Exhaust fan off at night?

Hey guys,

Quick question about the ventilation at night in my tent.

Its a small 80cm x 80cm x 180cm tent and I only have 1 seedling in there at the moment under an LED waiting to sprout.

My question is at night time the ambient temperature sits around 21c-24c (70f-75f), so would it be ok for me to leave the extraction fan off for the 6 hours that the light is off? (6" oscillating fan will be on and passive intakes will still be open)

Maybe have it on for 10 minutes every hour or something?

If this is ok, would it be ok to do this for the first 3 weeks or so while there is no smell coming from the plant?

The noise of the extractor fan can be slightly annoying while trying to sleep right next to it so would be nice if i could turn it off during the dark period and knowing my plant will be fine. (Ill have it on a timer to come back on in the morning)

All all help/advice would be appreciated.


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
When it's sleeping it doesn't need that much circulation - Most important when lights are on so they can get some cooling if needed.
My exhaust is on a temp. control... When it gets down to 70 F. off goes the exhust for the night. Two fans on during night, but room is 25X7 with a pop out.

Keep the humidity down so you don't end up getting mildew and fungus!
When it's sleeping it doesn't need that much circulation - Most important when lights are on so they can get some cooling if needed.
My exhaust is on a temp. control... When it gets down to 70 F. off goes the exhust for the night. Two fans on during night, but room is 25X7 with a pop out.
Thats what i want to do Final Phase but I have a small dimmer switch fan controller that makes my fan hum, and ive heard all the fan controllers make your fan hum unless you build a variac?


Well-Known Member
Your plants transpire at night. The humidity shoots up quickly. It is not a good idea to stop venting. You can get make a muffler if it bothers you. I find the noise puts me to sleep like white noise.
Your plants transpire at night. The humidity shoots up quickly. It is not a good idea to stop venting. You can get make a muffler if it bothers you. I find the noise puts me to sleep like white noise.
Would you have a link that shows me how to build one of them mufflers anywhere? thanks