Election 2015

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure. At the very least it will help anyone caught between now and then, what court is going to convict? The big thing is medical and who we end up with at HC. Time for the judge to stop holding patients hostage.
????? Do not think from now to then what court will convict haha Seriously if you get busted your going to jail end of story the law right now is the law until its changed a judge has to charge accordingly


Well-Known Member
New liberal Bill Blair just said some scary things. When asked about how he feels, going from a cop to a member of Parliament with a party that plans to legalize, he said, "No that's something that comes from the other side. The liberals plan is strict regulation". He said marijuana is a dangerous drug but the current legislation doesn't work. So they are going to do it better than the current government.


Well-Known Member
New liberal Bill Blair just said some scary things. When asked about how he feels, going from a cop to a member of Parliament with a party that plans to legalize, he said, "No that's something that comes from the other side. The liberals plan is strict regulation". He said marijuana is a dangerous drug but the current legislation doesn't work. So they are going to do it better than the current government.
that's what they've been saying all along; control and regulate
..somehow they consider that legalization.

either way, i feel whatever they do will be better than Harper.
4 years late (heck a decade ;-) ), but thank you Canada.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Not bull shit...truth
first of all the supreme court ruled it out in April 3 year gig in jail ,
the ontatio judge followed the supreme courts decision but remember its for medical MJ licensed growers that may have miss counted and made a mistake and to get 3 years etc is a but harsh
Now for the grower that is doing it with out a liense you know them ones making 40 - 100 pounds and selling usually biker gang / mafia related ??


Well-Known Member
Now for the grower that is doing it with out a liense you know them ones making 40 - 100 pounds and selling usually biker gang / mafia related ??
LOL I got some news for you there is less biker and mafia connected weed than you think. I would say 80% of weed growers have nothing do to with any organized crime unless you call weed brokers organizer criminals and lump the independent growers in with them or knowing a friend of a friends who is a biker makes you a biker.