Can LSD Go Bad?


Well-Known Member
I'm well aware that heat and light will degrade it, but can the molecule itself degrade into something toxic? I had a very odd and very unpleasant evening last Sat and wondering if any of you more knowledgeable types could help me.

I took 200ug, standard dose for me, from a strip I've had for a while. Trustworthy supplier, tripped dozens of times this stuff, even multiple times off this particular batch. Never had a problem.

Dropped around 4 pm. The first 8 hours were like every other trip. Pleasant, no body discomfort, etc. Then the similarities end.

Around 1230-100 I went to bed, and I definitely fell asleep, kinda, but started feeling stranger and stranger. Bad thoughts, dysphoria, and then intense stomach cramps. For the next 12 hours I was still tripping, lightly, but not in a good way, and shitting my brains out. Like shitting blood bad.

Is it possible there was like a dirty precursor in there or something? Anyone else ever have anything like this happen. I've still got 6 tabs left and I'd rather not toss them as all the other dozens were good, but I also don't want to go through that again. Thoughts?
I'm well aware that heat and light will degrade it, but can the molecule itself degrade into something toxic? I had a very odd and very unpleasant evening last Sat and wondering if any of you more knowledgeable types could help me.

I took 200ug, standard dose for me, from a strip I've had for a while. Trustworthy supplier, tripped dozens of times this stuff, even multiple times off this particular batch. Never had a problem.

Dropped around 4 pm. The first 8 hours were like every other trip. Pleasant, no body discomfort, etc. Then the similarities end.

Around 1230-100 I went to bed, and I definitely fell asleep, kinda, but started feeling stranger and stranger. Bad thoughts, dysphoria, and then intense stomach cramps. For the next 12 hours I was still tripping, lightly, but not in a good way, and shitting my brains out. Like shitting blood bad.

Is it possible there was like a dirty precursor in there or something? Anyone else ever have anything like this happen. I've still got 6 tabs left and I'd rather not toss them as all the other dozens were good, but I also don't want to go through that again. Thoughts?
LSD does not have ANY of these side effects.
i highly doubt it was the acid that made You feel like that.
haveYOU re looked at what You may have eaten that day, besides acid? lol

however, now I do believe that psychedelics can induce an energetic phenomena that can cause episodes of "purging". in conjunction with Your precursor theory....but that is a "woo woooie", superstitious outlook.
LSD does not have ANY of these side effects.
i highly doubt it was the acid that made You feel like that.
haveYOU re looked at what You may have eaten that day, besides acid? lol

however, now I do believe that psychedelics can induce an energetic phenomena that can cause episodes of "purging". in conjunction with Your precursor theory....but that is a "woo woooie", superstitious outlook.

See I'd be more likely to believe it wasn't LSD if all the other hits weren't LSD but they were. Food wise was same as always before I trip, strictly unprocessed vegetarian grub, usually home made. This time it was a mushroom and vegetable soup I made on Thurs, but I practice basic culinary safety techniques, and I ate the soup after that day and was fine.

A lot of the mind visions I was having was of dirty, gross, nasty things. Sludge monsters, maggots, sewers etc. I can't help but think there is a connection there.

I guess I should have noted that I've had "bad trips" before and they were nothing like this. I've purged as you would say after shrooms and that can be almost cathartic. And it wasn't that dwelling type of anxiety that I've experienced and seen others experience with a "bad trip"

I do know there is a solid connection between ergotamine and some of the mass hysterias of antiquity, and I guess that's why I was wondering about precursors.

Thanks for the input though Heartless! Much appreciated.
I'm well aware that heat and light will degrade it, but can the molecule itself degrade into something toxic? I had a very odd and very unpleasant evening last Sat and wondering if any of you more knowledgeable types could help me.

I took 200ug, standard dose for me, from a strip I've had for a while. Trustworthy supplier, tripped dozens of times this stuff, even multiple times off this particular batch. Never had a problem.

Dropped around 4 pm. The first 8 hours were like every other trip. Pleasant, no body discomfort, etc. Then the similarities end.

Around 1230-100 I went to bed, and I definitely fell asleep, kinda, but started feeling stranger and stranger. Bad thoughts, dysphoria, and then intense stomach cramps. For the next 12 hours I was still tripping, lightly, but not in a good way, and shitting my brains out. Like shitting blood bad.

