Does anyone actually believe Ahmed built the clock himself?

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
I was wondering why this got such attention, the child brought a briefcase to school that turned out to be an alarm clock dismantled and put back together. It went off in his class so the teacher called the police to inspect because it is not legal to bring bombs or hoax bombs in..

I think they did what should have been done, but then I found a few different videos and articles describing exactly what clock this kid took apart and put back together in a briefcase.

I personally believe it is blown this big for a reason.

Does anyone honestly believe this kid deserves to go to the whitehouse for this? google offers.. space camp etc. I don't and it doesn't matter what color or creed he comes from.
If his intention was a hoax, why did he take it to the teacher? Wouldn't you leave it unattended, in a 1/2 open backpack in the cafeteria or something?

I think it's pretty sad that we are so scared of everything now that we are arresting children for clocks. The kid was in handcuffs! Once they made us all take our shoes off at the airport because of that dumbass 'shoe bomber', I knew we were gonna be fucked. Anybody have any stats on how many bombs taking off my shoes have caught? I bet the terrorists love this shit. "Now they are arresting their own children. Fantastic."

I hope by the time these kids grow up, they won't have to worry so much about being shot by police because their cell phone looked like a gun. I hope so, but I doubt it.
i fully believe he built it, i fully also believe he was just being a kid who was proud of something he made with his own intelligence and that he wanted to show his teacher...
sadly people had to make it into a big issue...

they surely never believed it was a bomb....if they really did the bomb squad wouldve been called the school would have been evacuated just like proper protocall
they shamed this child and made him out to feel seriously fucking shitty about himself.

i guess the silver lining is now this kid gets to go to nasa, and hangout with astronauts, have scholarships given to him, and internships, as well as the president offering him to go to white house.

the child has been stated saying "hes moving schools and he doesnt care which one"

that kid was no damn threat..

the reason this turned into such a big deal is because due to fear mongering since 9/11 with how everyone whos brown is a goddamn terrorist and they are making everyone else in american turn into muslim ways.. the teacher and the principal sadly are victims of that stupid fear mongering who clearly fully believe it...maybe they need to go to some cultural sensitivity training , and stop being islamophobic because the big bad fox news told them terrorism is at a level red alert and the brown people ARE COMING FOR YOU
I just don't think he actually built that thing from scratch, all the racist bullshit involved is pretty horrible. Crazy shit happens every day here now and it gets sensationalized.
Meh, seems too cookie cutter to be real. "Made for TV".. Just more PC propaganda.. I believe his dad is some sort of political/religious personality.

Who breaks down an alarm clock from the 70's and rebuilds it to fit into a suitcase.. Oh cool.. You created the world's most inconvenient alarm clock with outdated circuitry.

Also, You're a teacher and a suitcase with wires sticking out of it starts to make an alarm sound.. What would you do? What is he/she expected to do? They have to call police.

If I took that same clock and left it underneath your car or on your doorstep you'd freaking SHIT! If he took it to the airport he would have been tackled at the very least. If he's so smart then he should be able to consider the consequences of carrying around something that looks very similar to a weapon..

The whole thing is stupid. I'm sick of hearing about it.
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Pure islamaphobia and racism, giving the kid a hard time...if it were suspected as a bomb then they wouldn't have played with it and did a photo shoot, they would have evacuated the school and called them bomb squad like they do when someone even mentions a bomb let alone produces an item suspected of being one. Does he deserve all the applaud, maybe not, but its cool that people are showing him that not everyone is a dick head.
TBH i agree with sunni its what the Governement also wants people to be afraid best way to control them.. as for this kid i wondered why bring it to school was it a science project ,, or show n tell day back then if it was me i would of brought one of my dads MJ plants hahaha
But seriously i think he was helped in making it from his speach you can clearly see that he is a couple slices short of a full loaf
TBH i agree with sunni its what the Governement also wants people to be afraid best way to control them.. as for this kid i wondered why bring it to school was it a science project ,, or show n tell day back then if it was me i would of brought one of my dads MJ plants hahaha
But seriously i think he was helped in making it from his speach you can clearly see that he is a couple slices short of a full loaf
He didn't actually build a clock, he more loosened everything in an 80's clock (without even disconnecting any of it) and spread it out in a box...

