would be perfect! Is there any cross tolerance buildup? Wondering what other drugs I should stay away from and for how long it would be?
Good question. I was wondering the same thing. Brew it now. For next week? Will it last for this weekends camping trip? Can I ship some to my brother?

thanx Dasprout for the elaboration ....... so would it be a week max or is there some shelf lifelife??..... the ayahuasca is calling me but the wait just helping me ....... read the maoi diet and the recipe is locked in my head ..... timing is the only
thanx Dasprout for the elaboration ....... so would it be a week max or is there some shelf lifelife??..... the ayahuasca is calling me but the wait just helping me ....... read the maoi diet and the recipe is locked in my head ..... timing is the only
Brew that shit kiiiidddd!!!!
Just got my syrian rue (harmala) on wednesday. Got my ACRB powder today. Got to work on saturday and sunday. So I'll get some lemon juice and brew it on monday. As soon as I get home from class...
:| :smile: :-P :grin: :lol: 8)
Just got my syrian rue (harmala) on wednesday. Got my ACRB powder today. Got to work on saturday and sunday. So I'll get some lemon juice and brew it on monday. As soon as I get home from class...
:| :smile: :-P :grin: :lol: 8)

Nice I was just planning a trip to the ranch house .... Nice and quiet..... Couple houses down the road but still great spot....Getting my supply after the 1st .... But was wondering if you see a advantage in the powder over shredded root bark?? I was going shredded .... Are u grinding the Syrian rue?? I was gonna add some psychotria leaves.....
Nice I was just planning a trip to the ranch house .... Nice and quiet..... Couple houses down the road but still great spot....Getting my supply after the 1st .... But was wondering if you see a advantage in the powder over shredded root bark?? I was going shredded .... Are u grinding the Syrian rue?? I was gonna add some psychotria leaves.....
I actually wanted the shredded. But ended up getting the powdered. I assume that you could get more easily extracted from powder. But the powder may be more of a hastle to work with. I must admit though. I am excited. I was thinking od slightly crushing the rue. And I agree with experimenting with additional plants. You would probably up the amount of rue.