First Thread, First grow, almost finished need a little help. Green poison, 200w CFL closet grow

Peak time for harvest by looking at trichromes?

  • clear - white trichromes

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New Member
Hey guys and gals, right lets get to it! i started 3x Royal seeds speedy chile fast version - which is a Green poison crossed with a chile indica mother, its 70% indica 30% sativa. Anyways here is where i'm at!

Started from seed 5 weeks veg on a window sill then put into a closet with only 100watts of cfl.
I increased the wattage of the cfl's (2700k red spectrum 20watt cfls) from 100 actual watts up to 200 actual watts meaning i have 10x 20w CFL's over the 3 plants in a 3 ft squared space, this was a couple weeks after starting the flowering cycle. (there is much more height in wardrobe, however I've kept plants fairly small with low stress training and tying due to weak penetration of CFL's)

I got 2 pots in my 17inch(L) x 24inch(W) wardrobe, one has 2 plants in it and one has 1 plant in it, i did this as a kind of experiment for myself to see if i would yield more dry weight from putting say 2 plants in 1 pot, as opposed to 1 plant in 1 pot.

I've been using canna coco- a + b from start fairly strong dose about 8ml of each per 2 litres of water with 3-5ml of cannaboost. as soon as first flowers started i used pk13/14 a few times spaced up til now, last time was about a week and a half ago after weening off of the A+B by lowering dosage. Have only been giving them water since then no boost no nutes just water.

The leafs on the plant appear very dark green and only a few leafs on the very bottom are starting to turn yellow and die off is this because i gave them to much nitrogen you think? input here would be helpful.
I havent been monitoring temperature or PH, i have only been using tap water. The medium i'm growing in is a 40%coco 60%peat Tropic mix - Medium strength. I lined the walls with common alluminium foil wrapped around large pieces of cardboard and taped flat as to reduce creases, i am also using a couple of 'beer can diy reflectors' for my cfls lol. Along with a large tin foil/cardboard reflector above the lights just to bounce back all the light escaping above the plants!

Anyway my question is on the site i got my seeds from it says this strain should finish at 6 weeks flowering, i know this is only a guideline just lookin for a bit of input. I was expecting to be harvesting in a couple of days. Only thing is yesterday i noticed allot of new white pistils coming out of the tops of the main colas and there is a substantial swelling in the calyxes. I'm not sure if it is ripe enough to harvest yet. i will upload some pictures to show you guys what im talking about. i wanna go for 90%milky trichromes and the other 10% amber and clear as i believe this is a good time to harvest. Tave a look and let me know what you think people. The pics are pretty high definition you can see the trichromes pretty well.

Looking forward to your responses =]

5 weeks 5 days) day 40 of flowering (from showing actual flowers not from switching to 12/12)
(supposed to be finished in a couple days ?? i dont think so what do you think?)
20151012_212250.jpg 20151012_212254.jpg 20151012_212313.jpg 20151012_212334.jpg 20151012_212340.jpg 20151012_212350.jpg 20151012_212416.jpg 20151012_212420.jpg


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Well-Known Member
Things look good...two things, get a magnifier like this one,

And read this on the harvest... the site has some great info and some really experience growers, but its up to you as you are the one really seeing it... from the pic's I think you have a little time... but read this it can help...

Good things come to those that wait and have patience... bongsmilie

It looks good, sure you will enjoy!


New Member
Thanks for the advice mount and thanks for the reply =] ! a couple of things i was wondering, if you look at the last pic i uploaded, the pistils at the top of the bud are white, they literally popped out yesterday! does this indicate a spurt of new growth? also do you think the plant is really dark green looking? I'm thinking the leaves look really healthy and dark green, could this be due to high amounts of nitrogen through the start of flowering? i mean i know red stems on leafs normally means to much N right? or is it normal towards harvest time for leaf stems to turn red? as i said this is my first grow, everything i know is from my love for the herb and allot of research - nothing better than advice from fellow gardeners however! im still unsure if those trichromes look clear, milky or a mixture !! can't see any amber trichromes there can you?


Well-Known Member
Pistils are a reproductive organ for females. They want to create life to continue a generation so they will always explode pistils. Although later in flowering most, if not all, will recede into the bud or slow down in production because they failed to get pollinated by male pollen. I borrowed part of the above from YungMoolaBaby in a post in Jan of 2010 which I also believe. So, watch her closely and pay attention to the trichomes. The article I sent you a link on gives you an idea of what to look for in the trichomes for the type of high you like...

