Berry Ryder - WTF let's SEED ONE again Doh!!

just off by a bit highlow

F1 will be a pretty homogenous mix of the 2 parent strains, is that your experience so far? if so then.....

F2 once youve found 2 F1 plants u liked and made F2 seed the genes will segregate and youll get plants that lean to varying degrees to either side... kind of like a bell graph with most being somewhat similar still but some outer weirdos getting all sort of odd combinations.

The F2 is very important because selecting for certain traits will go easier with a homozygous set of genes for the monogenetic (simple) traits rather than a heterozygous set of genes.

but either way itll happen just keep selecting what you want and rejecting everything else. Its much better to breed this way rather than just self a plant over and over thats the lazy way and pretty much destroys genetic diversity within that strain while the ol tried and true method creates it.

Ok. So is this correct?

BKR f1 seeds

Plant twelve seeds and choose two or three or four plants at harvest. I'll pick two to keep it simple. Let's call them plant 1 and plant 2.

Grow out a plant 1 and a plant 2 seed.

Hit plant 1 with Tmist and dust plant 2.

Plant 2 now has the ♀BKR f2 seeds.

And repeat. Plant 12 seeds.............
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Ok. So is this correct?

BKR f1 seeds

Plant twelve seeds and choose two or three or four plants at harvest. I'll pick two to keep it simple. Let's call them plant 1 and plant 2.

Grow out a plant 1 and a plant 2 seed.

Hit plant 1 with Tmist and dust plant 2.

Plant 2 now has the ♀BKR f2 seeds.

And repeat. Plant 12 seeds.............
Yea. That's the gist of it. Each time you self a plant, or cross it with one of it's "siblings (same generation), you move on to the next generation with the seeds that are created.
Ok. So is this correct?

BKR f1 seeds

Plant twelve seeds and choose two or three or four plants at harvest. I'll pick two to keep it simple. Let's call them plant 1 and plant 2.

Grow out a plant 1 and a plant 2 seed.

Hit plant 1 with Tmist and dust plant 2.

Plant 2 now has the ♀BKR f2 seeds.

And repeat. Plant 12 seeds.............
thats pretty spot on .... youre gonna want to start making your choices from a larger selection of plants as you get further into the generations ..... i know it sounds like a waste but plant like 25-50 if possible and start culling hard because around f3 -f4 there will be a bunch of random traits scattered everywhere and its very easy to miss something when making a selection ...... just an example you may get 50% mediocre plants and some that are almost special and only 1-5% of the special ones out of 100 like i said just an example
I will be making a new thread soon called "Taking BKR to f6 or f7" or sumthin. This thread has too many mixed subjects already. Don't want to make it worse.

Thanks for the tip @tekdc911 about the plant numbers. I'm working with a 6x6x6 room and a 600hps. I'll work something out. Maybe 9 plants to a tote. Four totes.

HHmmm 36 plants in 4 totes. My mind is getting off track. I'm picturing 36 nice single bud plants. Doh..

I need SOME room for my "smoke" plants.

I do have a 400hps laying around. :hump:

ANY tips welcome.
I will be making a new thread soon called "Taking BKR to f6 or f7" or sumthin. This thread has too many mixed subjects already. Don't want to make it worse.

Thanks for the tip @tekdc911 about the plant numbers. I'm working with a 6x6x6 room and a 600hps. I'll work something out. Maybe 9 plants to a tote. Four totes.

HHmmm 36 plants in 4 totes. My mind is getting off track. I'm picturing 36 nice single bud plants. Doh..

I need SOME room for my "smoke" plants.

I do have a 400hps laying around. :hump:

ANY tips welcome.
lol 36 x 7 grams like 9 zips... just saying lol sounds smokable to me :P can pretty much pull that from party cups ;) thats why i have no issue hand feeding a tray of them cause its all smokable in the end even the cull's
I don't believe that selfing a plant ruins the vigor over time.

Genetically, selfing a plant is the similar to pollinating it with pollen from one of it's "siblings" from the same generation. That's why all of the babies from a selfed plant aren't identical. If you self an f1, you get a lot of variation in the f2 generation, just like if you cross two f1's.

