Area 51 Why wait, seems you can buy cree cobs lights now

I'd also like to point out that the indagrow is a pretty bad investment (one of the worst) and you're way better off staying with HPS.

Indagrow has a "cool" factor to it, but all in all, it's a loser in every way when compared to HPS and modern leds.

Worst of 2 worlds (the inefficiency and poor spectrum of florescent with the high price of quality leds)
I'd also like to point out that the indagrow is a pretty bad investment (one of the worst) and you're way better off staying with HPS.

Indagrow has a "cool" factor to it, but all in all, it's a loser in every way when compared to HPS and modern leds.

Worst of 2 worlds (the inefficiency and poor spectrum of florescent with the price of high quality leds)

I never quite understood why induction lighting was so expensive....
I never quite understood why T5s are so expensive when T8 will do!

T5's are less of everything except power displacement. Less glass, less gas, smaller electrodes, smaller fixtures, everything... makes no sense to me either....

I've been looking at cheap LED strips to replace T5's..... cheaper, easier, less fragile, and work better to boot!
T5's are less of everything except power displacement. Less glass, less gas, smaller electrodes, smaller fixtures, everything... makes no sense to me either....

I've been looking at cheap LED strips to replace T5's..... cheaper, easier, less fragile, and work better to boot!

And without that fucking flicker....
Trapping part of it and removing it is the V part of HVAC (ventilation).

(to be clear, I was responding to onehitdone who made the claim that a 1000W lamp HPS generates less heat than his indagrow that dissipates half as much power. 1000W is more than twice as much power than 465W and thus generates more than twice as much heat)
I did not say the 1000 generates less heat total. I said the 1000 contributed less heat to my grow space being that it is air cooled ;)
I'd also like to point out that the indagrow is a pretty bad investment (one of the worst) and you're way better off staying with HPS.

Indagrow has a "cool" factor to it, but all in all, it's a loser in every way when compared to HPS and modern leds.

Worst of 2 worlds (the inefficiency and poor spectrum of florescent with the high price of quality leds)
I would put my money on inda-gro in a head to head equal watt veg competition against any led.
Maybe @chazbolin can fill us in on what happened with that live stream grow light competition thing?
Cool your room/environment not your lights. This whole air cooled hoods is a hobby market thing. It is not the way of real agriculture and plant production.
Like guod pointed out...heat vs temperature. Heat is needs to be extracted no matter what lights you run...watts are watts. Temperature is what needs to be dealt with using HID.
Not to mention the 1000W hps radiates about 400W of power directly into the grow area (that's including the non-PAR infrared spike).

Unless im crazy the 400watts is par watts then you have to ad the IR which is the most of the rest of the 1000 driven watts. There is a small amount of below 400nm light in HP's as well.
like guod pointed out...heat vs temperature. Heat is needs to be extracted no matter what lights you run...watts are watts. Temperature is what needs to be dealt with using HID.
Did i miss something ?
Heat needs to be extracted. But if 40% less heat needs to be extracted with AC then would it not be nice?
Assuming 60% par watts, 40% heat watts from cobs and driver.
For small grows air cooled cobs might not make difference but for a large grow in hot weather. In cold just recirculate hot hood air back into grow area.
What you guys are missing is that not everyone lives in your neighborhood with the same environmental conditions.
"Cool your room" is Gavita's Sales pitch
Some of us do not have a whole room full of lights and grow so the situation is different.
Weather it be a tent or a home made wood box or a closet. Small spaces are much different.
You will either be venting the hell out of the space to keep the temps down or use a dedicated cooling duct for (hps air cooled in my example) and a lower turn over rate with smaller fan for tent/box air turn over.
Some of you don't know what others of us are dealing with. Picture pitching your grow tent on the beach in the pacific northwest and you can imagine my situation.
If I turn the grow area air over fast enough to vent all of the accumulated temp rise from lights I am not able to use a dehumidifier within my space to keep humidity in check. Picture sucking 60-80% humidity air into your space non-stop and you will understand why "cool your room" does not necessarily work for smaller grow spaces
Dont know much about the air cooled hoods. I will research about air cooled later today. I am assuming air cooled hoods draw a small amount of air from grow room since grow rooms needs fresh air.
optionally pass this hotter(less humid) air through carbon filter and blow it out. Carbon filter dont like high humidity anyway.
If u dont want to recirculate grow room air OR you have CO2 supplimentation in grow space then... just blow outside air into hood and and blow it back outside.

