GroErr Grows...


Well-Known Member
Camshot of the flower room at Day 30. They're looking healthy, colas are filling in, the 315w is covering well, side/lower buds are a decent size. 3 phenos of Blue Ripper, 2x 2gal and 2x 5gal. There's a small 1gal for seeding in the top-left corner which is almost ready pollinate...

Flower Room Day30-1.jpg

Cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Shot of the Blue Ripper outdoor buds early morning yesterday when I was watering. They're fading quick now, more or less ripe, let's call it early ripe. I'll be pulling them this weekend, I was out and my GF had to get the neighbour to chase away some teens hanging out behind our properties today. Don't want to chance a rip at this point, first frost this morning (-1C, had to scrape ice off my windshield!), and we have a lot of rain in the forecast for the next couple of weeks. A little early is better than mould or being ripped!

Very pleased with the outcome as this was the first generation outdoor for this cross and it did very well, resistant to PM, didn't have to spray them for any sort of bugs, early flowering and good finish time for this area... Oh yeah, forgot what looks like ~1.5 lb. yield off 2x 10gal plants - lol


Cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Pulled the 2x 10gal outdoor Blue Ripper's into the garage for the night and got some pics, one more day of sun tomorrow and they'll get hung. 129 days outdoor and about 4 weeks from flowering clones indoor, couple of FIMs, some super-cropping, lots of sun and heat, good season. Looking like a nice haul and they're covered in frost, got some flash shots that show how ripe they are. Some heavy colas in there, solid buds, they're going to pull some weight.

Cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
And now, back to regularly scheduled indoor programming. Busy time in the cycles, couple of indoors to trim, outdoor to dry and a new cycle in the flower room.

Put 4x 5gal in last night, 2x Blue Ripper, 1x JTR, and 1x Blue Pyramid. They were more than ready to flip and should do well. The Blue Pyramid I'm considering a bonus run as I didn't think it would recover well enough to flower but got 3x clones off it and it's looking good. Timing wise temps should be nice and cold by the time this BP finishes and produce some nice purple buds of hash :)

The first batch is Day 34 or 5 weeks and fattening up the colas. Buds are getting sticky but noticed the BR Pheno 1 has way more frost (flash shot) than either of the other two phenos in 2gal. Threw in a pic of a pollinated bud that's developing well and showing some bumps already, should get a nice bounty of F2's in addition to some smoking bud :)

The new batch, all of these stretch similar and should end up close in height to the back batch in 2 weeks or so. Expecting around 3.5 x 3.5 x 3'H footprint once these stretch into place.

The gang, room will be full capacity in a couple of weeks:

A regular bud and pollinated bud (2nd pic) of the Day 34 girls:

Cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Beautiful happy plants, nothing but perfection as usual GroErr :clap:
Cheers and thanks Bob, keep the girls happy and reap the rewards I always say ;) Your garden's looking stellar as always, looks like some harvests coming up in there, enjoy :)

Hope you're well enough to enjoy the ski season, think I saw you mention some snow up in the mountains already. Also noticed you were looking to setup some blu-mats, that should help keep the girls happy when you go on your ski binges :) Have another month at least here but got my season pass ready to go. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Updates from the flower room. Lots of activity in there right now. All the plants have some branches pollinated to get a range of F1/F2 seeds from the JTR x Blueberry (Blue Ripper) phenos on the go. Day 38 for the Blue Ripper's at the back and Day 4 for the new batch at front which is 2x Blue Ripper, 1x JTR, and 1x Blue Pyramid all in 5gal pots. New batch is stretching already and will catch up, possibly surpass the flowering batch when they finish the stretch..


Good reminder to take clones from every pheno when hunting (have at least one from each pheno, including the male so I can keep producing pollen if it turns out well). You never know how they're going to turn out in the end. Case in point, I'd labeled 3 seedlings Pheno's 1/2/3 in order of preference of what they looked like, growth patterns and smell through veg (Pheno 2 ended up being the male, 2 others got culled early, finalists were P1 and P3, P2 male was flowered for pollen). As they've progressed getting close to week 6 in flowering, Pheno 3 is now looking and smelling like the champ vs. Pheno 1, P3 had almost zero smell in veg. The smell on P3 is now stronger than P1, and the frost building on P3 may even surpass my original BR1 P1 cut I've been running for a few months. P3 is a shorter pheno (it's on a stool to even the canopy) but the buds are larger/fatter, more side-branching, and it will likely produce more than P1 in the end. Neither of the phenos from seed had any training to see what the natural plant structure did on it's own. Some bud/frost pics below of both my original BR1/P1 and the new BR2/P3 @day 38.