This however, can be experienced simply due to Hybrid Vigor, which is caused by all of the dominant genes being expressed in the f1 generation, which leads to the plant being very vigorous. A lot of commercial "strains" are nothing more than unstable f1 crosses that still possess the hybrid vigor, which makes them seem more impressive to the average buyer. Breeders get annoyed with this though, because crosses are much more unpredictable when using an unstable plant as a parent than they are when you use a parent that is homogeneous for most of its traits. You should experience the same dropoff in vigor, if you inbreed a strain starting with a commercial seed, by crossing with a single "sibling".

To my understanding, even if you select the most vigorous plant from each generation, and self/cross it with a "sibling", it will most likely not be as vigorous as an f1 hybrid. It sucks, but the trade-off is stability, and knowing what genes you are passing onto your next batch of seeds, when you cross for each generation. When you use an f1 hybrid, there will be different genotypes causing varying degrees of vigor, and they won't necessarily be noticeable at first, but if you select your parents from the first several generations poorly, you may very well quickly see an extra dropoff in vigor, that could probably have been avoided.

Again, to my understanding, genetic diversity has two main advantages:

1. Improvement:
Over time, species can "improve" due to genetic diversity, but that takes thousands and millions of years to happen naturally, and would be incredibly difficult to replicate (you can increase size or vigor through selective breeding, but only to a certain point. That's where the evolution has the time advantage of waiting for a mutation that allows access to the "next level". Fortunately, the benefits you can feasibly achieve from selective breeding are still worth something, but you don't need a ton of genetic diversity to for this, and selfing a plant isn't cloning, so there is still enough to get different genos/phenos.

2. Protection
There can very well be one individual in a species with a gene combination that is superior to the others, and making the entire species have either the same or and extremely similar (which is the case with all sexual reproduction) genetic makeup as that one individual, would be of great benefit (It would be incredibly rare for an individual to be born with that exact genetic code, but it is theoretically possible). EXCEPT for when there is a weakness being exploited, such as a vulnerability to a certain kind of mold or pest. If one thing can manage to kill one of those plants, it can kill them all before they have time to mutate protection which could have been naturally selected had there been more genetic diversity.
The thing is, indoors, your population is less likely to encounter something that will wipe it out completely, especially if you are a breeder with a big seed collection IMO always keep a bunch of seeds from each generation of every cross, in case you mess up somewhere along the line and don't want to start from scratch. If you ever need to give your genetic pool a bit of a change to help solve a problem, you can mix in genes from any generation you want. It only takes one plant from a different generation to add a ton of new genetic combinations.

Mutations pop up all the time, sometimes its just a matter of finding them in already established landrace populations, as youve stated and sometimes they are created like in breeding pigeons, bettas, dogs etc random mutations like "super red" or a lot of the various shapes and colors, not all of these are present in wild populations which suggest that they were created through basic human breeding practices, A regular occurence that happens quite often especially if your selecting through thousands of individuals fgrom a given population.

The reason I stress genetic diversity so much is exactly because of the points your bringing up, We as humans do not create most of the fantastic variety of life we see all around us, we do however destroy most of it and in 100 years when all the pure landraces are extinct and only the strains being maintained in our closets are around anymore we will miss the diversity we lost through these lazy breeding practices. I dont know what traits and genes will be valuable to our future generations and dont have a lot to gain from making the strain so uniform that it cant perform without being outcrossed.

Just look at pigs in america, weve almost wiped out the landrace populations in favor of what grows fastest, provides greatest yield, best tasting (american opinion) meat and can handle the terribly unsanitary conditions there subjected to, now we are struggling to hold on to the last members of the dwindling landrace populations that have qualities like slow growing, thick marbling, and ability to mother a litter. Those traits were utterly worthless to the old factory farm system and now were seeing the folly of just eliminating every trait that we dont view as "valuable" because the super antibiotic pumped pigs dont perform as well on natural sunlight and grass like a pig should.