He didn't make anything, a Special Olympian could've done it.

Its all a bunch of horseshit, the kid built a hoax bomb, got caught and in the great American tradition...cried racist.
He never said or even suggested it was explosive, no one said it was a great feat...stop sensationalizing, get real, grow up. Don't let your imagination run so wild. That's it, its that easy.
Its all over the newspapers and television, I am not the one sensationalizing it they are.
Then you are not the target of my comment, of course yellow journalists will always sensationalize, read the comments subsequent to my first and prior to my last and you will see exactly who is making mountains out of mole hills.
He didn't actually build a clock, he more loosened everything in an 80's clock (without even disconnecting any of it) and spread it out in a box...

He didn't make anything, a Special Olympian could've done it.

Its all a bunch of horseshit, the kid built a hoax bomb, got caught and in the great American tradition...cried racist.

Your premise is completely and utterly wrong and it's such a stupid argument that I balked at it and couldn't help but reply.

The kid took apart a clock, yes, but 1) he's a kid and 2) this shows curiosity. Why is this good? Because he wants to explore, and learn. He wanted to figure out how it works, and this is why the tech sector is praising him: He's showing discovery and innovation. You know, things that we should all praise in the United States rather than slap the cuffs on a little brown kid and take him to jail because what he did "looks like" a bomb. How many other 14 year olds do you know that take apart electronic clocks and reassemble them because they are curious as to how they work? Too few and far between.

In fact, it doesn't even look like a bomb to begin with. Where's the explosive? It's just a bunch of circuit boards and the LED/ screen. There's nothing in the picture that looks like it would detonate to cause an explosion.

This is how most engineers start out, and scientists. My grandfather used to help me take apart radios when I was a kid because that's what he did when he was a kid, and then he'd help me rebuild them. This is important because it's hands on, teaching something, and drives the curiosity to learn - like I said before. Because my grandfather took apart radios as a kid, guess what he could do into his old age? Build a radio, who would've thunk?

You're completely missing the point, and instead just crying about the "PC Police" which doesn't even exist. It's called being more tolerant and not being an asshat to other people's beliefs/skin color/sexual orientation/gender/gender identity. What happened was pretty much racist. If it was an actual bomb scare, the bomb squad would've showed up -- but instead they toss the kid and what they thought was a fucking bomb into the squad car. Is this standard procedure? I hope not, for everyone's safety. When I was in high school there was a bomb threat on the building, the building was evacuated, school was canceled for the day, the police and the fire department showed up, and they swept the entire school.
Your premise is completely and utterly wrong and it's such a stupid argument that I balked at it and couldn't help but reply.

The kid took apart a clock, yes, but 1) he's a kid and 2) this shows curiosity. Why is this good? Because he wants to explore, and learn. He wanted to figure out how it works, and this is why the tech sector is praising him: He's showing discovery and innovation. You know, things that we should all praise in the United States rather than slap the cuffs on a little brown kid and take him to jail because what he did "looks like" a bomb. How many other 14 year olds do you know that take apart electronic clocks and reassemble them because they are curious as to how they work? Too few and far between.

In fact, it doesn't even look like a bomb to begin with. Where's the explosive? It's just a bunch of circuit boards and the LED/ screen. There's nothing in the picture that looks like it would detonate to cause an explosion.

This is how most engineers start out, and scientists. My grandfather used to help me take apart radios when I was a kid because that's what he did when he was a kid, and then he'd help me rebuild them. This is important because it's hands on, teaching something, and drives the curiosity to learn - like I said before. Because my grandfather took apart radios as a kid, guess what he could do into his old age? Build a radio, who would've thunk?

