I'm voting for McCain....


Well-Known Member
very diff views but all the best and a :joint: 4 u lol share with the rest a the r crowd quietly hahaha....... :peace::blsmoke: :joint:


New Member
I'm a product of our public schools, i'm a registered Dem. and i work commission sales. I must be like a White Buffalo. I make my own damn money! But they still tax my labor to pay for our dumbass pres. war! Thats not right.
Well all that means is that you've been misdirected. Hang out here long enough and we will set you right. :mrgreen:


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Well all that means is that you've been misdirected. Hang out here long enough and we will set you right. :mrgreen:

I won't lie, reading your and CC's post have made me think a little diff. but there are still some things.... . . . . .just some things VI:bigjoint:

:peace: ~~TLB


New Member
Most working families today do not have homes that have anywhere near ten rooms. John McCain has ten houses. Many working people in America have to work two and three jobs to provide for their families and pay their car loans. John McCain hops on a private jet. Is it any wonder why McCain champions a George Bush agenda of cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy, helping oil companies turn record profits, and leaving working families to fend for themselves? McCain's velvet world leaves him utterly unprepared to make the tough choices we need to restore the middle class and ensure that everyone in America has quality, affordable health insurance...

John McCain is soaring to new heights of hypocrisy on his wife's personal jet. He flies around the country bent on duping the public into believing he's "one of them," a regular guy who can empathize with Americans facing an overwhelming economic crush. What's more, he disparages those who oppose his ridiculous policy proposals as "elitist." But who's the real elitist? The REAL McCain is a multimillionaire who owns ten luxurious homes. The REAL McCain backs President Bush's tax cuts for big corporations. The REAL McCain empathizes only with the interests of our nation's wealthy minority, not its money-strapped majority. But far too many are buying into McCain's deceit because the corporate press won't present the whole picture...............................;)


Active Member
Don't really care too much for either of the two main candidates. Both pure politicios', and neither one really has anyones best interest at heart but their own, and that of their backers. When we have a choice of persons who are truly of good character, and think mainly of the welfare of the citizens of the US, then I'll start getting excited about things again. Anyone for cloning another Washington?


New Member
Don't really care too much for either of the two main candidates. Both pure politicios', and neither one really has anyones best interest at heart but their own, and that of their backers. When we have a choice of persons who are truly of good character, and think mainly of the welfare of the citizens of the US, then I'll start getting excited about things again. Anyone for cloning another Washington?
I thought McCain was Washington...he has the wooden teeth....


Well-Known Member
Wow... dont care about us???? maybe youre right...but you need some concrete evidence or some sources to back up that arguement....regardless of who wins..the prez is only one person...however i think obama is the only one who could probly bring change to Washington....why ....i dont really know..im just using my judgement like you.....