Im not trying to be a dick here but have you ever selfed a plant that many times? Ive been breeding (plants + animals) a pretty good amount of time and seen a lot of stuff that makes me think... and rethink things I thought I knew. sure on paper it sounds good but just try it, try it and tell me how quickly your line runs into severe inbreeding depression. breeding on paper and what actually happens in real world application can be drastically different, aside from just getting a number wrong or something (think math, gotta start the equation all the way over to determine the point of error) living things just dont do what we want them to all the time, youd be surprised.

This is why im trying to get into tissue culture and start figuring out the answer to questions like "what happens if you self an auto 4, 5 ,6 times?"
Ok. So is this correct?

BKR f1 seeds

Plant twelve seeds and choose two or three or four plants at harvest. I'll pick two to keep it simple. Let's call them plant 1 and plant 2.

Grow out a plant 1 and a plant 2 seed.

Hit plant 1 with Tmist and dust plant 2.

Plant 2 now has the ♀BKR f2 seeds.

And repeat. Plant 12 seeds.............
plant 1 and plant 2 are pollinated by who?

not every plant from the plant 1 and 2 plots will be similar to the parents so you will still need to select towards the phenos ur after.

plant 1 and 2 are F1 and the seeds that come off of them will give u your F2 where youll find 1 F2 plant from the seeds you got off of plant 1 and 1 from plant 2

that last one should be F3
Mutations pop up all the time, sometimes its just a matter of finding them in already established landrace populations, as youve stated and sometimes they are created like in breeding pigeons, bettas, dogs etc random mutations like "super red" or a lot of the various shapes and colors, not all of these are present in wild populations which suggest that they were created through basic human breeding practices, A regular occurence that happens quite often especially if your selecting through thousands of individuals fgrom a given population.

The reason I stress genetic diversity so much is exactly because of the points your bringing up, We as humans do not create most of the fantastic variety of life we see all around us, we do however destroy most of it and in 100 years when all the pure landraces are extinct and only the strains being maintained in our closets are around anymore we will miss the diversity we lost through these lazy breeding practices. I dont know what traits and genes will be valuable to our future generations and dont have a lot to gain from making the strain so uniform that it cant perform without being outcrossed.

Just look at pigs in america, weve almost wiped out the landrace populations in favor of what grows fastest, provides greatest yield, best tasting (american opinion) meat and can handle the terribly unsanitary conditions there subjected to, now we are struggling to hold on to the last members of the dwindling landrace populations that have qualities like slow growing, thick marbling, and ability to mother a litter. Those traits were utterly worthless to the old factory farm system and now were seeing the folly of just eliminating every trait that we dont view as "valuable" because the super antibiotic pumped pigs dont perform as well on natural sunlight and grass like a pig should.

Im not trying to be a dick here but have you ever selfed a plant that many times? Ive been breeding (plants + animals) a pretty good amount of time and seen a lot of stuff that makes me think... and rethink things I thought I knew. sure on paper it sounds good but just try it, try it and tell me how quickly your line runs into severe inbreeding depression. breeding on paper and what actually happens in real world application can be drastically different, aside from just getting a number wrong or something (think math, gotta start the equation all the way over to determine the point of error) living things just dont do what we want them to all the time, youd be surprised.

This is why im trying to get into tissue culture and start figuring out the answer to questions like "what happens if you self an auto 4, 5 ,6 times?"
i selfed a couple of HLG's akr's which were S1 i guess when i got them made a batch for me and then made a batch for my lil bro from the ones i made i ended up sending him some of the first batch because most of what i sent him could of been classified as males .... and the ones i got from highlow were frosty firey goodness that i literally had one hermi from ( out of maybe 30 seeds or so ??? its been a while but he hooked it up ) and it was in the dark for a few days (atleast 3) solid during a move so i dont even blame genetics alot of plants would of done it ... but the s3 batch ?? i guess i'll call it for labeling purposes was pure junk .... but it was a fem of a fem of a fem batch started from a fem seed o_O and not just one the majority of them started budding beautifully , crazy trichs , smell was amazingly dog shitty and then damn near all at the same time started tea baggin me ... called the lil bro and same issue
plant 1 and plant 2 are pollinated by who?

not every plant from the plant 1 and 2 plots will be similar to the parents so you will still need to select towards the phenos ur after.

