The girls just showed some pistils on Wednesday! And the stretch is strong with the Lambsbread
@oldman60 . I'm pinching pretty heavily and they still out stretch the Dog. I also have a pheno that is very finicky with N so watch for it. Here's the tent getting full

! Lambsbread on left, Dog on right.
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almost looks like my 4x4 setup with the sun system hood clip on fans etc
Hey 600! sorry ive been on a hiatus i missed coming on here seeing the fire and taking notes from you guys! !
in the meantime i got another phone my last one screen broke, ive tried to get my comp functional again it is almost there
last week i was untangling and trimming some bushy stuff in front of my house the trimmer got stuck and while trying to get it unstuck i nearly cut the fingers on my left hand off except thumb and pinky
got 18 stitches, been changing wraps daily i miss being able to lift pots easily to check how dry they are, playing guitar, etc i didnt realize how much my left was helpful even being right handed
gotta go get some RO today gonna be hard to carry with these fingers but everyone that i caught up on your posts plants are looking great im jealous haha
got my mendo breath f2 key lime pie and ghost og cross in flower today day 51 wish i had a camera that would do them justice in the meantime ill snap a couple at lights off today too
Hope you all have a great sunday and may the universe bless you all
i am so grateful for this forum what ive learned here with this plant cant say it enough much love club 600!!