50000 square feet. Colorado Legal rec grow

Hey Merlin...how many people in addition to you are involved in the daily management of the operation? I'm just trying to get a handle on the scale and scope.
When we are at full blast in about 6 months we'll have somewhere around 20 employees, from growers, trim room employees, compliance specialists, and janitorial. Could be more, could be less, but I figure 20ish.

Are you privy to the numbers for this operation? Figure if you're getting a good deal on the space...maybe $6 per sq/ft per year so that's $300K. You mentioned $15K a month for electricity so that's another $180K. Maybe a mil in payroll excluding the owners and investors and all of the other stuff like insurance and profit sharing.

How many lights did you say you have....500 ish @$500 each? That's a cool $250K upfront. Figure what for annual supplies...maybe $50K?

After say the first year, what is the anticipated gross revenue annually?

Well let's see...

There's no rent, we bought the building. Payroll, I think you're over, but I dont know for sure. There's 1200 lights... Supplies, you're probably close.

I do know that if I do my job right the yearly + initial expenses are paid for in about three to four months of full swing harvests...

Are you privy to the numbers for this operation? Figure if you're getting a good deal on the space...maybe $6 per sq/ft per year so that's $300K. You mentioned $15K a month for electricity so that's another $180K. Maybe a mil in payroll excluding the owners and investors and all of the other stuff like insurance and profit sharing.

How many lights did you say you have....500 ish @$500 each? That's a cool $250K upfront. Figure what for annual supplies...maybe $50K?

After say the first year, what is the anticipated gross revenue annually?

And if your getting $6 a square foot for warehouse space in Colorado you're getting a great deal.

nice grow lots of people will be happy