How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

He's not going to do much without a lot of help. I can't imagine he'll pull much of congress along with him. How much of his crap gets out of committee and up for a vote now?
He's not going to do much without a lot of help. I can't imagine he'll pull much of congress along with him. How much of his crap gets out of committee and up for a vote now?

When I first started learning about Sanders, he was a new face in an otherwise boring election. He was a novelty for a while.

But the plan of the self-described "democratic socialist" is a recipe for economic disaster.

His campaign slogan ought to be "Vote for Bernie, 'cause Free Shit is Great!"

And that seems to be his plan. To lure a bunch of young (i.e. gullible) and otherwise desperate people by promises of free stuff. All we have to do is turn all of our money over to him and his socialist plans, and trust him to give us free stuff.

Let's see, there's free college, and a living wage, and expanded social security. And surely there's some way to buy even more votes by promising to pay off current student loans...

Bernie is crazy.
When I first started learning about Sanders, he was a new face in an otherwise boring election. He was a novelty for a while.

But the plan of the self-described "democratic socialist" is a recipe for economic disaster.

His campaign slogan ought to be "Vote for Bernie, 'cause Free Shit is Great!"

And that seems to be his plan. To lure a bunch of young (i.e. gullible) and otherwise desperate people by promises of free stuff. All we have to do is turn all of our money over to him and his socialist plans, and trust him to give us free stuff.

Let's see, there's free college, and a living wage, and expanded social security. And surely there's some way to buy even more votes by promising to pay off current student loans...

Bernie is crazy.

Heaven forbid we go back to the 60's. We wouldn't want another Kent State massacre.

It's obvious an educated population is detrimental to the powers that be. jmo.
When I first started learning about Sanders, he was a new face in an otherwise boring election. He was a novelty for a while.

But the plan of the self-described "democratic socialist" is a recipe for economic disaster.

His campaign slogan ought to be "Vote for Bernie, 'cause Free Shit is Great!"

And that seems to be his plan. To lure a bunch of young (i.e. gullible) and otherwise desperate people by promises of free stuff. All we have to do is turn all of our money over to him and his socialist plans, and trust him to give us free stuff.

Let's see, there's free college, and a living wage, and expanded social security. And surely there's some way to buy even more votes by promising to pay off current student loans...

Bernie is crazy.'ve been listening to power hour again, haven't you?

it's actually too late my friend..bernie sanders is well entrenched in the fabric of our nations 2016 race for the presidency..we have moved swiftly and silently under the cover of darkness (no media)..:mrgreen:

How Bernie Sanders Tech Volunteers Code the Bern


perhaps you'd like to C&P a chili recipe?..:lol:
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When I first started learning about Sanders, he was a new face in an otherwise boring election. He was a novelty for a while.

But the plan of the self-described "democratic socialist" is a recipe for economic disaster.

His campaign slogan ought to be "Vote for Bernie, 'cause Free Shit is Great!"

And that seems to be his plan. To lure a bunch of young (i.e. gullible) and otherwise desperate people by promises of free stuff. All we have to do is turn all of our money over to him and his socialist plans, and trust him to give us free stuff.

Let's see, there's free college, and a living wage, and expanded social security. And surely there's some way to buy even more votes by promising to pay off current student loans...

Bernie is crazy.

listen, white supremacist, if we wanted to listen to what fox news had to say, we would watch.

there is no need for you to regurgitate that crap again here.

now go join another white supremacy group and start your 9th sock puppet, wileycoyote.'ve been listening to power hour again, haven't you?

No Sky. I simply read the facts about how the man plans to pay for all this free stuff he's promising people.

We're hopelessly in debt as a nation, and he's got an impossible spending plan.

I'd LOVE for everyone to have free college, get paid enough for working a cash register to support a family of six, get all current student loans paid for, give everybody free health care, etc. I'm not rooting against any of that. I just don't think it's possible. Massive socialism is not the answer.

Granted, the current economic model hasn't worked great either, as there are way too many billionaires and millionaires, and way too many poor people. But massive socialism is not the answer. IMO.
When I first started learning about Sanders, he was a new face in an otherwise boring election. He was a novelty for a while.

But the plan of the self-described "democratic socialist" is a recipe for economic disaster.

His campaign slogan ought to be "Vote for Bernie, 'cause Free Shit is Great!"

And that seems to be his plan. To lure a bunch of young (i.e. gullible) and otherwise desperate people by promises of free stuff. All we have to do is turn all of our money over to him and his socialist plans, and trust him to give us free stuff.

Let's see, there's free college, and a living wage, and expanded social security. And surely there's some way to buy even more votes by promising to pay off current student loans...

Bernie is crazy.

No Sky. I simply read the facts about how the man plans to pay for all this free stuff he's promising people.

We're hopelessly in debt as a nation, and he's got an impossible spending plan.

I'd LOVE for everyone to have free college, get paid enough for working a cash register to support a family of six, get all current student loans paid for, give everybody free health care, etc. I'm not rooting against any of that. I just don't think it's possible. Massive socialism is not the answer.

Granted, the current economic model hasn't worked great either, as there are way too many billionaires and millionaires, and way too many poor people. But massive socialism is not the answer. IMO.

If forced to choose only one, would you choose a society of educated individuals or are you content with the current status quo?
I think 'free' higher education is exactly the right investment in our nation's future. If we aren't investing in our own people, then what kind of nation will we be? Second rate, that's what! I'd like to see public schools get better funding so they can compete for the very best teachers, not just what poor districts can pay after they've larded their own pockets with outrageous 'administrative' salaries.

In other words, accountability. Why doesn't the Right ever ask questions about accountability and doing things BETTER?
No Sky. I simply read the facts about how the man plans to pay for all this free stuff he's promising people.

We're hopelessly in debt as a nation, and he's got an impossible spending plan.

I'd LOVE for everyone to have free college, get paid enough for working a cash register to support a family of six, get all current student loans paid for, give everybody free health care, etc. I'm not rooting against any of that. I just don't think it's possible. Massive socialism is not the answer.

Granted, the current economic model hasn't worked great either, as there are way too many billionaires and millionaires, and way too many poor people. But massive socialism is not the answer. IMO.

let me know, when you know, it's not possible..until then..

they're whipping you up, getting you scared..and you're falling for it hook, line and sinker.

the current economic model hasn't worked great for? forever, henny penny?

think about this: what do you gain? what do they lose?..the proper shifting that should of occurred a long time ago:


because..-45%=32%..fact of the matter's too'll never win.

there are those who've been working relentlessly behind the scenes, in the still of the night, to take back this country.
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let me know, when you know, it's not possible..until then..

they're whipping you up, getting you scared..and you're falling for it hook, line and sinker.

the current economic model hasn't worked great for? forever, henny penny?

think about this: what do you gain? what do they lose?..the proper shifting that should of occurred a long time ago:


because..-45%=32%..fact of the matter's too'll never win.

there are those who've been working relentlessly behind the scenes, in the still of the night, to take back this country.
Get a job, the free shit ain't coming.

It'll be Hillary Clitoris.