How the hell am I suppose to know.
I knew I skipped something.

I am currently TMisting a fem Berry Ryder. How about dusting these 12 F1s with this Berry pollen to start.


I can start a BKR and TMist that. Then hit the 12 F1s with this BKR pollen.


I'm guessing start a BKR. yae or nae? The Berry would be going backwards. Right?

Thanks fellers.
WTF happened here ^^^^^^^^^^ Oh well here it is again.

plant 1 and plant 2 are pollinated by who?

How the hell am I suppose to know.
I knew I skipped something.

I am currently TMisting a fem Berry Ryder. How about dusting these 12 F1s with this Berry pollen to start.


I can start a BKR and TMist that. Then hit the 12 F1s with this BKR pollen.


I'm guessing start a BKR. The Berry would be going backwards. Right?

Thanks fellers.
WTF happened here ^^^^^^^^^^ Oh well here it is again.

plant 1 and plant 2 are pollinated by who?

How the hell am I suppose to know.
I knew I skipped something.

I am currently TMisting a fem Berry Ryder. How about dusting these 12 F1s with this Berry pollen to start.


I can start a BKR and TMist that. Then hit the 12 F1s with this BKR pollen.


I'm guessing start a BKR. The Berry would be going backwards. Right?

Thanks fellers.

If you dusted the 12 with the pollen from that berry they would probably still be some nice seeds and probably produce some very nice plants but itll take you a step closer to being a berry ryder knock off and not an original strain.

If you pop an F1 BKR and dut the 12 with her I think thats the better option but do you think youll have time to sync up the pollen collection with a dusting?

maybe keep the pollen from the berry as backup (and for possible use on certain bud sites if thats what you wanted to do)

and try spraying down 1 of the 12 that looks really nice and getting pollen for her, then running another 12 and dusting them with that pollen and youd still be on track with your F2 run and have gone through roughly 25 specimens. Which just gives you a greater chance of finding someone real special.
Mutations pop up all the time, sometimes its just a matter of finding them in already established landrace populations, as youve stated and sometimes they are created like in breeding pigeons, bettas, dogs etc random mutations like "super red" or a lot of the various shapes and colors, not all of these are present in wild populations which suggest that they were created through basic human breeding practices, A regular occurence that happens quite often especially if your selecting through thousands of individuals fgrom a given population.

The reason I stress genetic diversity so much is exactly because of the points your bringing up, We as humans do not create most of the fantastic variety of life we see all around us, we do however destroy most of it and in 100 years when all the pure landraces are extinct and only the strains being maintained in our closets are around anymore we will miss the diversity we lost through these lazy breeding practices. I dont know what traits and genes will be valuable to our future generations and dont have a lot to gain from making the strain so uniform that it cant perform without being outcrossed.

Just look at pigs in america, weve almost wiped out the landrace populations in favor of what grows fastest, provides greatest yield, best tasting (american opinion) meat and can handle the terribly unsanitary conditions there subjected to, now we are struggling to hold on to the last members of the dwindling landrace populations that have qualities like slow growing, thick marbling, and ability to mother a litter. Those traits were utterly worthless to the old factory farm system and now were seeing the folly of just eliminating every trait that we dont view as "valuable" because the super antibiotic pumped pigs dont perform as well on natural sunlight and grass like a pig should.

Im not trying to be a dick here but have you ever selfed a plant that many times? Ive been breeding (plants + animals) a pretty good amount of time and seen a lot of stuff that makes me think... and rethink things I thought I knew. sure on paper it sounds good but just try it, try it and tell me how quickly your line runs into severe inbreeding depression. breeding on paper and what actually happens in real world application can be drastically different, aside from just getting a number wrong or something (think math, gotta start the equation all the way over to determine the point of error) living things just dont do what we want them to all the time, youd be surprised.

This is why im trying to get into tissue culture and start figuring out the answer to questions like "what happens if you self an auto 4, 5 ,6 times?"

