I can't stop the droop on my girls! Help!


Well-Known Member
just a thought maybe the beginning of the plant being root bound? minus the droop all and all looks healthy...

I was thinking the same thing. but I'm currently in smart pots and I've read that the roots will start to pop out the cloth before it goes root bound.. but I don't notice any roots poking out.. I don't know what the hell it is man. and it's not just the droop of these plants these are the only two showing what I think is defeciencies. yellowing and burning leaves. pests eating and sucking my fan leaves dry. some look variegated.. but knowing my luck it isn't just variegation occuring.


Well-Known Member
hinch the start of them getting root bound I'm thinking she gonna be soon just my opion if ya can roll down the fabric nice slow and even as possible like if you were gonna transplant see if u can see if the roots aare starting to or are spirialing around


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing. but I'm currently in smart pots and I've read that the roots will start to pop out the cloth before it goes root bound.. but I don't notice any roots poking out.. I don't know what the hell it is man. and it's not just the droop of these plants these are the only two showing what I think is defeciencies. yellowing and burning leaves. pests eating and sucking my fan leaves dry. some look variegated.. but knowing my luck it isn't just variegation occuring.
if it is root bound or getting bound you will begin to see defiecencies because the roots cant and aren't taking up the appropreiate nutrients in my opinion


Well-Known Member
this is what I got home to today.

idk what the fuck is happening? nitrogen defeciency? I assume the droop during the day was my warning.. could it be a lockout? I have a super soil and people said my mix was hot so I don't know why I would be seeing this..

20151009_145257.jpg 20151009_145300.jpg 20151009_145307.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ileaning towards root bound still I really not seeing soil being to hot for you don't have burnt tips the ones that are browed are from a defiency maybe multiple deficiencies id check the roots if anything to rule that out id try rolling fabric down a touch to catch a peek at roots


Well-Known Member
I have 4 NLs going and 2 are perky and praying to the good ol sun. and the other 2 aren't. they droop real heavy at night and droop not as heavy during daylight. but not praying for sure.

I want them to look healthy and be healthy and I don't think they are with this happening. I posted a while ago about this happening and people said it could be my micro life being dormant or not doing there job by breaking down the food into a form my roots can uptake. So I top dressed with ewcs the other day to see if that would help and it hasn't. what else could it be if it isn't my micro life?

here are some pics..
first my perky girls

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now my sad girls.. help me get them praying again.

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Great looking kids you have there.
I had a school last season in the back pasture and some hot days I watered the plants 3 times a day.
Between the morning watering and the afternoon watering the leaf main stem would be fallen...with in 1 hour the stem would be pointing straight out as it should be,or even to the sky like you say.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what people are looking at that say they look fine because they don't. They're yellowing out and gonna drop leaves like a Pennsylvania autumn. I think whatever your soil mix is is jacked in such a way that the plants dont like it. If you dont figure that out soon I'd transplant them into a fresh medium before your looking at just the stem some morning.
Are you sure your soil mix had sufficient amount of N ?


Well-Known Member
Great looking kids you have there.
I had a school last season in the back pasture and some hot days I watered the plants 3 times a day.
Between the morning watering and the afternoon watering the leaf main stem would be fallen...with in 1 hour the stem would be pointing straight out as it should be,or even to the sky like you say.
it went to sleep at night and never fully woke up again.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what people are looking at that say they look fine because they don't. They're yellowing out and gonna drop leaves like a Pennsylvania autumn. I think whatever your soil mix is is jacked in such a way that the plants dont like it. If you dont figure that out soon I'd transplant them into a fresh medium before your looking at just the stem some morning.
Are you sure your soil mix had sufficient amount of N ?
I determined that I had an N deficiency. and I top dressed with a ss I had cooking. anything else you could suggest?

we obviously on the same page with it being am N def.


Well-Known Member
Like cob said....I would be checking EXACTLY wot is in my soil.......until then peeps can only speculate ......it's defo your soil imo.....


Well-Known Member
I see nothing wrong with those plants... if you want perfection, you have the wrong hobby. I've grown some incredible buds that looked far worse over the years. I get similar droop sometimes, comes and goes depending on how hydrated they currently are? And temps. can do that too sometimes. And all outdoor plants droop at night sometimes, ever notice that? They're fine.


Well-Known Member
Oops, was looking at earlier droop pics, didn't see the yellow leaves pic... what's your run off pH?
99% of the time in my experience nute deficiencies are really nute lockout. You flush lately? What kind of nutes do you use?