AK47, Blue Dream & White Widow Max


Well-Known Member
Well my first shot at indoor is not going so good. So I figure I have enough time left to get a couple more autos off before it gets too cold. Taking the advice I have gotten here, I've switched my soil to an organic mix. I've also switched my germ method to the paper towel. Its still the beginning but I'm off to a better start. I started with 2 each of AK-47, Blue Dream & White Widow Max. All seeds from MNSL. I soaked some paper towels and placed them in ziplocks and put them in a corner of my tent.
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I let them sit for 72 hours and all 6 have popped....
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I put them about 1/2" under soil with the root pointed down. Now sitting under my 1000w MH at 24/0. Lets hope these do better than my first 2 stunted babies....
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Update: 24 hrs since planting 5/6 have broken through the 1/2" of soil.

Thanks tazz... temps would be too cold for me in November but I think with a 1000w light on 24hrs in my little tent I should be safe into December. Right now I keep it open with a fan blowing in to keeps temps in the 80-90 range. If I close the tent now it would hit 100 no problem. I also have a 4" blower sucking air past my light.
One week in and 5 have made it. I damaged one of the white widows during planting. It never broke soil. Only giving water right now. Every 30 hours or so.
Who's mnsl?
Got any pics of the crappy grow?

Just a food for thought kinda statement but to maximize space you could use solo cups with holes poked in the bottem and a baggy on top to hold the humidity. 1:1 vermicastings to peat or coco is a basic seed starter. transplant into your final size from there with very little shock. But if yer newish and practicing keep it up. Iv kiiled plenty of plants of all sorts by messing with seedling roots ha
Who's mnsl?
Got any pics of the crappy grow?

Just a food for thought kinda statement but to maximize space you could use solo cups with holes poked in the bottem and a baggy on top to hold the humidity. 1:1 vermicastings to peat or coco is a basic seed starter. transplant into your final size from there with very little shock. But if yer newish and practicing keep it up. Iv kiiled plenty of plants of all sorts by messing with seedling roots ha

Yea my bad its MSNL. Seedbank I use online. Not sure if I can post a link but easy to find. And for pics of the crappy grow look for my other thread here Auto Berry. Lets just say at 8 weeks my babies are still babies at 12" tall. Budding like mad! But really just MJ plants bonsai style lol... You can also see them in my pic above here. Ive done everything wrong with them! Over water, over temp, over nute, too small of cups for too long.... its a wonder they still give me a little love. This will be my third grow total. I did outdoor a few years back. Ended up with monsters.... indoor is proving to be a bit more of a challenge. Pic below was my outdoor grow.

looking good :) much luck

Don't give up on the last bean dude. You damaged it, so be patient.... :weed:
No its dead... sorry to say... all dried up.

Ha those are awesome. I cloned an auto and thought it would reveg but since it's fall when I put them under the sun they were like oh hey yea lets flower and waste all that root space you devoted for us. They're currently getting ripe and are no bigger than 8-10 inches tall ha. I'll be lucky to get a dried 8th off each. They look cute though.
Are you sure they need water every 30hrs? I water when pots feel light not on a set schedule. I've gone over a week before in larger pots, especially in the early stages. I've got 2 autos in 2g pots that are a month old and just watered them on Friday for the 2nd time for example. They have not shown any signs of lack of water.
Good luck, what breeder are your seeds from?
Lookin good dude... 14 days? Sweet! You are doing something right... :weed:

Are you sure they need water every 30hrs? I water when pots feel light not on a set schedule. I've gone over a week before in larger pots, especially in the early stages. I've got 2 autos in 2g pots that are a month old and just watered them on Friday for the 2nd time for example. They have not shown any signs of lack of water.
Good luck, what breeder are your seeds from?
I use MSNL as a seed bank. Are they also the breeder? If not then I don't know. For water I stick my finger into the soil around 2in deep. If its dry I give them some water. If still wet I wait 5-6 hours and check again. I only give them 1-2 cups of water at a time, I don't soak them down.
Ha those are awesome. I cloned an auto and thought it would reveg but since it's fall when I put them under the sun they were like oh hey yea lets flower and waste all that root space you devoted for us. They're currently getting ripe and are no bigger than 8-10 inches tall ha. I'll be lucky to get a dried 8th off each. They look cute though.
Autos will never reveg
How do I calculate my pot size? They are 10" diameter and 12" deep. If my math is correct I'm just under 2g? Think I may need some bigger pots for next year.
Autos will never reveg
Sure they will. I kept my clones under 18/6 artificial lighting. And took 3-4 out and planted them with the rest of what I wanted in one bed. I had two more that I kept under 18/6 until a week ago. All the cuttings were taken at flowering, lost the flowering and revegged for a month-ish. I chopped the ones I mentioned. Here's one of the runt sized autos dried and then the ones I just planted. Same auto mother! Lst happened like an hour ago. So, they look a little turned around.
How do I calculate my pot size? They are 10" diameter and 12" deep. If my math is correct I'm just under 2g? Think I may need some bigger pots for next year.
That sounds about right but i really dont know the math for pot size. My 2g root pouches are 8.75" tall and 8" in diameter and dont taper. I like fabric pots they seem to work well.
I checked out msnl and seems they are a breeder/ seedbank.
25(Pi)=~ 75in squared
75x12= 900in cubed
900in^3 = 3.8 gallons. Bump up to four due to rounding error of pi.