Well, I wouldn't want every strain to be stabilized to the point where certain traits are lost, and I would be keeping seeds from each generation while in the process of stabilizing a strain, so the genetics would never be gone forever. I'd just know exactly what each seed was going to produce, and how that bud's effects will be. A lot of other plant communities are sticklers about having stuff stabilized for several generations with only one common pheno. It's not that I don't want certain traits because they are useless. I just rather know what seeds from which batch will produce those traits. I'd rather have a few lines of stable BKR's that are all noticeably different, than one line that produces several phenos.

Don't worry, you don't sound like a dick. No, I haven't selfed a plant several times. That said, I don't believe that the depression you are mentioning is made up, I just don't think it's due to the selfing (directly), but rather the fact that all negative traits get reinforced due to the fact that when selfing, one parent acting as both parents. If you self a plant with hermie tendencies, you will likely get many more hermies in the offspring than if you crossed it with a plant that did not hermie easily. I think once you have a relatively uniform set of offspring, selfing shouldn't be much worse than regular inbreeding, if at all. However, in the beginning when there are a ton of different genotypes, some of which will likely be runts/hermies/etc., it is riskier, since you might be selfing one that has undesirable traits, instead of one of the ones that is good all around.
As for making a strain for a doomsday/extinction scenario, I agree that I'd want as many pheno's as possible, and I'd stick to regs vs fems, so they could grow and evolve on their own if thrown into the wild.

I also know that there are unexpected variables that can and will pop up when dealing with anything living, so it's hard to be 100%, but at least knowing the theory helps you figure out what went wrong tho.

As far as tissue culture goes, I have been interested in trying it on some auto's as well. I've done it on other plants that are much more finicky than cannabis, so I think it should be very doable. It just takes a lot of patience and trial/error to get consistently positive results. I've been curious if you can keep an autoflower culture alive indefinitely, and only replate and then plant out clones that would start their "life cycle timer" once given hormones for regular growth instead of just undifferentiated cell division. I might be able to flask up some seeds in the near future to test it out. No promises yet, tho.

i selfed a couple of HLG's akr's which were S1 i guess when i got them made a batch for me and then made a batch for my lil bro from the ones i made i ended up sending him some of the first batch because most of what i sent him could of been classified as males .... and the ones i got from highlow were frosty firey goodness that i literally had one hermi from ( out of maybe 30 seeds or so ??? its been a while but he hooked it up ) and it was in the dark for a few days (atleast 3) solid during a move so i dont even blame genetics alot of plants would of done it ... but the s3 batch ?? i guess i'll call it for labeling purposes was pure junk .... but it was a fem of a fem of a fem batch started from a fem seed o_O and not just one the majority of them started budding beautifully , crazy trichs , smell was amazingly dog shitty and then damn near all at the same time started tea baggin me ... called the lil bro and same issue

" me and then made a batch for my lil bro from the ones i made i ended up sending him some of the first batch because most of what i sent him could of been classified as males ...."

You took HLG's AKR f1's and selfed to make f2's for yourself, and THEN made f3's from a selfed f2, and the f3's were mostly hermies?
Being that you are working with AKR which has known hermie issues, I wouldn't be surprised if you inadvertently selected for the high hermie tendency one of those 2 times. If you were to make another genetic line from one of HGL's f1's, I don't think you'd necessarily have the same results. I may be wrong tho. I'll have to try it for myself with some of the HLG AKR f1's I have in storage.

WTF happened here ^^^^^^^^^^ Oh well here it is again.

plant 1 and plant 2 are pollinated by who?

How the hell am I suppose to know.
I knew I skipped something.

I am currently TMisting a fem Berry Ryder. How about dusting these 12 F1s with this Berry pollen to start.


I can start a BKR and TMist that. Then hit the 12 F1s with this BKR pollen.


I'm guessing start a BKR. The Berry would be going backwards. Right?

Thanks fellers.
If you dusted the 12 with the pollen from that berry they would probably still be some nice seeds and probably produce some very nice plants but itll take you a step closer to being a berry ryder knock off and not an original strain.

