skype group toke up?

or mebbe der offisier is dyslexic?

Oh, I'm so down with this.
Rollin a spliff as we speak - gimme an email adde or phone #, or address complete with 1st name.
Social security # and B-day would be helpful too.

Sounds stoopid don't it. o_O

I'm completely legal (Feds don't care about small fish), but why swim outta the school (of bait)?
Oh, I'm so down with this.
Rollin a spliff as we speak - gimme an email adde or phone #, or address complete with 1st name.
Social security # and B-day would be helpful too.

Sounds stoopid don't it. o_O

I'm completely legal (Feds don't care about small fish), but why swim outta the school (of bait)?
with all this info you better call me on my birthday and sending me flowers is always welcome!
Most of us seem to be so small fry, that a cop or something similar would never waste resources on chatting with still anonymous people on Skype. There's no need for voice or video there, btw, if you don't want to. So.. well, I guess I'm just not american, so I don 't see the danger the same way.

BTW: There are so many other ways we might get caught, that talking on Skype hardly takes priority. But thanks for the copporn lol :p
Most of us seem to be so small fry, that a cop or something similar would never waste resources on chatting with still anonymous people on Skype. There's no need for voice or video there, btw, if you don't want to. So.. well, I guess I'm just not american, so I don 't see the danger the same way.

BTW: There are so many other ways we might get caught, that talking on Skype hardly takes priority. But thanks for the copporn lol :p
no one actually think he's a cop

But at the same time he joined Riu less than a week ago
He's posted like 3 times
We don't know him why the hell would we skype with some random 18 year old
no one actually think he's a cop

But at the same time he joined Riu less than a week ago
He's posted like 3 times
We don't know him why the hell would we skype with some random 18 year old
True enough - I did notice that/those things. Anyhow, just giving some other perspective here. But yeah, in general, I think we start talking in private once we know each other better and actually have something to say, no? :)

I rest my case (unless I get something fun to reply to, lol)

True enough - I did notice that/those things. Anyhow, just giving some other perspective here. But yeah, in general, I think we start talking in private once we know each other better and actually have something to say, no? :)

I rest my case (unless I get something fun to reply to, lol)

And who the fuck are you?