Random Jibber Jabber Thread

That shit really makes my blood boil! Who the fuck do you think you are telling me what I can and can't do, benignly, on my own property.

+ rep

I feel a civil war ramping up, people are tired of this shit and despite all the gov't handouts, obfuscations, scape-goating and misdirection I think the pot is going to boil over soon.

Frankly that is my opinion of why the police are being militarized. If you know the military they won't turn their guns on their own people with a legitimate beef. But the police, for as paramilitary as they love to behave, have a different mindset and are deliberately selected for such.

As an example hubby did 22 years USAF and he did not 'fit' in the police culture. They wanted the Lt. Calley type.
Part of the reason I was gone for a while is because I had feds up my ass about my farm. They came here telling me I had to get rid of all my animals and change shit around. It was fucked up, I didn't even do anything wrong. Months of head aches later and I can finally have animals back.
Part of the reason I was gone for a while is because I had feds up my ass about my farm. They came here telling me I had to get rid of all my animals and change shit around. It was fucked up, I didn't even do anything wrong. Months of head aches later and I can finally have animals back.
and that is why the inevitable is coming, school yard bullies all grown up and there is no reasonable oversight of them. Worse they all band together to find against the people who PAY their damn salaries.

Hub's a bureaucrat and he tells me, that if they want to take someone down who is doing something out of their purview they call sister agencies until they get the one who can take their target down. That's just wrong.

420 you should have introduced them to your pigs and given them some up close alone time :) people tend to just go away after meeting pigs up close, personal and hungry. They are such lovely creatures (pigs not people).
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Part of the reason I was gone for a while is because I had feds up my ass about my farm. They came here telling me I had to get rid of all my animals and change shit around. It was fucked up, I didn't even do anything wrong. Months of head aches later and I can finally have animals back.

That's exactly what I'm talking about! And to tie in with Annie, it's like they try making you look like David Koresh, so as to look justified when they take your rights. A family man with a hobby farm was unlawfully detained today doesn't quite have that same ring as A farm was raided today on suspicion of illegal bacon trading. More at 5! This is a eulogy for people chasing cars and jewelry, I'm stocking food and water cuz shit ain't what it use to be.
i cant fucking wait for christmas

I can't fucking wait for it to be over with.

Aww...this reminds me of home...

Grew up on a farm in Iowa.

Some nice looking calves and swine as well.

Whachya feedin' your piglets?
Farrowing 'em out at all?
The piglets are on an 18% pellet right now and they get shitloads of scraps. Last year I had around 200 head but sold them all off just as the market bottomed out. One of the three is a gilt so I'll probably get a boar this spring when she's ready then start building my numbers back up.