Election 2015

can only vote and hope for better than things are now.\
.At least ....there's some prospect with a new RED Government! :)
we all cant split our votes though...Any patient should have an easy choice really....

decriminalizing it.....won't do it...sadly!!! Not the way the laws are set up..They need to be changed and reworked!!!
I didn't know where else to out this except here...can you fucking imagine being a parent and getting this letter....Makes me ashamed to be a Catholic....

wow....holy S--t wow....they suck....
thanks for outing them thats a tough one....
...always expected that was the case...
" bring added cheer and happiness...." YOU THINK...holy sh-t
Yes I did...how much different of an attitude does our current government have toward FN?
The government probably still has the same attitude towards FN but I'd like to think that the average Canadians attitude has evolved quite a bit and not many would stand by and continue to watch the FN be mistreated.
Think again.....
the truth is... no one wants to admit it..
They were put there for a reason. Reasons no one admits to but easily forgets now a day...
They are paid to stay there as well.

The letter says it all in not so many words...
My father and most of his relatives are native and have cards. They don't receive cheques and certainly haven't been forced to stay anywhere.
I've been to most of the reservations across central Ontario and believe me I don't take the mistreatment that they have had to endure lightly.
The documentary on YouTube about Nunavut is one of the saddest things I've ever seen.
Anyone who can watch that without tearing up isn't human.
ignorant! what white folks did to the natives.
I knew a lot in ont, all great people even thoe they had issues. the system fucked them bad and still in todays world. blows my mind the way people think & how the gov just fucks us/them, left right and centre.
My father and most of his relatives are native and have cards. They don't receive cheques and certainly haven't been forced to stay anywhere.
I've been to most of the reservations across central Ontario and believe me I don't take the mistreatment that they have had to endure lightly.
The documentary on YouTube about Nunavut is one of the saddest things I've ever seen.
Anyone who can watch that without tearing up isn't human.
Do they live on reserve? If they have cards. They don't pay tax like the rest of us. That's a hand out. Less on reserve.
Not many get off reserve was my point. Some do.
ignorant! what white folks did to the natives.
I knew a lot in ont, all great people even thoe they had issues. the system fucked them bad and still in todays world. blows my mind the way people think & how the gov just fucks us/them, left right and centre.
sometimes rnr :lol:
all hype like all media and false polls.
I saw a poll this a.m stating harper was in the lead by a lot.
its all bs, vote and lets get harpo out, but these videos don't make me like the world, let alone what cunt will run the country
So I missed something somewhere...I thought the cons wants to strip the citizenship of an immigrant turned Canadian.....but nooooo, they want to strip the citizenship of a Canadian born and raised citizen...and they are saying that he is a Pakistani by birth, even though his parents revoked their Pakistani citizenship to become Canadian....and Steve said they would look at extending this stripping to,other serious crimes....this will not fly by the SC...17 more days of tyranny....
So I missed something somewhere...I thought the cons wants to strip the citizenship of an immigrant turned Canadian.....but nooooo, they want to strip the citizenship of a Canadian born and raised citizen...and they are saying that he is a Pakistani by birth, even though his parents revoked their Pakistani citizenship to become Canadian....and Steve said they would look at extending this stripping to,other serious crimes....this will not fly by the SC...17 more days of tyranny....

The scary fact is with his multiple new terror laws any person who speaks out about or in support of "the wrong guys" can now be stripped of their citizenship.

Being stateless means you're like Snowden and can't travel or move. Where do you go? The Harpco hotels (new prisons that need beds filled)
But to say he has dual citizenship by descent and is therefor not stateless is really stretching it....

They are applying rules retroactively...Pakistan allowed dual citizenship in 04 and that's why he is not considered stateless.
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