From the pictures the leaves look pretty green, but it is tough to really judge from a picture. The plant can use nitrogen throughout the process, just maybe a little less in flower. Red petioles and stems are a normal, genetic characteristic for many varieties, plus it can also be a co-symptom of N, K, and Mg-deficiencies.

I did not see any amber in the pictures and it is hard to tell if they are translucent or milky, thats why I suggested the magnifier or a good digital camera that can take really good close up pictures and maybe has a macro lens.

There are a lot more experienced gardeners here for sure, I only have one small outdoor grow under my belt and am in the midst of my first indoor grow myself. The site has a lot of good info, just takes time to read through it.


Well-Known Member
Wow these are awesome, I guess by looking at your lovely buds, my 300w CFL will be just fine. Seems people are bashing CFLs, but yours clearly did well. It puts my mind at ease :)

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Nice looking lady's for sure in last week's all sorts of deffs will appear because of no food given just water don't worry too much as for the green it will soon dissappear and all turn lighter because it's it's pushing for flowering. Stick with just water and try and get a good 30% run off every time you water em for next how ever long your keeping your plant going, that will save you to flush or leach for hours lol and the advice by (mount) is pritty good,... good luck and really nice for CFL


New Member
Thanks for comments guys, i'm expecting to yield a couple of ounces between the 2 pots which is reasonable you think?

@TheLemon make sure you let your light penetrate as much as it can with a little bit of pruning the fan leaves that shade allot of the lower plant along with a little bit of low stress training and tying. i found this helped substantially with yield and penetration from CFLS. Are you just using 1 300w cfl or is it a mixture of small ones? i'm fairly sure the lumens from my bulbs are 1100 each, so i got 11000 lumens over 3ft squared. seems to be working well, only thing is with cfl's anything past a foot or so from the bulb the light loses its efficiency as in the amount the plant receives.

Cheers dudes


Well-Known Member
Thanks for comments guys, i'm expecting to yield a couple of ounces between the 2 pots which is reasonable you think?

@TheLemon make sure you let your light penetrate as much as it can with a little bit of pruning the fan leaves that shade allot of the lower plant along with a little bit of low stress training and tying. i found this helped substantially with yield and penetration from CFLS. Are you just using 1 300w cfl or is it a mixture of small ones? i'm fairly sure the lumens from my bulbs are 1100 each, so i got 11000 lumens over 3ft squared. seems to be working well, only thing is with cfl's anything past a foot or so from the bulb the light loses its efficiency as in the amount the plant receives.

Cheers dudes
Any smokable bud on a first grow is good in my eyes, although I haven't finished my first yet.

Yeah it's just the 1 CFL red-spec w 8800 lumens (did 1 125w blue in veg), 2 plants 1 big n 1 small, been avoiding LST for so long, but this morning I had no choice and had to tie down my big plant's 2 main stems. I get just a bit more than a foot, but the bigs ones 3 ft + tall so i simply had to tie it down to avoid hurting my small plant. Week 2 in flower, so i hope it goes well.

Well done too, those look awesome.


New Member
i found doing low stress training after a watering helps with the bending, but still be careful work the stem and do your research. i bent my main cola below the set of branches below it and i believe this has helped allot with the amount of light the buds are receiving. i would recomment getting a little bit of side lighting if at all possible, even just a couple of 20w's at the edge would help allot with bud swelling at the middle and bottom sections of the plant.

I mean LST is a big step i didnt like it at first, but after doing allot of research i found it was the best way to maxmise my light efficiency within my grow space. its worth considering look into it bro i'm sure the pros out weigh the cons especially when considering CFL flowering grows.

Kind regards



Well-Known Member
I agree with Labs... forgot to mention the flushing, makes a huge difference I hear in the taste... I did that with my outdoor grow and its curing now, hope to be smoking soon, although I did already try one of the popcorn buds and it tastes ok and does a good job, more heady... make sure to read about harvesting and curing...


Well-Known Member
i found doing low stress training after a watering helps with the bending, but still be careful work the stem and do your research. i bent my main cola below the set of branches below it and i believe this has helped allot with the amount of light the buds are receiving. i would recomment getting a little bit of side lighting if at all possible, even just a couple of 20w's at the edge would help allot with bud swelling at the middle and bottom sections of the plant.

I mean LST is a big step i didnt like it at first, but after doing allot of research i found it was the best way to maxmise my light efficiency within my grow space. its worth considering look into it bro i'm sure the pros out weigh the cons especially when considering CFL flowering grows.

Kind regards
Thanks for that, I did it about 30 mins b4 commenting here and they've already started turning up towards the light, not sure if I lowered them enough, but it'll do for now. I've considered getting some side lights definately.

Also, I am planning to flush 2 weeks before, I've smoked way too much bad tasting weed to know what happens when not flushed.


Well-Known Member
Since posting here last time i no longer believe in flushing, there seems to be no way to rid your plant of the nutrients, the flush just removes salt build up. Finished my first grow almost, i have days to go, and simply watered a bit extra on the last water.

Itzame Mario

Active Member
Since posting here last time i no longer believe in flushing, there seems to be no way to rid your plant of the nutrients, the flush just removes salt build up. Finished my first grow almost, i have days to go, and simply watered a bit extra on the last water.
Certainly a divisive subject for sure around here. Personally I don't flush but if a grower does it's fine with me. Whatever tickles your pickle. My palate isn't good enough to pick up half the tastes people claim anyway. It's pretty much 'tastes like weed' or 'tastes like dirt' to me. :wink:


New Member
I'm in week 8/9 what do you guys think, should I cut her down? She's mostly milky/clowdy and 10% oak/amber color under the loop
And I flushed her in week 7 with ph water 250 ppm 6.3hp (4x the amount of my soil) and can't get under 400 ppm, will my crops taste like chemicals?


Zig-Zag Blue

Well-Known Member
I'm no pro and you might want to get more opinions by more exp.growers but they are looking good .how's your temps between lights out and on? If it is a drastic change and gets cooler on lights off it could cause some reddening of the stems or it could be genetics but i wouldn't worry about it so close to the end ..also i would just go with your cardboard painted a flat white on your next run. i think you will find you will get better reflection than aluminum foil and not have to worry about hot spots.I personally do not flush and haven't had any issues with taste its more about the cure imo. the buds really pack on weight the last few weeks of growing so why starve them those last few weeks, but you will get varied opinions here that's for sure.get your self a scope and watch your trichs and go with what kind of effect you are looking for just try not to get impatient it will be worth it in the long run. read up on curing because you have done well getting them this far and would suck if you messed up the most important part imo. good luck with the rest of your grow.

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals, right lets get to it! i started 3x Royal seeds speedy chile fast version - which is a Green poison crossed with a chile indica mother, its 70% indica 30% sativa. Anyways here is where i'm at!

Started from seed 5 weeks veg on a window sill then put into a closet with only 100watts of cfl.
I increased the wattage of the cfl's (2700k red spectrum 20watt cfls) from 100 actual watts up to 200 actual watts meaning i have 10x 20w CFL's over the 3 plants in a 3 ft squared space, this was a couple weeks after starting the flowering cycle. (there is much more height in wardrobe, however I've kept plants fairly small with low stress training and tying due to weak penetration of CFL's)

I got 2 pots in my 17inch(L) x 24inch(W) wardrobe, one has 2 plants in it and one has 1 plant in it, i did this as a kind of experiment for myself to see if i would yield more dry weight from putting say 2 plants in 1 pot, as opposed to 1 plant in 1 pot.

I've been using canna coco- a + b from start fairly strong dose about 8ml of each per 2 litres of water with 3-5ml of cannaboost. as soon as first flowers started i used pk13/14 a few times spaced up til now, last time was about a week and a half ago after weening off of the A+B by lowering dosage. Have only been giving them water since then no boost no nutes just water.

The leafs on the plant appear very dark green and only a few leafs on the very bottom are starting to turn yellow and die off is this because i gave them to much nitrogen you think? input here would be helpful.
I havent been monitoring temperature or PH, i have only been using tap water. The medium i'm growing in is a 40%coco 60%peat Tropic mix - Medium strength. I lined the walls with common alluminium foil wrapped around large pieces of cardboard and taped flat as to reduce creases, i am also using a couple of 'beer can diy reflectors' for my cfls lol. Along with a large tin foil/cardboard reflector above the lights just to bounce back all the light escaping above the plants!

Anyway my question is on the site i got my seeds from it says this strain should finish at 6 weeks flowering, i know this is only a guideline just lookin for a bit of input. I was expecting to be harvesting in a couple of days. Only thing is yesterday i noticed allot of new white pistils coming out of the tops of the main colas and there is a substantial swelling in the calyxes. I'm not sure if it is ripe enough to harvest yet. i will upload some pictures to show you guys what im talking about. i wanna go for 90%milky trichromes and the other 10% amber and clear as i believe this is a good time to harvest. Tave a look and let me know what you think people. The pics are pretty high definition you can see the trichromes pretty well.

Looking forward to your responses =]

5 weeks 5 days) day 40 of flowering (from showing actual flowers not from switching to 12/12)
(supposed to be finished in a couple days ?? i dont think so what do you think?)
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That's really impressive for CFL's!