White Widow X Bigbud

Sorry to hear all the bad reviews of this strain. I can only think it's a problem with Herbies breeding, as the plants I have are super heavy. The only qualm I have with WWxBB is it seems they take longer to finish than your typical indica.
I hope I have the same results. Did your plants pack most weight in the last 2 weeks?
Lol yeti. It's funny cuz this is like a déjà vu of what I was complaining about! The smoke is pretty good. The cure went fast. I smoked on day one of drying and my throat almost imploded with pain and harshness... Just a week later, smoother than most weed I've smoked. I got a few 4 footer bongs I smoke regularly but it got me high from just 2 rips of a pipe.

You'll be happy with the final product but not happy with how much time you wasted getting there....

I officially cut down ALL of my wwxbb plants... I only got 3.0 oz dried from those four plants... Absolutely pitiful. I've pulled 5.0 from just one plant before.

It was so pitiful I had 5wwxbb fully grown waiting for flower... I just threw them away... Waiting 14 weeks for this? No thanks.... Lol it's faster to toss these and start my gorilla glue and afghani
I agree. I was hoping for a decent smoke with those big bud genetics. What I have smells like good cannabis, the bud size doesn't seem great.
Yeah Female seeds wwxbb no go too many phenotypes and takes forever to finish ima finish this then never run again. Funny thing about it got one strain fattening up frosty as hell the other fattening no frost anywhere cant even buy a corner of frost and they same size
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In the middle of second harvest of BBxWW. Blowing up my first rounds yield. Average yield last time was about 10oz/plant... This time it's 12oz. With the 5th plant about to go into glass, I'm on track for 3lbs/bulb. I let this round go for 9-9.5 weeks, and potency is way improved... Being that these past two rounds are my first in decades, I have no other strain to compare with. It's true that this strain could probably be pushed out to 11-12 maybe 13 weeks, but I'm finding 9 1/2 is a good happy compromise between finish time, potency, and yield. For the third round I have selected my favorite phenotype (selected for bud density and stem strength), and I'm throwing in a couple of Skywalker OG's for the sake of comparison and variety. I'm curious to see how they do side by side.