:lol:As per feng shui, hot air needs to exit to south for positive chi in grow room. More chi = more BUD:weed:
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I would put my money on inda-gro in a head to head equal watt veg competition against any led.
Maybe @chazbolin can fill us in on what happened with that live stream grow light competition thing?

What started out in a FB group called Just4Growers was a suggestion that any of the 4K members of that group could offer to conduct a trial in where the same genetics and conditions within 4 x 4 tents would allow any lighting technology up to 1000 watts could compete under a live stream format. There were several gardeners that offered up their services so a vote was conducted and one of the gardeners who offered to perform the trials won the popular vote. With that tents were sent to him and 3 of the 5 mfg's who agreed to send the lights did so. Some of the mfg's decided to argue the fairness of the trial to the point they dropped out. One of the statements I heard was 'there is no point in being second'.

The J4G site did not allow any talk of cannabis so a new FB group was launched called International Artificial Grow Light Association. The arguing over bias and standards that could not be evenly applied between different technologies created a situation where the grower got tired of the bickering and backed out. So while the trial never went on it was interesting to see what lengths certain mfg's would go to to diminish the importance of what would have been a by the people for the people challenge. The gardener was respected, voted in and willing to conduct the trial in what would have been a widely monitored trial of competing technologies.

Ultimately what would have been of interest to everyone would have been the quality of finish differences, weight/watt and weight/area. It would have given those 300 watt LED mfg's who claim they can equal or surpass the crop results of a 1000 watt HPS a forum to prove up their claims. Any mfg who decided to contribute to the trial would have been able to make real time comments if their light was not being used the way they way it had been designed to function. IG did initiate the trials but had absolutely zero influence on who the gardener would be or where the trials would take place. Gavita initially agreed to participate but decided against it when they could not get their particular demands met, one of which was that each mfg would have to meet is that their lights deliver a 1000 uMol/m-sq 1-s average illumination level. They also took great exception to the fact that IG submitted hybrid technologies with their submission of induction/LED.

So it's left to mfg's to conduct their own tests and try to keep them varied for the multiple ways they may be used then publish their results using regular updates so the plants can speak for themselves. Which of course what it is ultimately all about anyway.
What started out in a FB group called Just4Growers was a suggestion that any of the 4K members of that group could offer to conduct a trial in where the same genetics and conditions within 4 x 4 tents would allow any lighting technology up to 1000 watts could compete under a live stream format. There were several gardeners that offered up their services so a vote was conducted and one of the gardeners who offered to perform the trials won the popular vote. With that tents were sent to him and 3 of the 5 mfg's who agreed to send the lights did so. Some of the mfg's decided to argue the fairness of the trial to the point they dropped out. One of the statements I heard was 'there is no point in being second'.

The J4G site did not allow any talk of cannabis so a new FB group was launched called International Artificial Grow Light Association. The arguing over bias and standards that could not be evenly applied between different technologies created a situation where the grower got tired of the bickering and backed out. So while the trial never went on it was interesting to see what lengths certain mfg's would go to to diminish the importance of what would have been a by the people for the people challenge. The gardener was respected, voted in and willing to conduct the trial in what would have been a widely monitored trial of competing technologies.

