How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

You are stalking and reveling private information on members of this forum.
That is patently against the TOS & I don't give a fuck whom your jihad is against or how righteous you feel doing it.

You are making members uncomfortable about their personal security wondering if they might be next on your vendetta list.

Knock it off !

Nobody is safe here as long as Buck is allowed to act this way with impunity.

Thanks, though, for the little slap at Buck's snitchery. That is really much more than I expected.

Doxing is a new term for me. Thanks for that!
Nobody is safe here as long as Buck is allowed to act this way with impunity.

Thanks, though, for the little slap at Buck's snitchery. That is really much more than I expected.

Doxing is a new term for me. Thanks for that!

everyone is safe here, except cops like you, and white supremacists like you.

and how could it be snitching since you claim it isn't you?

derp dee der, you are dumb. even for a cop, or a white supremacist, or both.
everyone is safe here, except cops like you, and white supremacists like you.

and how could it be snitching since you claim it isn't you?

derp dee der, you are dumb. even for a cop, or a white supremacist, or both.

Nobody gave you the right to determine who is a white supremacist, and who isn't.
From NPR this morning, in an article about California Governor Jerry Brown signing a law that automatically registers citizens to vote and updates their address if necessary when they obtain or renew their drivers license;

6.6 million Californians eligible to vote did not do so in the last election. That's more than the entire population of Colorado! ...and many other states.

No wonder we're turning fascist! Somehow, this country has decoupled actually voting from the idea that we're a democracy... WTF?!
From NPR this morning, in an article about California Governor Jerry Brown signing a law that automatically registers citizens to vote and updates their address if necessary when they obtain or renew their drivers license;

6.6 million Californians eligible to vote did not do so in the last election. That's more than the entire population of Colorado! ...and many other states.

No wonder we're turning fascist! Somehow, this country has decoupled actually voting from the idea that we're a democracy... WTF?!

The best thing that many people can do is not vote. If you are clueless about the candidate, or the issues then voting is no different than playing the lottery. You might just as well close your eyes and push a random button, or ask you crazy uncle Waldo who to vote for.

If you just don't give a shit, then why waste the energy to vote. If every candidate is a steaming pile of shit, then the best vote is no vote at all.

If you are in bed with a particular political party, then just let them cast a proxy vote for you. That's what they do in Chicago.

"You" in this context is the royal "you", and does not refer to ttystkk.
You are stalking and reveling private information on members of this forum.
That is patently against the TOS & I don't give a fuck whom your jihad is against or how righteous you feel doing it.

You are making members uncomfortable about their personal security wondering if they might be next on your vendetta list.

Knock it off !

Does anyone who frequents the cesspool of RIU...(Politics), believe that a right leaning member could get away with the behavior exhibited by the Merry Buckster?
Nope, they would be perma-banned in a nanosecond!
For some strange reason, the apparently sociopathic UBuck has received special dispensation from on high.
I am glad to finally see his mean spirited, malicious antics taken to task.

Will he now follow the rules so that I can take him off ignore?

Probably not.
So sad.
It would be a start.
As it is now, I'm probably paying way more per dollar than the uber's.
A new political party that started here in the last year proposes a flat 15% with no bullshit deductions.

Considering the lower rate band (we have two tax bands depending on earnings) started at 20%, I think everyone would win.
only if we could account for all wealth, which would be impossible.

That's like accounting for all gun ownership by law abiding citizens who are busy trying to protect themselves and improve their standard of living.

Bottom line, it's none of your fuckin' business. :hump:

Isn't time you gave up the pity party and EARN your own way?