If you pop an F1 BKR and dut the 12 with her I think thats the better option but do you think youll have time to sync up the pollen collection with a dusting?

maybe keep the pollen from the berry as backup (and for possible use on certain bud sites if thats what you wanted to do)

and try spraying down 1 of the 12 that looks really nice and getting pollen for her, then running another 12 and dusting them with that pollen and youd still be on track with your F2 run and have gone through roughly 25 specimens. Which just gives you a greater chance of finding someone real special.

@bf80255 He mentioned wanting his new strain to be more like BR than AKR, so he'll have to backcross eventually. Doing so 1-3 times in the beginning should give him a batch of f1's that is mostly BR with some AKR traits in there, ready to be bred out for more generations. Is there any reason why you would avoid doing it that way, if you wanted the same things he does (BR dominant offspring)? The other option I can think of would be breeding his BKR's to f2/f3, and then crossing back to BR to add the dominance that he's looking for.
If you dusted the 12 with the pollen from that berry they would probably still be some nice seeds and probably produce some very nice plants but itll take you a step closer to being a berry ryder knock off and not an original strain.

If you pop an F1 BKR and dut the 12 with her I think thats the better option but do you think youll have time to sync up the pollen collection with a dusting?

I started germing a couple BKRs yesterday just to make sure I get one. The other 12 in the totes started germing on 10/13 and are ~1" tall today. From what I understand, as long as there are white pistils, they will receive the pollen just fine. Again, something I heard.

maybe keep the pollen from the berry as backup (and for possible use on certain bud sites if thats what you wanted to do)

and try spraying down 1 of the 12 that looks really nice

And here is the other question. How late is too late to start misting?

and getting pollen for her, then running another 12 and dusting them with that pollen and youd still be on track with your F2 run and have gone through roughly 25 specimens. Which just gives you a greater chance of finding someone real special.
@everthingshazy im not positive but i think what i got from @HighLowGrow was from a selfed plant i may be wrong ... but either way isnt that a S1 ? i understand selfing a plant is like breeding it to siblings in your opinion ... but in my honest opinion it is what it is and bred with itself .... will my experience be the same if someone else tried ? probably not but it was enough for me to limit my breeding to reg's and leaving fem's for seeds when i find something special ..... In no way am i saying this is how it is .... this is just how it is for me now ..... i just makes me wonder in the grand scheme of things how much mendels law really applies to breeding unstabilized poly hybrids
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I selfed an AKR only one time to get one batch of seeds. The AKRs I have grown have been fine. hhhmmmmmmm
they were fine for me too its when i selfed one (hlg s1) and then selfed another from that batch ........ so S3 from a fem .... F1 is 50/50 desired/undesired traits a S1 of that is 75/25 desired/un traits but other traits carry over with the desired ones some less desirable so a S2 the way i see it is 75/25 of the S1 but whats to say the 75% desirable plants arent also carriers of the junk traits ...... but once again everything i got from you was golden bro ;) sparkly skunk/dog poo/ baby diaper/berry sticky goodness .... the S2's were lanky and took a while to throw trichs and yield wasnt great but still fire ... but i was already spraying so i just went with it time wasted lesson learned .... but the experience is pricless
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LOL - It couldn't have been me twice. One of those times it must have been from DIY.
:confused: confused me ...
think i figured it out ..... when i said first batch second batch i was talking about the ones i seeded
you had S1's ( ive only gotten akr's from you once and herbies and the tude ) ..... so i sprayed 2 of those only one flipped seeded both but the one that didnt flip i ended up chopping early and blowing for hash lil bro liked it.... so i decided to spray one of the ones i was growing out from the handful i got out of my seed run to get some seeds for my bro .... ran a few of those they popped and came up looked normal so i gave some to bro and found a nanner here and there and just plucked em was gonna try and get them to finish then flower really kicked in and things wernt looking good asked bro how it was going and he had a few showing at preflower as well so i got some of the S2's to him ( S2's showed no hermi's )..... he's a disabled vet ptsd, night terrors, chronic pain ..... but smoke a J with him and it brings him back to a more normal state
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