Ultimately what would have been of interest to everyone would have been the quality of finish differences, weight/watt and weight/area. It would have given those 300 watt LED mfg's who claim they can equal or surpass the crop results of a 1000 watt HPS a forum to prove up their claims. Any mfg who decided to contribute to the trial would have been able to make real time comments if their light was not being used the way they way it had been designed to function. IG did initiate the trials but had absolutely zero influence on who the gardener would be or where the trials would take place. Gavita initially agreed to participate but decided against it when they could not get their particular demands met, one of which was that each mfg would have to meet is that their lights deliver a 1000 uMol/m-sq 1-s average illumination level. They also took great exception to the fact that IG submitted hybrid technologies with their submission of induction/LED.

So it's left to mfg's to conduct their own tests and try to keep them varied for the multiple ways they may be used then publish their results using regular updates so the plants can speak for themselves. Which of course what it is ultimately all about anyway.

Oh I would love to go head to head with gavita as long as all power usage was recorded. On their terms of course. 1000 umol/m2. Or in other words 1000 ppfd. I wonder why they would request that? I guess because at lower light levels say 700 ppfd the plant is more efficient per photon. I'd still do it to there terms though.
Oh I would love to go head to head with gavita as long as all power usage was recorded. On their terms of course. 1000 umol/m2. Or in other words 1000 ppfd. I wonder why they would request that? I guess because at lower light levels say 700 ppfd the plant is more efficient per photon. I'd still do it to there terms though.
What wattage and fixture setup would you use in 4x4 against the gavita?
Ive been trying to check your website out but cant seem to find it? can u send me link.Thanks
What you guys are missing is that not everyone lives in your neighborhood with the same environmental conditions.
"Cool your room" is Gavita's Sales pitchtimers
Some of us do not have a whole room full of lights and grow so the situation is different.
Weather it be a tent or a home made wood box or a closet. Small spaces are much different.
You will either be venting the hell out of the space to keep the temps down or use a dedicated cooling duct for (hps air cooled in my example) and a lower turn over rate with smaller fan for tent/box air turn over.
Some of you don't know what others of us are dealing with. Picture pitching your grow tent on the beach in the pacific northwest and you can imagine my situation.
If I turn the grow area air over fast enough to vent all of the accumulated temp rise from lights I am not able to use a dehumidifier within my space to keep humidity in check. Picture sucking 60-80% humidity air into your space non-stop and you will understand why "cool your room" does not necessarily work for smaller grow spaces

well actually I'm in the PNW and normally humidity is the biggest issue, I have multiple small dehumidifiers that run on timers as needed. I also have a number of small tents for vegging and crossing isolation and they do very well with one good quality 4" fan exhausting air from each tent. not much different than a small closet. I'm running a mix of leds and T5s (slow to upgrade) and I generally have no heat problems nor humidity issues.
I just wished my dehumidifiers were hooked to a drain..

so I do understand your grow space and I don't need air cooled leds similar to air cooled HPS hoods
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well actually I'm in the PNW and normally humidity is the biggest issue, I have multiple small dehumidifiers that run on timers as needed. I also have a number of small tents for vegging and crossing isolation and they do very well with one good quality 4" fan exhausting air from the tent. not much different than a small closet. I'm running a mix of leds and T5s (slow to upgrade) and I generally have no heat problems nor humidity issues.
I just wished my dehumidifiers were hooked to a drain..

so no I do understand your grow space and I don't need air cooled leds similar to air cooled HPS hoods

The whole point of air cooled led is controlled agriculture. Co2 infusion. No air exchange period. Air cooled led equals less AC load/requirement. Not here to argue like I said earlier everyone has there ideal fixture. Mine is air cooled and I think there will be a niche for my light just like everyone else's. When commercial led fixtures hit 70% efficiency or higher then yes air cooling may well be moot. At 50% or less system efficiency there is still quite a few extra btus that may or may not be wanted in the grow environment. Like I said Nevada is a prime example of a place that would greatly benefit from air cooled fixtures. Everyone good luck and hopefully every company on here sells more lights than they can stand.