Carbon filter off at night



Ive got a small one plant closet grow and its starting to smell already and its only 4 weeks old. The closet is in my bedroom so noise is a big issue. My question is, if i buy a carbon filter / duct fan is it ok to switch it off for 6 hours a day ? I currently have no temp or humidity issues so i could get away without an exhaust fan if i can.
I had police in my house (not legal) and plants were late in veg with filter off and they didnt smell. I dont like to talk about this but for your peace of mind, id say your ok to have it off. Id always want air flow moving though so if possible keep it on.
If you're worried about smell AT ALL, don't turn it off. But, if you're in veg, seeing as you only have one plant I think it would be fine to turn it off for 6 hours a day I don't think that would smell much at all. Flowering is a whole different story though, I'd recommend you keep it on 24/7 if you don't want it to smell.
You can and will get use to the noise...eventually...but it's a bitch in the mean time...come flower time, unless you don't mind the house stinking gotta run the fan full time...come on, ask me how I know. grin, wink. hehehehehehe
No way around the fan and filter running 24/7 if you want zero odor. Speaking of zero odor where are you exhausting scrubbed air? I ask, because even the scrubbed air is only maybe 95-97% clean of odors. If you have a power outage and your carbon filter stops for a period of time, smells will build up. If you exhaust back into your room, it wont be completley odor free either.
Ok cheers. it should arrive in the post tomorrow so il set it up, see how loud it is and take it from there. Yes i have to vent it out into the same room, no choice unfortunately. Another problem is i could only afford a cheapo fan at the minute so no doubt its going to be noiser than a decent one but il build one of the boxes and if worse comes to worse il move my bed into a different room so i can sleep lol.
Ok cheers. it should arrive in the post tomorrow so il set it up, see how loud it is and take it from there. Yes i have to vent it out into the same room, no choice unfortunately. Another problem is i could only afford a cheapo fan at the minute so no doubt its going to be noiser than a decent one but il build one of the boxes and if worse comes to worse il move my bed into a different room so i can sleep lol.

I had doubts about my inline extractor. (white plastic type). Was told by a mate and man in shop it would be a good inlet fan but not powerful enough to extract. WRONG!! I made my system as compact with as little ducting as poss, tight seals, tape, tape and tape. Not only is it quiet, but its extracting 2 side by side tents both with filters and I still have negative pressure (tents sucking inwards). So dont worry if it isnt the recommended type. I bought a brand new red scorpion proper inline fan and I dony use it, it's too loud and the white one works. wasted £60 english pounds. :) good luck. - read my other thread for first time growers in the newby central. J
I agree with fitting a speed's easy done......and will give a good nights sleep if the fan is adjusted to both you and your plant's needs(compromise)........I built one using a household dimmer switch(13amp)and it worked perfectly.....
make a box for the fan and buy a speed controller or use a dimmer switch.

box and speed controler with a 6" fan will cut 90% of the noise, also use 8" reducer and 8" ducting where the air leaves the room, could even go up to 10" with a second reducer 8-10"
the bigger the ducting the less noise it makes, used to go from a 6" fan to 8" ducting to 10" acoustic ducting into my bedroom
the fan was also on a speed controller turned down 30% and it was sienlt, the fan was in a box in the loft :)

could not hear the fan, 3 ft away :)