Election 2015

It was a brilliant political move on toms part to wait until the last week...

Too little too late, if Tom had it as part of his agenda he should have said so weeks ago and helped push legalization or decrim as an election issue instead of letting the cons slam the libs while they were speaking up about mj and gaining voters.

Even my dad, a hard core conservative and the guy who demonized mj my whole life has come around on mj use and for full legalization.

If even old school hard ass conservatives are saying legalize, just imagine what the rest of the country thinks. Making mj an election issue was the brilliant move, the med patients have conservative voters on their side.
It was a brilliant political move on toms part to wait until the last week...
ummm WHAT? :)

How do you get brilliant when its realized what it is all about in the end!! for a good MAJORITY ...

This "its probably going" BULLSHIT sounds like the CONS on steroids!!
its more truth than Justin throwing around
Justin said LEGALIZATION...Tom said "maybe, someday...but we'll let the cops use pot smokers for an ATM for a while, first " You, I, nor anyone else has any idea what legal would look like in Canada under any PM. I tend to wait until they fail to deliver before I write them off. There is only one party that has promised to end prohibition, and with a likely minority, we have the ability to shape how it plays out. I don't understand those of you that put their irrational hate for someone that has never held office, ahead of ending prohibition....bizarre.

nothing else counts. Unless,

..... you like going to court...losing your house..your kids..your job...etc...
because chris we don't just vote for 1 thing, mj. we vote for everything the party stands for! jt and harpo want to raise script drugs by 60%, the want war, they want nothing for the people, they want greed and power to rule the world. JT has no exp, he is riding on daddies name.
well that don't buy my vote, and yet once again jt say he will legalize, but with no other info?
at least muclair said in all reality the next day decrim and then they will work on full legalization that will not be run by jt and tweed commercial $ grabbers and you a patient that crys over high MJ product costs think that it will be cheap? or have you heard JT say anything about home or personal grows? nope your fucking brain washed and don't see the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you actually think with no idea and plans that JT will just make it legal the next week? wake up dude or buy some tweed weeds so you not so high!
id say 2+ yrs, the jt would get voted out
because chris we don't just vote for 1 thing, mj. we vote for everything the party stands for! jt and harpo want to raise script drugs by 60%, the want war, they want nothing for the people, they want greed and power to rule the world. JT has no exp, he is riding on daddies name.
well that don't buy my vote, and yet once again jt say he will legalize, but with no other info?
at least muclair said in all reality the next day decrim and then they will work on full legalization that will not be run by jt and tweed commercial $ grabbers and you a patient that crys over high MJ product costs think that it will be cheap? or have you heard JT say anything about home or personal grows? nope your fucking brain washed and don't see the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you actually think with no idea and plans that JT will just make it legal the next week? wake up dude or buy some tweed weeds so you not so high!
id say 2+ yrs, the jt would get voted out
I didn't vote on a single issue either. MJ was the issue you were commenting on and I added my two cents. The only ones backing decrim are illegal growers and sellers who are afraid of losing their income. JT has no experience? What does one do to be experienced at being PM before they become PM? Was Mulcair PM of France or someplace before coming here? Any chance you can post a link to where Mulcair said "the next day decrim and then they will work on full legalization that will not be run by jt and tweed commercial $ grabbers"? I heard him say they will decriminalize immediately and STUDY legalization. How is that better than, say, outright legalization? I have no hate on for Mulcair or the NDP, I just think we stand a better chance under Trudeau.

Jon: Let’s talk a little bit about the marijuana issue. You have said that marijuana is infinitely worse than tobacco.

Conservative leader Harper: Yeah, absolutely.

Jon: Where is the proof of that?

Conservative leader Harper: I think you look at… you look at uh… the science on this and not just…

Jon: Can you point to any science?

Conservative leader Harper: Not just on smoking, the health effects look up. Let Health Canada speak on that, the health effects, the medical community tell you, health how the effects of prolonged marijuana use like tobacco, smoking and everything else. You know look, our view is very straightforward. We don’t want to encourage our kids to get into marijuana. You know Mr. Trudeau’s number one priority, legalizing marijuana, making it as available as alcohol and tobacco. I know some people favour that but that is not our approach and that’s not the kind of lifestyle choices we want to see for our young kids.

Jon: He’s… this isn’t a huge priority. He said he would legalize marijuana.

Conservative leader Harper: This was his, this was his…

Jon: It’s happening all around. This has happened in Washington, in Oregon, it’s happening in California.

