is this a kosher setup?

sorry if I started a flame war. Should I have posted in the newb section?
No, you didn't. He's an expert at being retarded it would seem. You probably should of posted this in the advanced section so you wouldn't have to worry about people giving you the wrong information. You in fact should ph your water, unless you know you have a good water source. Too high or too low can and will cause problems for you and just be a headache. Look into master kush from original sensible seeds, via
You're closer to Michigan than Colorado, might as well relocate there.
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well I get water delivered to my house. I think that water is usually around the 4.5 mark? Not sure but I have heard you want the ph around 6.5, right? I've been leaving the water out to get warm because its cold and I was thinking maybe cold water is bad for the plant? Lol I don't know. I would like to salvage this grow somehow so I'm definitely getting more light.
i do have a lowes charge card so do you think I can get good light besides cfl at lowes and possibly the other simple things I need? I dont think they have a hydro store close to me.
You need some basic knowledge first... I"ll point you in the right direction.

Ya need more CFL's. Yes I know its "coco" based but use the CFL info for your grow.

And listen to this podcast these guys are legit.. There's a hundred episodes.. Lots of growing info, sure they push some products, but its top noch. Excellent info on soil.

Get this book and read it "Teaming with microbes" Jeff Lowenfells .

Get this book and read this too "Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis" DJ Short.. <---- Mandatory, for any grower

Lastly a bit on pest management.. . Ya never know..
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By the looks of it, your plants are looking alright for the lights their under trust me I've used only 2 40W CFL's to veg for the last two years, the powerful light is really a necessity during flower, and the rate your going You wouldn't need the powerful light at least for another month or 2 giving you enough time to save up for a HPS/LED

With the nutes your using, I'd go with half strength just to be on the safe side, I'm not into soil growing but you will need to transplant to their final pots, You can get cheap bag's with drainage that come in different gallon sizes, or smart pots their like what I assume would be the best way to grow in soil, but again you don't need to transplant yet, but I would do it as soon as possible.

You can grow on a budget trust me, you learn while doing it the cheapest way possible than when you finally have a good setup, you will know enough that it will go by like a breeze and your plants will basically grow themselves.

I've started a hydro grow for less than $250, It was like $170 for the LED light and the rest was spent on a bubble bucket and nutrients, It's totally possible to grow decent bud for very cheap trust me I've done it with just CFL's big 4x 40w 2700k CFL'S and got a good OZ of weed Don't let what people say discourage you, and your gonna need your wife to budge man you gonna need some money to get your ball rolling
Someone in here has no manners.

A ph pen for 10-15$ will do it for the small operation.

And lol yes since your friends water with rainwater and growing in soil they dont need to ph their water.
tell me what your friends end up with running a hydro warehouse and a 3000gal res with unphd water. Here are peeps knowing a lot more than you about water. You never phd water ? Never heard of using co2 to ph water in large quantities or stuff like that?
Youre the noob.

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Cool. Thanks for those links. Knowledge is key. Money is secondary.
Dont get your panties twisted bro.

I would buy a good light hps/mh (digital ballast if possible)
because led and cmh is still expensive and you have no job.

No job means you have time for diy.
I would work in soil till you have the money for a hydro setup.
would check the diy section and build a waterfarm single unit thing.
its safe and effective and you need just a couple of buckets and cheap airpumps.
buy a hydro fertilizer and go half strenghts on your soil with it.
ph pen yes or no in hydro you will need it. If you dont buy one now try to use rainwater + ferts for watering.
I recommend gh 3-part so you have some control of what you feeding and you can use it for all stages.

Ferts pots a vent and a light for flowering is what you need right now the rest can be done later.
For the seeds look around the forums ask one of the guys that actually breed their own.... or buy a pack of feminized seeds... some are just 30 bucks for a pack of ten.... had a pack of exodus cheese from greenhouse seeds for 30$/10p was ok quality.
select a mother and run her under the t5 veglight the other guy recommended and you never have to buy seeds again bro.

Go for it bro

Peace and spread the love.

btw I like your avatar lol
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Hey, all you guys rock. So much info. I think things are getting better considering I only knew how to germinate seeds a few weeks ago. Now I've got this site to refer to, which is awesome. Within the next couple weeks I'll probably get a a better light. I might also just get this big 150watt actual cfl with 5k daytime andon top of that I already have an unopened 4 pack of 23 w cfls 1690 l per bulb. Maybe all that light on top of what I already have will sustain at least 2 of the plants. I did hear from somewhere that bagseed is usually female. Is that just bs?
Greetings and welcome to RIU!

