Lighting, best for cannabis.

...and if vegging or even flowering under t5, it is best if you don't want to run the 14000k with the 4100k, then run 6500k with the standards. 6500k and above gives the same chemical effect of uva. Bloom bulbs in t5 just like HP's, is bad for cannabis my brother. Ole hillbilly, rev.thenatural
Ok. Thanks for the response.

And what kind of coverage does one of the 14000K bulbs cover? I grow in a tent and am in the process of ordering a very nice LED light by Optic (360 watt Vero 29). And I was planning on getting the 4000K color temp.

And, when you say "HP's", do you mean "HPS" (High Pressure Sodium)? Honestly, I have grown under Metal Halide bulbs that are quite white/blue in color and the plants under them did well. Then I switched to a HPS conversion-bulb (works on the same metal halide ballast) and also got good results. So I think the plants mainly just want a high intensity light of some kind and they will grow well.

And, as far as I understand it…"HID" means "High Intensity Discharge" lights and it is a general term. "HPS", as I stated, means "High Pressure Sodium" and that is a very specific type of bulb. -just so we can be on the same page of terms! :)

Your post is certainly the first one that I have seen that made a claim that runs almost completely contrary to what most growers have settled upon -in terms of growing under artificial light. Of course, sunlight is always the best light! But you can't always get it for 12-18 hours a day and all-year long (cloudy days, rain, etc.).

I am a bit skeptical, to be honest, but I would be willing to try one of the bulbs for an experiment and see if it makes any difference once I can cut some clones -It wouldn't do any good to grow separate seedlings -which is the stage I am at now. I have a bit of an excess amount of plants this run so it might be fun to try it out on my next run.
Oh my goodness, bingo brother! Nailed it and yes start to finish, unless you want to veg under t5 then mix 50/50 ati blue 14000k aquarium bulbs and standard ole 4100k. Lol. My brothers. Rev.thenatural

something more than anecdotal? all for it, but nothing here suggests anything....
Essentially, I think I get the OP's point to be that the predominantly blue color, during the growth and flowering of the plant has more to do with affecting some kind of chemical change within the medicinal components -and maybe not so much to do with how much weight the plant will yield.

So, based on the chemical-ripening aspect, maybe there could be something to using different colored lights to affect a change…right? Maybe the plant would yield less, but maybe the buds would have a different effect and flavor…?
Essentially, I think I get the OP's point to be that the predominantly blue color, during the growth and flowering of the plant has more to do with affecting some kind of chemical change within the medicinal components -and maybe not so much to do with how much weight the plant will yield.

So, based on the chemical-ripening aspect, maybe there could be something to using different colored lights to affect a change…right? Maybe the plant would yield less, but maybe the buds would have a different effect and flavor…?

Ya its another amazing discovery by the rev along with his cloning discovery and his ability to cure illness. His techniques work better than than the sun! He detests technology except for the electricity and engineering required to build an HID bulb. He know the physics of light and biology of photosynthesis but he can't use punctuation or form a paragraph. I suppose he's a savant!

Purplebuz is a blue light advocate, he's cogent and he isnt under the delusion that he is a prophet and can cure the sick. You could chat him up and learn something useful.

How does it work that the Rev seems to be the only one with this sacred knowledge? Rev fancies himself as the elected one who has sacred knowledge. There are loads of folks who hold these types of beliefs. They are commonly referred to as pompous assholes He is without a clue and wildly full of shit/himself.
yeah man like someone else said HPS is HID
Funny. I haven't checked back in this thread since reading HPS isnt HID. They just have a gas charge warmup thats all. LOL

