Does anyone actually believe Ahmed built the clock himself?

but he didn't. He took the plastic casing off an alarm clock, and then reassembled the pieces into a briefcase.
Clockmed is a fraud. He tried to take credit for somebody else's clock.
in communist china plagiarism is an acceptable form of learning withing their education system.
Just start putting data points together for yourself, I won't need to do any convincing.

There's over 60,000 homeless people in New York City alone. Now, Google 'poor doors' in the same city for a stark example of institutionalized classism.

The police in this country kill thousands- THOUSANDS- of American citizens every year, and the 'justice' they face is rather different than ours. We don't have exact numbers because police departments refuse to keep records of them. SERIOUSLY. By contrast, Germany, a country almost half the population of the United States, had just 85 in 2011.

The list is endless...
Germany has a population of 80 million. US 330 million. You're just making shit up.
Your premise is completely and utterly wrong and it's such a stupid argument that I balked at it and couldn't help but reply.

The kid took apart a clock, yes, but 1) he's a kid and 2) this shows curiosity. Why is this good? Because he wants to explore, and learn. He wanted to figure out how it works, and this is why the tech sector is praising him: He's showing discovery and innovation. You know, things that we should all praise in the United States rather than slap the cuffs on a little brown kid and take him to jail because what he did "looks like" a bomb. How many other 14 year olds do you know that take apart electronic clocks and reassemble them because they are curious as to how they work? Too few and far between.

In fact, it doesn't even look like a bomb to begin with. Where's the explosive? It's just a bunch of circuit boards and the LED/ screen. There's nothing in the picture that looks like it would detonate to cause an explosion.

This is how most engineers start out, and scientists. My grandfather used to help me take apart radios when I was a kid because that's what he did when he was a kid, and then he'd help me rebuild them. This is important because it's hands on, teaching something, and drives the curiosity to learn - like I said before. Because my grandfather took apart radios as a kid, guess what he could do into his old age? Build a radio, who would've thunk?

You're completely missing the point, and instead just crying about the "PC Police" which doesn't even exist. It's called being more tolerant and not being an asshat to other people's beliefs/skin color/sexual orientation/gender/gender identity. What happened was pretty much racist. If it was an actual bomb scare, the bomb squad would've showed up -- but instead they toss the kid and what they thought was a fucking bomb into the squad car. Is this standard procedure? I hope not, for everyone's safety. When I was in high school there was a bomb threat on the building, the building was evacuated, school was canceled for the day, the police and the fire department showed up, and they swept the entire school.

If your kid took apart your alarm clock, you'd beat his ass. Innovation? What innovation? If he built a clock, that might be innovation. All he did was take the clock out of its case and put it in a briefcase.
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When you were 14, what were you doing? Were you that curious about the internal workings of a digital alarm clock that you took the time to disassemble it, look through it, look at the various components, then put them into another casing where you can clearly see each and every piece from the circuit board, the logic gates, the backup batteries, and the power cord? Since you can't comprehend what I typed up in the first place -- when other people obviously could -- I'm going to guess no.

You're completely not comprehending what I'm typing out, instead you have this premade narrative in your head that "this little kid isn't anything special, and it's the PC police, and he made it look like a bomb on purpose, and they're trying to push their Muslim agenda, and, and... and... and...." Look, that's not what I'm getting at here, okay? It's a known fact: Get them while they're young. When they're young, they're impressionable. I never said he was innovative I said what he did shows potential innovation. He's taking something out of its current casing, and putting it into a new one. While it may not seem like a lot, let me break it down to you in a way that you'll understand since this is RUI.

Plants live in dirt. Plants need water to survive. Too much water, and a plant dies. I live in an arid region, where the dirt does not hold much moisture. How can I make the plant survive? Maybe if I put it into a plastic container... and then fill the container with water... and then add oxygen to the water by pumping air into it... and holy shit now I'm doing hydro! What is this called? Innovation. What he did potentially can lead to it. Get it yet? Tell me if you don't, because I can continue to provide examples.

That's innovation. Rather than trying to stifle it, we want to encourage it. That's why slapping the cuffs on this kid, arresting him, and our "Zero tolerance" policies are so dumb. Like the kid who chewed a poptart into a gun shape and pretended to shoot with it then got a suspension. Who knows, maybe he could've made the newest NRA snack crave gun tarts.
Actually, you did say he was innovative.
"What is this called? Innovation. What he did potentially can lead to it." Still saying it.
"That's innovation." And saying it again.
You want to encourage your kids to disassemble your electronics? I can see you now, sitting in your dark home, no computer, no TV, no lights, and a dead electrocuted kid laying at your feet.
You can't have it both ways, either it was impressive enough to look like a bomb, resulting in national headlines, or it was immature and childish enough to not be innovative.. So which is it, dummy?

Who says it's an either/or situation? Other than you, I mean.

If this was little Timmy Wilson we were talking about, the dipshit Texan who just watched Die Hard With a Vengeance wouldn't have called the cops and called in a bomb threat. That's the point. Your party is filled with racists and it's come to light ever since Obama was elected president. Highlighted by rampant police abuse and demands for birth certificates.

You want to sit there and act like racism in America doesn't exist.

Got news for ya bud..
Yet Obama never did produce a birth certificate. He produced a Certificate of Birth, manufactured decades after his birth, verified by the Governor of Hawaii, who was not present at his birth and who is also, surprise, a Democrat.
You can't have it both ways, either it was impressive enough to look like a bomb, resulting in national headlines, or it was immature and childish enough to not be innovative.. So which is it, dummy?

Pretty clearly the former, otherwise we wouldn't be talking about it...

If this was little Timmy Wilson we were talking about, the dipshit Texan who just watched Die Hard With a Vengeance wouldn't have called the cops and called in a bomb threat. That's the point. Your party is filled with racists and it's come to light ever since Obama was elected president. Highlighted by rampant police abuse and demands for birth certificates.

You want to sit there and act like racism in America doesn't exist.

Got news for ya bud..
I might point out that Obama's aunt said he was born in Kenya. Not a single one of his blood relatives has ever stated he was born in the US
Nobody said racism doesn't exist
When it gets blasted all over the liberal news media within hours of it happening, companies start making offers, AND the potus invites you to come hang out... all in one day...

you've gotta be fuckin kidding me, not even willie nelson gets that treatment.
Willie Nelson is offered millions by corporations and has been to the White house.
How much you guys wanna bet that this kid will forever be watched by the government now? How many lists do you think he's on already? They will probably know he has a fever before he does.
Who isn't being watched by the government?
It depends on district.
My daughters school has a full shop curricula.
She is even helping me with Mastercam which she took in 8th grade
if someone brought a bomb into my childs school id want the school evacuated and the bomb squad called in
not the person in handcuffs 4 hours after he brought it, with all students in school and the bomb thrown in thr back of the police squad car

no they didnt err on the side of caution, they didnt even follow proper protocall
they knew it wasnt a bomb lol
But they thought it was an attempt to simulate a bomb, which it probably was. So they arrested him.
pretty sad that this is the world we live in. And for what? Do really fear 14 yr old nerds are going to kill our children? They should be watching the kids whose dad's have guns. That seems to be the real threat at schools.
14 yr olds kill for Allah every day.