Who's that Pokemon?!


Active Member
So I've been dealing with this pest since I started growing I'm starting to think it's in the actual soil from the bag. Is this fungus gnat or? Not sure if any of you can tell by the picture since they're so small. image.jpeg
I've had some similar bugs flying around my soil stash, is your soil normal store bought stuff? I was sure that's where they were coming from.
I've had some similar bugs flying around my soil stash, is your soil normal store bought stuff? I was sure that's where they were coming from.
Yes, store bought. As soon as I opened the bag I put my hand in took a fist full and examined it. I saw little flyers coming out.. Just don't know what bug it is.
They look like the same as what I have, maybe a bit bigger, from the pic I've seen and the fact that my soil was also store bought, I would say fungus gnats, but that's just cause i can't think of anything else they can be... Get some odorless yellow fly catchers and some play sand for the top of your soil to kill larve, just to be safe ofc.
Was your bag sealed when you bought it? That's where the root of your problem is...don't buy anything unsealed for growing cannabis...NoBueno
Mosquito Dunk or bits is what I use, that usually kills Off my gnats and their larvae if the soil I buy ends up having them in it. And use the sticky tape stuff to get the ones flying around.
Looks like fungus gnat. I had that problem once.
Wow, almost made me waste a perfectly good meal... Shouldn't that be replaced?

Yeah that's sick :/
Was your bag sealed when you bought it? That's where the root of your problem is...don't buy anything unsealed for growing cannabis...NoBueno
it was sealed Sunni how they got in there maybe small holes in the bag from transport? It's the natures care organic potting soil.
Was your bag sealed when you bought it? That's where the root of your problem is...don't buy anything unsealed for growing cannabis...NoBueno

Not always true, there has been plenty of times I'll buy ff or some name brand and it's perfectly sealed get home and get a gnat problem. If it's larvae is in the soil when packaged it's there already it happens pretty often with any soil bought.
Not always true, there has been plenty of times I'll buy ff or some name brand and it's perfectly sealed get home and get a gnat problem. If it's larvae is in the soil when packaged it's there already it happens pretty often with any soil bought.
That's what I was thinking. I've been using hydrogen peroxide seems to be working so far.. 1:4 hp to water ratio
Not always true, there has been plenty of times I'll buy ff or some name brand and it's perfectly sealed get home and get a gnat problem. If it's larvae is in the soil when packaged it's there already it happens pretty often with any soil bought.
I didn't say it was fool proof but deff better your chances..but that's why I don't use FF way to uncosistent
You got the right idea with the peroxide, keep using until you don't see them anymore. Get yellow sticky traps for the adults.