The Irish Growers Thread!

Sure, look it. :D

Oh and only from selfproclaimed breeders who sell them as a new variety. imo every grower and pollen chucker should chuck and share chucks of chucks of chucks in seed and/or clone form. With the lack of competent and able breeders currently in this industry it's a good way to keep the gene pool wide and widely available.
I'd like to extend my offer of seed disposal services to you as well Sats. I know what a hassle it can be to store so many pesky beans.

Thanks Chin, I'm hoping there's a good bit more filling our to do too. I recon there's somewhere between 2 weeks and a month left so with a bit of luck there will be some weight to it. I'm expecting 8 - 10 oz. Anything more than that and I'll get Dyna-Gro tattooed on my butt!

Did the @The Hydroponics Store get back to you about the foliage pro yet? Been reading a bit more about it and I'm keen to try it
Only what was posted earlier in the thread, but that was as much as to say they'd be able to get it from orchidsupplies in the UK thus saving on the shipping. I guess they'd get in a few bottles at once and save on the shipping that way.

I'd recommend it, I'm using 10ml FP and 3.5ml Protekt in 5 litres of rain water at this stage which gives a ppm of about 900 and ph of 6.5 ish. I've added 3ml of MagPro (also DG) this feed but whether it really needs it I'm not too sure.

I'd already bought it all from orchidsupplies by the time it was brought up here, but I'll likely go with Hydroponics Store next time as the shipping was about the same price as the bottle!
Anybody else awake? I'm out in the bus by a Fuckin noisy road near sligo. You forget how quiet the country is until you get closer to a real town.

In other news, I think I'm going to have to cull my seedlings. We're going to be heading back to the uk for a week or more between now and Xmas and I don't see any way to leave plants to fend for themselves while we're gone.
It's no great loss, I'm only happy with the progress of one of them really, but it does seem weird culling 9 plants due to circumstance.

I'll make up for it by putting a roof qube 240 in the loft with the 120 when I get back. Xmas pressie for myself and the west of ireland smokers. :)
Just saw this on donedeal. Gotta say I'm a bit suspicious. It's either the bargain of the century or a pikey scam to relieve you of your money. Like the twat I phoned earlier about a horsebox who said to bring any old car batteries and copper cylinders with me when I went to view it. Stupid cunt. Keep your horsebox. :D
Anybody else awake? I'm out in the bus by a Fuckin noisy road near sligo. You forget how quiet the country is until you get closer to a real town.

In other news, I think I'm going to have to cull my seedlings. We're going to be heading back to the uk for a week or more between now and Xmas and I don't see any way to leave plants to fend for themselves while we're gone...:)
you can easily get 10-14 days vacay without watering seedlings.

a week or so before you travel, up-pot the seedlings into a decent sized container w some aeration but plenty of volume and saturate the container. you'll be surprised how long they'll last without a watering. only moderate light intensity is advisable, like a fluorescent t5. Or, raise a high intensity light waaay-up. if the plants become sizable, you can cover the soil (tape plastic to rim of container to somewhat seal) with Saran-type plastic wrap to slow down evaporation, allowing for a few additional days.
you can easily get 10-14 days vacay without watering seedlings.

a week or so before you travel, up-pot the seedlings into a decent sized container w some aeration but plenty of volume and saturate the container. you'll be surprised how long they'll last without a watering. only moderate light intensity is advisable, like a fluorescent t5. Or, raise a high intensity light waaay-up. if the plants become sizable, you can cover the soil (tape plastic to rim of container to somewhat seal) with Saran-type plastic wrap to slow down evaporation, allowing for a few additional days.
Well I managed a week with the last batch in full flower this year. Can't say it was stress free though....

Trouble is, when we go back to the uk we tend to get caught up in things. Family is spread out, it's essentially a 36 hour drive each way including the ferry.....
If they were healthy and vibrant specimens I'd be mortified. As it is....I dunno. Disappointed a bit maybe?

If I do decide to let them struggle on they can go in 40 litres of dirt in a coal sack. I recon I can get a good 6-8 litres of water soaked into that over a couple of days and I have 2 125w cfls to keep them going.

What kind of a life is that though?!? They were already born disabled, it'd be the cannabis farming equivalent of a Yugoslavian orphanage. And those are rarely happy kids, and they don't make for productive well adjusted adults either!

We'll see. I'll treat them with respect and kindness now, that way if they need euthanasing or adopting out their misery will be short lived. :D
Well I managed a week with the last batch in full flower this year. Can't say it was stress free though....

Trouble is, when we go back to the uk we tend to get caught up in things. Family is spread out, it's essentially a 36 hour drive each way including the ferry.....
If they were healthy and vibrant specimens I'd be mortified. As it is....I dunno. Disappointed a bit maybe?

If I do decide to let them struggle on they can go in 40 litres of dirt in a coal sack. I recon I can get a good 6-8 litres of water soaked into that over a couple of days and I have 2 125w cfls to keep them going.

What kind of a life is that though?!? They were already born disabled, it'd be the cannabis farming equivalent of a Yugoslavian orphanage. And those are rarely happy kids, and they don't make for productive well adjusted adults either!

We'll see. I'll treat them with respect and kindness now, that way if they need euthanasing or adopting out their misery will be short lived. :D

Its tough love. They appreciate you more when your back.:o
Hello All. Havent been around in a while. About to reboot the grow. Delighted to see The Hydroponics Store is now semi local. Its silly but I am so looking forward to getting adapter collar's for my fans to ducting problem. Duct tape is cool an all but I like the solution of a straight to fix.
Plan is for a 6-8 plant grow. Going with the accidents from last plant 2 had naners and seeded plant 1. This grow is from them seeds. Next is to try the self seeded from plant 2.
Got a site ins[ection from rental company this week. Everything is packed away in Dell server boxes so should be cool as grow area looks like nerdville as is.
Also I have a question. I am growing strange bagseed from a common plant. The fact that they cross polinated does this mean that I have F1 seeds, Background is that I got got badly cured, too early grass with a lot of seed. I grew it out and cut early and got semi decent weed with nutjob high. One plant had naners and seeded second plant and itself on lower branches.. My question is the fact that A fertilised B mean I have an f1 and secondly how do I class the self seed of plant B. For the record the the smoke is pretty mental, and I smoke a lot. Early buds were managable, but later were beyond couchlock. Nutjob high and ended up drooling on myself 3 weeks later and still not mature. All advise welcome.
2+1 is prob ok. The self seeded will likely have hermie traits IMO
Early cut wont help the seeds either
Also was the bag seed from hermie in the 1st place. that's gonna be the diff .
Or am I misunderstanding you
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Also I have a question. I am growing strange bagseed from a common plant. The fact that they cross polinated does this mean that I have F1 seeds, Background is that I got got badly cured, too early grass with a lot of seed. I grew it out and cut early and got semi decent weed with nutjob high. One plant had naners and seeded second plant and itself on lower branches.. My question is the fact that A fertilised B mean I have an f1 and secondly how do I class the self seed of plant B. For the record the the smoke is pretty mental, and I smoke a lot. Early buds were managable, but later were beyond couchlock. Nutjob high and ended up drooling on myself 3 weeks later and still not mature. All advise welcome.
Sounds like you've stumbled on some fine genetics! A dribbler no less! Excellent!
Can't help on the f1/f2 classification, that's all a bit too technical for me....

In other news, one of the Rainbow Jones is starting to live up to it's name. The last batch remained firmly green, I think the cold is helping.