The best light is the sun period! a hortilux BLUE being much closer to full spectrum then a single hps/cmh
Boys, you can grow the tree under any light and it will grow. Question is, how potent and well of a healer do you want your hard work to be? High pressure sodium lights, will grow large buds, however will not allow it to ripen properly and change the chemicals to the more healing cannabinoids and go through true color changes. The far red in the h.p.s. makes the tree want to live and keep producing fresh green growth and t.h.c. itself, does not even fully ripen. You have been taught wrong and I'm sorry for that, but the first one who listens and applies, will be amazed and know the worm here gave it for nothing. The sun has a high blue spectrum were cannabis comes from and never changes to red/orange. The high uva/uvb and blue sun spectrum in those regions, allow the tree to die and this death process allows the chemicals to change to chemicals that destroy degenerative cell disease along with diet change so it never returns. This ancient knowledge has been kept from you by your " keepers". Apply it and give the tree time and heal people and set it free. Your real teachers have nothing to sell you. It is your freewill to have contempt prior to investigation and trial or try it. Scientist don't understand cannabinoids properly, because they test bud from growers hardly even ripe in true t.h.c. and study cannabinoids in their infancy and have little understanding of those unreal healing chemicals. When they test bud grown and ripened properly under high intensity discharge or all white l.e.d. or t5, they will understand cannabinoids fully. Rick Simpsons oil made from a 30+ week ripened sativa under high k blue would destroy cancer over night. I know, I've done it and why I'm alive. Allah will never teach what is wrong, even though the disbelievers can't see it. One love, rev.thenatural it's been done(high blue spd/aquarium bulbs), people followed his teachings(me included/ @hyroot too) and then ALL went back to "white" t5 with a higher lm/w output==== better yields and same potency.

time to find yourself a new church
You can use either one. White t5 will also ripen and if it gives you more yield, even better. The true stages of cannabis ripening and the death of the tree can be accomplished with white or blue but not red like the high pressure sodium bulb. That guys church, is not my church. My church, is all you stubborn worms like me. Blessings, rev.thenatural
I'm 56 years old, sir.
The exact age of my friend and partner Mr. Hybrid Bob. Met my buddy when I moved out here 18 months ago and it was a god thang. Well Mr. Bob thought I was crazy as a shit house goose and he himself a long time grower. Now you wouldn't believe what I laid on this man in front of his grocery store when we met. Week later, tells me " john, I thought you were nuts when we met and you laid all this cannabis and spiritual and historical nonsense on me, however I ran into a friend I haven't seen in years the other day and he says god shut him down like you and you guys sounded much alike, so your either both nuts or maybe I should listen and watch." I'm 40 he's 55 and he decided a little humility and has learned much and he is my friend and the same age as my mom. Helps us both, two different generations, that desperately need to come together for many reasons. I'm eccentric and a vicious emotional divorce has left the rev a little pdsd at times. Mr. Hybrid Bob is a Yankee and low key and my absolute polar opposite. I'm cancer, he's Taurus. It just works and we both love to still listen to ambrosia and peter frampton. Lol pop got to see frampton before he died at lajune base in 78. Good memories. Rev.thenatural

I was merely stating my age so that you knew to refrain from calling me "boy". It's slightly demeaning-sounding to a man my age. That was my point. But the more you talk, the more I think you are kind of "eccentric" and maybe I should stop asking you any more questions. Thanks, though. The idea of altering a plant's chemistry through the use of specific colored light IS interesting…Thank you.

I was merely stating my age so that you knew to refrain from calling me "boy". It's slightly demeaning-sounding to a man my age. That was my point. But the more you talk, the more I think you are kind of "eccentric" and maybe I should stop asking you any more questions. Thanks, though. The idea of altering a plant's chemistry through the use of specific colored light IS interesting…Thank you.
Your welcome...

I was merely stating my age so that you knew to refrain from calling me "boy". It's slightly demeaning-sounding to a man my age. That was my point. But the more you talk, the more I think you are kind of "eccentric" and maybe I should stop asking you any more questions. Thanks, though. The idea of altering a plant's chemistry through the use of specific colored light IS interesting…Thank you.

tstick, You are a diplomatic soul.

The rev though goes far beyond the definition of eccentric. Kook would be a benign way to characterize him. The arrogant pomposity coupled with the crippling lack of critical thought gets my goat. It bugs me when idiots initiate a teaching type dialogue.

"the idea of altering a plants chemistry ...through light" is very interesting. In fact it is Photomorphogenesis

The Rev likely has mastered this area of botany through divine intuition.
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No need for arguing. Its not like the plant would even grow properly without 2000-5000 kelvin available. Same goes if you only have 2000-5000kelvin lights. True quality is outdoor. The end.