Anyone Got Pics Of Buds Flowered with MH


Well-Known Member
We Are FLowering With Mh And We Are on our 2nd week just wanna see if were doing hit right o if you got pics of flowering plants from Mh post them plz


Well-Known Member
no but i would suggest getting a conversion bulb cause from what ive heard the buds are like so twindly and thin cause of the blue spectrum man, i dont know ive never seen it though, either way goodluck man


Well-Known Member
Heres from a 1000w MH.. works great.. just dont burn yours with bloom nutes like i did..:spew: my baby is still kickin great,even after the was 1 week now,the plant has recovered...ive smoked from it..OH WOW its so stoney ,lala land...:joint: super smooth..



Active Member
i flowered with a MH once. I have two trays and one of my HPS ballists went out in the first week. The two trays were completly different. I got about half off the tray flowered with the MH vs the tray with the HPS.


Well-Known Member
If I'm not mistaken jimmyspaz uses MH only...and his weed is some of the best I've smoked in years.......


Well-Known Member
In a lil bit ill upload the pics we got and we go some frosty purple pink ass buds with the funkiest smell of marijuana uve ever smelled


Well-Known Member
his are all under MH. look for "NORTHERN FARMER HP STADIUM GROW". Try searching "stadium". im also looking at the new "Hortilux- Blue" daylight metal halide bulb. its supposed to have a wider, brighter spectrum than any other bulb with all the colors of the