Is it possible there was like a dirty precursor in there or something? Anyone else ever have anything like this happen. I've still got 6 tabs left and I'd rather not toss them as all the other dozens were good, but I also don't want to go through that again. Thoughts?
Did you test your LSD with an ehrlich or nik test? I always field test my tabs to make sure it's real LSD and not some nasty shit like 25i
Maybe you had some type of flu or just "bug" that is going around. And your body was trying to purge it. A very similar thing happened to me once on a Christmas eve trip. Shitting and puking in an exaggerated fasion after the trip. While still mildly tripping. Smoked alot of weed to help cope.
See I'd be more likely to believe it wasn't LSD if all the other hits weren't LSD but they were. Food wise was same as always before I trip, strictly unprocessed vegetarian grub, usually home made. This time it was a mushroom and vegetable soup I made on Thurs, but I practice basic culinary safety techniques, and I ate the soup after that day and was fine.

A lot of the mind visions I was having was of dirty, gross, nasty things. Sludge monsters, maggots, sewers etc. I can't help but think there is a connection there.

I guess I should have noted that I've had "bad trips" before and they were nothing like this. I've purged as you would say after shrooms and that can be almost cathartic. And it wasn't that dwelling type of anxiety that I've experienced and seen others experience with a "bad trip"

I do know there is a solid connection between ergotamine and some of the mass hysterias of antiquity, and I guess that's why I was wondering about precursors.

Thanks for the input though Heartless! Much appreciated.
if any other thoughts of why this may have happened come to the surface....
i would really like to know.

And Im not heartless....i am heatless :) i wont burn You
Did you test your LSD with an ehrlich or nik test? I always field test my tabs to make sure it's real LSD and not some nasty shit like 25i

I tested both this and other batches and they came out real LSD. I dunno, probably was just something with my body chemistry.

I guess you know what they say about falling off a horse. Just gotta get fucked up and ride it again ha. I'll probably try again next weekend. Thanks for the replies guys.
I tested both this and other batches and they came out real LSD. I dunno, probably was just something with my body chemistry.

I guess you know what they say about falling off a horse. Just gotta get fucked up and ride it again ha. I'll probably try again next weekend. Thanks for the replies guys.

Or just ship em to me.
I'm well aware that heat and light will degrade it, but can the molecule itself degrade into something toxic? I had a very odd and very unpleasant evening last Sat and wondering if any of you more knowledgeable types could help me.

I took 200ug, standard dose for me, from a strip I've had for a while. Trustworthy supplier, tripped dozens of times this stuff, even multiple times off this particular batch. Never had a problem.

Dropped around 4 pm. The first 8 hours were like every other trip. Pleasant, no body discomfort, etc. Then the similarities end.

Around 1230-100 I went to bed, and I definitely fell asleep, kinda, but started feeling stranger and stranger. Bad thoughts, dysphoria, and then intense stomach cramps. For the next 12 hours I was still tripping, lightly, but not in a good way, and shitting my brains out. Like shitting blood bad.

Is it possible there was like a dirty precursor in there or something? Anyone else ever have anything like this happen. I've still got 6 tabs left and I'd rather not toss them as all the other dozens were good, but I also don't want to go through that again. Thoughts?
Mail 1/2 of the acid to me, I will test it and let you know if it is safe to eat the rest. PM me, and I'll give you my address. Actually acid, like any other chemical, will degrade over time. I would say 3 years for good LSD, if kept in your fridge. I don't think the acid caused your problem, more like munching some funkey food or vagina, that's what it sounds like to me. Also, shitting blood ain't going to be caused by no bad acid, more like a tumor in your intestine, or some serious hemorrhoid. Go see a doctor.
No doubt it was the LSD it wouldn't cause anything like this to happen weird though.
Any precursors, etc are so small in amounts it wouldn't even be noticable or have any affect.
So I got back on the psychedelic horse again last night and the same thing happened. Usual great LSD then searing abdominal pain at the 8 hour mark. Not as severe this time, but I was also prepared. I've got 2 guesses.

1. Every batch is different and this one just might have the right amount of something I'm allergic to or

2. There is a virus on the blotter paper itself.

Either way I tossed the rest. It was only 3 hits, but I'm not going through this again voluntarily. I should have a new batch in soon to test if it's me or it was this batch