You're completely missing the point, and instead just crying about the "PC Police" which doesn't even exist. It's called being more tolerant and not being an asshat to other people's beliefs/skin color/sexual orientation/gender/gender identity. What happened was pretty much racist. If it was an actual bomb scare, the bomb squad would've showed up -- but instead they toss the kid and what they thought was a fucking bomb into the squad car. Is this standard procedure? I hope not, for everyone's safety. When I was in high school there was a bomb threat on the building, the building was evacuated, school was canceled for the day, the police and the fire department showed up, and they swept the entire school.

Everyone wants to make it out like it is cut and dry, it really isn't. Not one of us were there yet we got people screamin racism and all kinds of other shit.

I hear where you are coming from, I just don't think shit is so simple.
If his intention was a hoax, why did he take it to the teacher? Wouldn't you leave it unattended, in a 1/2 open backpack in the cafeteria or something?

I think it's pretty sad that we are so scared of everything now that we are arresting children for clocks. The kid was in handcuffs! Once they made us all take our shoes off at the airport because of that dumbass 'shoe bomber', I knew we were gonna be fucked. Anybody have any stats on how many bombs taking off my shoes have caught? I bet the terrorists love this shit. "Now they are arresting their own children. Fantastic."

I hope by the time these kids grow up, they won't have to worry so much about being shot by police because their cell phone looked like a gun. I hope so, but I doubt it.

You better stop 'hoping' and you better get out there and get active. You've accurately described our country's current state of affairs, but you've neglected to attach the appropriate label.

Allow me;


Thank you for bringing yet another point of confirmation to the debate.
Your premise is completely and utterly wrong and it's such a stupid argument that I balked at it and couldn't help but reply.

The kid took apart a clock, yes, but 1) he's a kid and 2) this shows curiosity. Why is this good? Because he wants to explore, and learn. He wanted to figure out how it works, and this is why the tech sector is praising him: He's showing discovery and innovation. You know, things that we should all praise in the United States rather than slap the cuffs on a little brown kid and take him to jail because what he did "looks like" a bomb. How many other 14 year olds do you know that take apart electronic clocks and reassemble them because they are curious as to how they work? Too few and far between.

In fact, it doesn't even look like a bomb to begin with. Where's the explosive? It's just a bunch of circuit boards and the LED/ screen. There's nothing in the picture that looks like it would detonate to cause an explosion.

This is how most engineers start out, and scientists. My grandfather used to help me take apart radios when I was a kid because that's what he did when he was a kid, and then he'd help me rebuild them. This is important because it's hands on, teaching something, and drives the curiosity to learn - like I said before. Because my grandfather took apart radios as a kid, guess what he could do into his old age? Build a radio, who would've thunk?

You're completely missing the point, and instead just crying about the "PC Police" which doesn't even exist. It's called being more tolerant and not being an asshat to other people's beliefs/skin color/sexual orientation/gender/gender identity. What happened was pretty much racist. If it was an actual bomb scare, the bomb squad would've showed up -- but instead they toss the kid and what they thought was a fucking bomb into the squad car. Is this standard procedure? I hope not, for everyone's safety. When I was in high school there was a bomb threat on the building, the building was evacuated, school was canceled for the day, the police and the fire department showed up, and they swept the entire school.

How is it innovation to take something apart and leave it spread out all over the place?
Prime example of why this kid is probably going to go to MIT and you went to... not MIT. Do yourself a favor, and read the reasons I stated on why taking apart something and reassembling it is important at that age.

How is it innovative again? You keep using words that do not fit the situation and then you are attacking me for not going to MIT. Did you go to MIT? Is that part of the problem?
I been reading your stuff lately, I am worried.

Just start putting data points together for yourself, I won't need to do any convincing.

There's over 60,000 homeless people in New York City alone. Now, Google 'poor doors' in the same city for a stark example of institutionalized classism.

The police in this country kill thousands- THOUSANDS- of American citizens every year, and the 'justice' they face is rather different than ours. We don't have exact numbers because police departments refuse to keep records of them. SERIOUSLY. By contrast, Germany, a country almost half the population of the United States, had just 85 in 2011.

The list is endless...