Conservative leader Harper: Others are doing it. This was his first policy announcement something he was running on over the country. Look, I’ll let him defend it. It’s not the direction we want to go. We want to obviously discourage non-medical use of narcotics. It’s a bad thing for people. We want to have programs that help people who get addictions, but we want to continue to crack down on people who sell substances that ruin people’s lives.

Jon: There are pot dispensaries as you know…

Conservative leader Harper: Yeah.

Jon: They popped up all over Vancouver, all over this area. They don’t seem to be going away and…

Conservative leader Harper: Well as you know, the RCMP and others are looking at those operations.

Jon: That’s my question. Are you going to send the RCMP to shut these places down?

Conservative leader Harper: Well, I’m not going to send them in but as you know, the Health Canada, RCMP and others, they have responsibilities under the law. They’ll certainly make sure that laws are being respected.

Jon: Are you not completely out of touch on this issue? Do you… the polls that I see across Canada indicates the Canadians have no problem with the legalization of marijuana? Are you stuck in another era?

Conservative leader Harper: I think the polls Jon are a little more mixed on that. I think what you know kind of all parents understand is nobody wants to see their kids get into marijuana and other narcotics and that’s something we want to…

Jon: And nobody wants to see their kids go to jail for walking around with a little pot in their pocket.

Conservative leader Harper: They don’t. We all know that. We all know that. You don’t go to jail for having a joint but if you become a trafficker of drugs and we know what the drug world; it’s guns, gangs, and crime, we want to crack down on that kind of behavior that obviously causes a lot of violence but also destroys people’s lives.

Jon: Does it… isn’t it true though that if you legalize it, you take it out of the hands of the guns and the gangs and the problems as we see here in Surrey and other places all the time?

Conservative leader Harper: You know what, the drug business isn’t driven primarily by marijuana now. We’re also putting in resources, RCMP to deal with the growth of meth labs and synthetic drug products. I mean look, this is never going to be a business that is about creating addictions and wrecking people’s lives. It’s never going to be a respectable business. These things you know, like I said Jon, the reason drugs are illegal is because they’re bad. They’re not bad because they’re illegal. They’re illegal because they’re bad. They destroy lives and what’s what we want to avoid.

Jon: Well again, I have to press you on -

Conservative leader Harper: I think we’re gonna have to agree to disagree.

Jon: Where is the research? Where is the proof? I mean you said infinitely worse than tobacco and your press secretary is trying to wrap this up.

Conservative leader Harper: I can direct it up at Health Canada.

Jon: Can you please?

Conservative leader Harper: Lots of studies that indicate all kinds of negative effects. Do you want to see your children using marijuana regularly?

Jon: My children are all adults and I leave it in their hands to make those decisions as adults.

Conservative leader Harper: Do you think it’s a good thing for them?

Jon: I don’t know whether it’s good or not. I know that it isn’t any worse than going home and having a drink of scotch or a glass of wine after work. I know that as much.

Conservative leader Harper: As I say, I think the health studies are pretty clear that the effects are bad. Well, we have to agree to disagree on that.
that is ridiculous, to put it midly...
they guys a blithering idiot, always has been....and the fucks who voted for him and had the wool pulled over their eyes are now realizing that!!!...ALL OLD CONS have given up on OLD DUMB STEVO!

Looks awesome on him too.. To be known as the WORST PRIME MINISTER in Canadian History. :lol: Friggin Awesome deal Steveo You're king!!! Congrats!!!
they guys a blithering idiot, always has been....and the fucks who voted for him and had the wool pulled over their eyes are now realizing that!!!...ALL OLD CONS have given up on OLD DUMB STEVO!

Looks awesome on him too.. To be known as the WORST PRIME MINISTER in Canadian History. :lol: Friggin Awesome deal Steveo You're king!!! Congrats!!!
He summed up his retardedness quite nicely.
I voted ndp for the simple reason that I don't believe that justin timberlake has my best interests at heart, and if me and my friends all owned stock in an LP and we had decision making power, ala jt,
we could make ourselves millionaires on the rec market with one swipe of the pen.
Irregardless of that, I am a med patient and have my doctors blessing to continue on as I am.

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This new INDUSTRY has to start now!!! whats possible is ENDLESS!!!!!

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All very possible.

most just DONT KNOW ENOUGH!!!!

It's knowledge people...Push it forwards!!!