I can't sex my plants!

Alright guys I got a couple seeds from a friend that breeded his own strain and decided to give grow a shot but I've stumbled with the sexing of the plant.
My plants came out of the roxkwool block I put them in on the 27th of August, and I still can't seem to be able to get a sex.

This beauty is what I call 007



Active Member
Patience my friend. It will show soon enough. I planted mine on the 24th of August and just recently it started showing its pre flower so don't go all crazy just wait for it. When it does show you're gonna be able to tell trust me. I was just like you about a week ago going crazy and being inpatient. You just have to wait some show earlier than other some show later. Good luck with the grow!
Patience my friend. It will show soon enough. I planted mine on the 24th of August and just recently it started showing its pre flower so don't go all crazy just wait for it. When it does show you're gonna be able to tell trust me. I was just like you about a week ago going crazy and being inpatient. You just have to wait some show earlier than other some show later. Good luck with the grow!
Thank you!

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
The stipules are crossed which is a possibility of being female so fingers crossed! I popped mine Aug 16 and all showed last week except one which still hasn't shown but I'm not worried, I enjoy watching them grow.


Well-Known Member
When did you start to flower them? 10/11 days in you should see something, 14 days in you should know. Plus or minus. I don't follow the part about when you popped the seeds, it's when you flip the lights.
When did you start to flower them? 10/11 days in you should see something, 14 days in you should know. Plus or minus. I don't follow the part about when you popped the seeds, it's when you flip the lights.
I can't flip if they're males all my plants would get ruined. I have 4 tents connected out of the same fan without scrubbing the air so if I flower a male I'm fucked.


Well-Known Member
I can't flip if they're males all my plants would get ruined. I have 4 tents connected out of the same fan without scrubbing the air so if I flower a male I'm fucked.
So you mean you took sexing cuts and they don't show? Try putting the cuts on 8 & 16...they'll show quicker. Or 9 & 15. Force the hormones to rise in the dark.


Well-Known Member
I think you may have misunderstood our advice. We are assuming you have took sexing cuts/clones.
If you're doing it to clones and you want to keep them you'd put it in flower, find out sex and then put it back on a veg 18/6 cycle. If your not wanting to keep the sexing cut and it is going in the bin regardless, why would it matter if you're that desparate to find out sex. Otherwise just wait...