Canada banks that ship to U.S


Well-Known Member
I been reading around on this and was looking for current experiences from U.S. Customers who order from canada,

Which canada places are top of the list these days that ship to U.S?
No this is the right place but most users buy from UK banks or American based ones

Not much hoppin on Canadian seed banks
Try the search button might help a bit
Thanks for the responces, I have been using the attitude. I would give them a high recomendation but its time to move to a new place for me that is more cozy and closer to home. Sucks that other states sell seeds and I have to buy out of country, even the Cherry Ak clone I wanted I cant get but if I lived in another state I could just go to the clone store and get one. Really sucks for us illegal growers.
This is a very subjective question here.It seems everyone has at least one bad experience with a seed bank at one time or another.I have personally used B.C.Seed King,but there is a thread here trashing them.See what I mean.Anyway,seeds have been true,females between 5to9 germinated on at least 6 orders,three hermies they have a very limited selection but you can pay with visa.Good Luck Where ever ya go.
I live in Florida. Have been ordering from Peak for years and never had a problem. Great customer service and great genetics.
Sucks that other states sell seeds and I have to buy out of country

Why not give Holistic Nursery a try, they've established a pretty good rep and you don't have to buy out of country. I just sent in my first order with these guys yesterday, I'll let you know how my experience goes. No credit cards and you have to send cash in the mail, but that doesn't really bother me all that much. I mean what are the chances that some postal worker steals cash out of your envelope, the odds are quite a bit better down at the handy mart with a scratch off.
As far as Canadian banks are concerned I know Dr. Greenthumb has a nice fan base on this site. His prices are a bit of a detractor, but I do intend on giving him a go eventually.
Why not give Holistic Nursery a try, they've established a pretty good rep and you don't have to buy out of country. I just sent in my first order with these guys yesterday, I'll let you know how my experience goes. No credit cards and you have to send cash in the mail, but that doesn't really bother me all that much. I mean what are the chances that some postal worker steals cash out of your envelope, the odds are quite a bit better down at the handy mart with a scratch off.
I thought legal states couldn't send seeds to illegal states?
Why Canada? Europe is thevway to go..they take credit cards and have the best seed selection. You just can't beat Herbie's or midweek song delivery speed.
I've had 100% success with Hempdepot through many years. Started using them after Heavens Stairway and Cbay went down. Nothing fancy, no credit cards and regular mail but it seems to work. I think your order is more likely to be confiscated from Europe, but the selection is bigger across the pond obviously.