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They were really cool with me but i wanna know why this happened to both modules
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LED fanboys are like foreign made bike riders. For some reason they break their necks explaining why they don't ride Harley's and how their Honda is awesome when nobody gives two shits about what they ride but them.
I own two Optic lights, and for the most part like and respect them.
I'm not 100% sure of this -- because their website is not up and I can't confirm -- but I do not believe they have a "bricks and mortar" store. I believe they are completely an Internet based business.
I worked for 10 years in website design and construction, web business strategy consulting, and corporate website management, and if I had a client whose entire business -- all sales and all client communication -- was based on a website, and that website was down without the simplest (let's go old school) "under construction" page, some sign that there is still someone at the wheel... its unfathomable, in my 10 years it just never happened.
Sure, you can have a fuck up for an hour, or a day, or if there is a huge amount of incompetence in your web department, maybe 48 hours. But several days? With a poorly routed redirect? That shows a level of disorganization that is kind of pathetic. Even if you are transferring hosts or changing your primary IP address, you set up mirror sites at the old and new locations... this is a level of clueless I find a bit disturbing. I know 14 year old kids that could handle this situation better.
But I'm not in the market for a new light, and luckily mine are working at the moment, so I have no skin in this game. I hope they work it out, and soon. The only reason I bothered to write this, is in case someone from Optic Lighting is reading this thread.
Asshole analogy.
Caring about what they ride is like caring about what you post.
I like the analogy even after reading it sober. Do you ride a Honda by chance?
So now that's an acceptable answer? Come on guys you gotta tell them they are blowing it, just running the business into the ground! This is a sign these lights are done then right? .... You guys are 2fnmuchI received an email through amazon from someone. They told me the company was sold and they are in the process of transfering servers blah blah blah. Apparently the website will be up in a month...
So now that's an acceptable answer? Come on guys you gotta tell them they are blowing it, just running the business into the ground! This is a sign these lights are done then right? .... You guys are 2fnmuch
So now that's an acceptable answer? Come on guys you gotta tell them they are blowing it, just running the business into the ground! This is a sign these lights are done then right? .... You guys are 2fnmuch
Are you trying to save face now or still digging a hole?
Are those wood shoes from Holland? They look exactly like the pair I bought from a cheese factory on a trip to the 'Dam a few years back.
I just hung my 500w Optic Vero 29 Light about 10 days ago right along side my 1000w HPS..
I wanted to get the best one they made after reading all the positive things re: Optic Lighting and the Vero 29 LED tech from the forums.. so I pulled the trigger and spent the $900.00.
Very happy with her. I'm gonna get another here shortly.
Whats your opinion on the light intensity comparison? How many watts of HPS u think 500watt optic replaces. I personaly believe its a 750watt hps replacement but curious what u think?
Whats your opinion on the light intensity comparison? How many watts of HPS u think 500watt optic replaces. I personaly believe its a 750watt hps replacement but curious what u think?
By any chance u can take a pic with both fixtures to maybe see the intensity on the canopy?
make all the fun you want it's a 1 man band with a home made instrument and he can groove just give it a go and you can chill about Optic lights
Pics or it didn't happen!!!You sure are sensitive. You remind me of this girl that is 14 years younger than me that I had to send packing a few weeks back. She had the body, the skin tone, and what felt like a brand new pussy. I miss that ho but I don't miss her lack of a sense of humor or the way she mined for negativity. Are you a girl?
It's hard to say..before I bought it, I was being told by other folks that there was no way it was going to give me performance of a 1000watt HPS.. even though the manufacturer claims it will outperform one in the designated footprint and recommended distance away from the canopy.
I was almost starting to believe the naysayers and thought to myself.. well maybe it'll be somewhere in performance close to what you are saying around 750 watt... but.. man I gotta say..
The moment I turned this thing on.. I was blown away. Floored with the performance of how bright it was. I had a buddy over who also grows with 1000 watt HID.. and he said ..."Damn that thing is brighter than the 1000 watt," and it does appear to be from just visual observation. I don't own a fancy light meter or anything to test it.. but I will probably pick up some kind of meter to take readings.. because I would like to measure it's performance along different areas of the canopy.
But I do gotta say this.. it is stunning. Can't really say much more than that. It's hard to describe how impressive a light is without data.. but I was shocked, floored. The power and intensity coming off of this thing. It's a remarkable piece of equipment with a big "WOW Factor."
I've seen the KIND and Blackdog upper end models that top out close to $2k... they don't even come close to the same level of amazing, nor did they give me the level of thrill that I experienced when I switched this bad boy on for the first time.
I don't regret buying it for a second. I would love to own 4 of them.