Original cloned BR1-P1 bud:

New pheno BR2-P3 from seed bud:

I had a small 1gal BR1-P1 flowering and waiting for the buds to be ready to pollinate. Whole plant was pollinated @day 20 a few days ago and looks like it took well. This one will produce many F2's of the original cross to hunt through and carry on this project :)


Finally a pic of the Blue Pyramid after 4 days of 12/12. It stretches a lot and will end up above the rest in height I think. I love this plant every time I flower it. It's a unique plant structure and could blend into an outdoor garden, many would have no clue it's a pot plant, at least until it starts flowering/smelling ;) If you zoom in on any of the colas/branches you'll see that the stems and leaf stems are all a dark purple, this is the case right through veg as well, nothing to do with flowering. Cool plant, it likes to pray with the leaves standing almost straight up. Will be hitting a bud or two with some Blue Ripper pollen just for fun and to see what comes out of the cross. Blue Pyramid is fire, tastes, looks, and smells like hash nugs. But it's not a huge producer, 2 - 2.5 zips is a good haul from this one in 5gal, perhaps with the infusion of the Blue Ripper bud production?? We'll see in a few months ;) Notice the squared-off leaves on every cola coming up, those are the FIM's that generate those leaves, very noticeable on these larger indica leaves.

Cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Some Day 41 frost last night, 6 weeks today for these, 12-14 days or so, may leave them a bit longer to make sure the seeded branches mature. This Blue Ripper pheno 3 is frosting up and smelling nice, but the original pheno 1 clone is still kicking it's ass.

Other thing I've noticed is that Pheno 1 from clone buds are more dense. Pheno 3's aren't fluffy but definitely not as dense.

Pheno 1 F1 clone:

Pheno 3 F1 from seed:

Cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Some shots from the flower room, Day 43 & Day 9, getting packed in there. 10-12 days left for the first batch, all are putting on some weight. Had to put some stakes in the one 5gal or the colas would be on the floor :) Newer batch is stretching into place, should end up ~3.5 x 3.5' and even up the canopy by next weekend.


Cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
So perfect! Which one is smelliest?
Thanks Mo :) First pic, first flowering plant on right, it's the BR2 Pheno1 from seed in 2gal. Smelling like rotting fruit now. This is the one that's been smelling strong right through veg, Pheno 3 right behind it was smelling stronger but when I went in last night to water that pheno 1 was stinking up the room. Should be some dank smoke, just not crazy about the bud density on P1 but still 10 days or so left, should tighten up a bit. Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Getting close on the first batch, Day 49, will leave them in there until next weekend to make sure the seeded branches are mature. Very excited to hunt through some F2's and try that new pheno with the rotting fruit smell. It's a good thing I have to go through 2 doors to get into the flower room or the whole house would stink at this stage ;)

Second batch is at Day 15 in the pics and they're all coming up strong. Buds are setting in and they're almost done the stretch, expect another 2-3" in height this week and they should settle into building flowers. Mid week JTR in this batch will get one branch hit with some Blue Ripper pollen for some BX seeds, and I'll hit a couple of buds of Blue Pyramid buds just for fun :D

Some shots of the overall room and focus on each batch, newer one is hitting 3.5 x 3.5'...

Got some flash/frost shots of the 3 Blue Ripper phenos. All 3 have decent frost but you can see the bud structure and frost from the original BR1/Pheno1 clone is just awesome in comparison to the other 2. Much more dense buds and smothered in frost. The BR2 phenos are the new one's from seed, BR1 is the original Pheno 1 from clone...




Cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Veg, seeds and clones coming up in the cabinet and tent, pics are from Friday night. Next round will run 5x 3gal in the veg tent, first run of smaller plants in a while, need some Harlequin (2x) meds, likely the last run of Blue Dream's (2), plus 1x JTR. Have another 6 weeks to veg the smaller 1gal pants in the cabinet but haven't decided how I'll run those yet, likely 2x large one's 7gal and I may run the balance sooner in the LED tent which has been down for a while. Also have what looks like 3 out of 5 Fireball regs germinating.

Cabinet has the following:
2x Fire OG seedlings in cups
3x PPP x Blueberry F2 seedlings in cups, one looks like the pheno I'm looking for (pain in the ass until it gets big enough to feed but fire pheno)
2x Blue Ripper2 Pheno 1 clones in 1gal
1x Blue Ripper2 Pheno 3 clone in 1gal
1x Blue Ripper 1/P1 clone
1x Blue Ripper male clone, keeping it going until I see what comes out from the F2's


Veg tent, will flower in 1-2 weeks, just FIM'd so whenever they recover they'll get flipped:
2x Blue Dream's (left)
2x Harlequin's (center)
1x JTR (far right)


Cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What breeder is the blue dream?
Hey @redi jedi, that an HSO fem seed (they only sell fems) and I was impressed with the quality and yield. I may end up dropping it as I can only keep so many strains/phenos going and I have a couple of my own crosses that can produce just as well but they have more punch. Nice quality, good taste/smell, real crowd pleaser. Cheers...


Well-Known Member
The babies look amazing! I like BLue Dream because it doesn't knock me out.

I am not sure what this is going to do:
