Newbe trying to grow um some oyster mushies


New Member
I bought a deluxe kit from Midwest grow kits( never again from them) that's a different story though. I could use some direction and or advice.i bought the deluxe kit also two 3 pound 5 grain rye bags I already inoculated them I also bought 2) 5 pound bags of their sterile casing, my ? Is what next? Do I mix 3/4 of the casing and rye (after fully colonized) bags together and spread evenly across the bottom of the incubator (tub) and then spread a thin layer of casing evenly over that? Do I need the perlite at all for this? Any help would be appreciated


Make sure they don't dry out. Once a week or when the outer bark dries, water them good.
I think plain vermiculite hot water pasteurized will case Oysters?
Most of the peat moss you buy already has trich in it and is why peat casings go green so much.
love Oysters and lions mane yum!