First of all imo using caricature avatar and using jewish slang is hilarious :D

Now back to topic I'd also suggest check out that's where I also got the idea to grow mine. Lot's of articles and information. Couldn't find the thread with mj books but try to get your hands on Jorge Cervantes "Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor-Outdoor Medical Grower Bible" some info may be outdated but still lots of knowledge to obtain, if you haven't got the green thumb yet. And of course lot's of stuff to read in RIU and ask whenever something unknown happens.

8x8 is plenty of room and since it's a bathroom there's gotta be a ventilation outlet right? Makes things a lot easier.
You can start small like with lower wattage hps, they come 150,250,400,600,1000 watts. If no screwups your estimate yield would be 0,5g per watt. The thing is higher the wattage, bigger the ventilation needs are. You have to figure out what your sweet spot would be.

If going with CFL's for flowering you'd better with several actual 42w than one big watt bulb. So you keep em close to the plant at several angles.

Also get a oscillating fan or something similar to give a little breeze to your plants and keep the air moving.

Might be overwhelming at first with so many styles and growing techniques, but actually it's quite easy to start if you remember to K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid(or stoner)).

PS. Sorry if grammar errors or something like that. English is second language.
Someone in here has no manners.

A ph pen for 10-15$ will do it for the small operation.

And lol yes since your friends water with rainwater and growing in soil they dont need to ph their water.
tell me what your friends end up with running a hydro warehouse and a 3000gal res with unphd water. Here are peeps knowing a lot more than you about water. You never phd water ? Never heard of using co2 to ph water in large quantities or stuff like that?
Youre the noob.

He's clearly not the brightest one.

Back to OP. The ideal temp for water would be 68-72F (in hydro, but I also like to let my water that i'm going to water/feed with get to that temp & i'm in soil. You don't have to, but it is ideal (imo)). Me personally, I'm going to tell you to ditch shitty CFL bulbs for flower, like most of us did. A 250/400W mh/hps system is pretty cheap, and will growing worth your while in the long run. Yes, you can flower w/ CFL's and get a decent end result....or you could flower w/ HPS or MH or LED and have better results. Train your plants to grow how you want them also for a better harvest. I'm not going to really get on the topic of all of that, because you can google lol.

What did the wife say about all of this?
Hey, all you guys rock. So much info. I think things are getting better considering I only knew how to germinate seeds a few weeks ago. Now I've got this site to refer to, which is awesome. Within the next couple weeks I'll probably get a a better light. I might also just get this big 150watt actual cfl with 5k daytime andon top of that I already have an unopened 4 pack of 23 w cfls 1690 l per bulb. Maybe all that light on top of what I already have will sustain at least 2 of the plants. I did hear from somewhere that bagseed is usually female. Is that just bs?

If your going to insist on using CFL's for the full grow, You will need 2700K Warm white bulbs for flowering, And no not all bagseed is female It's just from time to time flowering buds pollinate themselve due to stress during late flower, Or you might have a seed that has a hermi trait to it, meaning it has some male and female parts (buds with seeds), Usually those seeds turn out to be hermi's themselves, but their is never telling with seeds, You just got to grow them or just start them off in 12/12 from Seed, after about you grow the first 3-4 nodes in 12/12 from seed you'd see the sex in like 2-3 weeks maybe less strain depending
hooked up a couple 23 w CFL but within an hour some of the leaves were turning brown on the edges. I have a fan in the room for a lil while and I moved the lights a lil further away. Heat stress? It doesn't burn my hand but its awfully warm. Wife said she gets her Xmas bonus she'll buy me some good gear. I'll be doing this right sooner or later. We'll see what happens with these ones though lol.
What's up people? I don't know if any of you will look at this or even care lol, but I figured I would post an updated pic of one of these lame ass seedlings. I scrapped the whole grow and threw them outside in the cold and just gave up. That wasn't long after I started this thread. Well, back on October 28th or so I found one of the seedlings still alive which shocked me because I was out in the cold for a few weeks but survived. I brought it in and made a better setup and got a couple more cfls and here it is a few days ago. Not here to brag or anything but I think its a miracle. I'm hoping I can pull this off. Dont worry, when tax money comes I wont be using cfls anymore, but this is a first grow for experience. You guys think I can pull it off?


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