EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

What I don't like is singles making less than $25,000/yr. and couples making less than $50,000/yr. won't pay taxes under his plan. That's bullshit. They're the ones receiving benefits and should pay their way just like anyone else.

His reduction in the capital gains tax is reasonable as is the proposal to get rid of the estate and death taxes.
What's the point of pretending to know anything about economics when everything you post shows you don't?

You subscribe to supply-side economics - that is, reduce taxes on the rich (the "job creators") to ensure there are as few restrictions as possible to innovate and hire workers. The problem is our economy shows what creates jobs is demand - people want something, so they buy something, that in turn adds money to the business to hire more workers, decreasing unemployment. In one scenario - supply-side economics, growth is dependent upon people putting money back into the system. In the other - demand-side economics, growth is dependent upon people needing goods/services. So it's pretty simple.. to foster growth, would you rather depend on someone buying back into the system with their own money or the ever-present natural outcome of a consumer economy wherein people need things, and those that produce the things people need are fairly compensated according to the free market?

The choice is obvious..
What's the point of pretending to know anything about economics when everything you post shows you don't?

You subscribe to supply-side economics - that is, reduce taxes on the rich (the "job creators") to ensure there are as few restrictions as possible to innovate and hire workers.

Who's full of bullshit?

Supply-side economics emphasizes economic growth achieved by tax and fiscal policy that creates incentives to produce goods and services.

There's no need to produce if the demand is not there, Padabanker. No business is willing to get stuck with a lot of inventory. That's just stupid. You need to start and run a business before talking out your ass and experience first hand the tremendous burden businesses have to bear because of Federal anti-business laws and rules.

Having said that it's my understanding of one of Trump's proposals is to bring American jobs back to America by providing certain incentives to make that attractive. When it's cheaper to manufacturer goods in China (lower labor costs, lower corporate tax structure) as opposed to in America, where in the hell do you think the smart businessman is gonna go? That's right....to China, Mexico, etc.
Who's full of bullshit?

Supply-side economics emphasizes economic growth achieved by tax and fiscal policy that creates incentives to produce goods and services.

There's no need to produce if the demand is not there, Padabanker. No business is willing to get stuck with a lot of inventory. That's just stupid. You need to start and run a business before talking out your ass and experience first hand the tremendous burden businesses have to bear because of Federal anti-business laws and rules.

Having said that it's my understanding of one of Trump's proposals is to bring American jobs back to America by providing certain incentives to make that attractive. When it's cheaper to manufacturer goods in China (lower labor costs, lower corporate tax structure) as opposed to in America, where in the hell do you think the smart businessman is gonna go? That's right....to China, Mexico, etc.

Unfortunately most of these jobs that Trump wants to bring back from China, China has either lost to Vietnam and Bangledesh or they have been lost due to modernization.
Who's full of bullshit?

Supply-side economics emphasizes economic growth achieved by tax and fiscal policy that creates incentives to produce goods and services.

There's no need to produce if the demand is not there, Padabanker. No business is willing to get stuck with a lot of inventory. That's just stupid. You need to start and run a business before talking out your ass and experience first hand the tremendous burden businesses have to bear because of Federal anti-business laws and rules.

Having said that it's my understanding of one of Trump's proposals is to bring American jobs back to America by providing certain incentives to make that attractive. When it's cheaper to manufacturer goods in China (lower labor costs, lower corporate tax structure) as opposed to in America, where in the hell do you think the smart businessman is gonna go? That's right....to China, Mexico, etc.
I wish there were a way to test this in some kind of real-world type experiment...

Oh, wait...

To be fair, the Saudis ARE currently fighting our proxy war for us in Yemen- and footing much of the bill. They're also on board with low oil prices to hem Putin in a bit, even thigh it's costing them hundreds of billions to do so.

It's a complicated relationship.
To be fair, the Saudis ARE currently fighting our proxy war for us in Yemen- and footing much of the bill. They're also on board with low oil prices to hem Putin in a bit, even thigh it's costing them hundreds of billions to do so.

It's a complicated relationship.

I like the message though, and I know about Yemen. It's far more beneficial to the Saudis though, and we weren't necessarily against the Houthi regime and we were working with Ali Saleh who sided with the Houthis.

Also I like it since it's a jab at all the Republitards who want combat troops on the ground like Donald Chump.
Sanders just reached the million donor mile marker faster than any other candidate.


Burnedout raised $24 million, paltry to Dr. Carson's $31 million. Kicker is what the "burn rate" for the third quarter for these guys — the rate of spending versus revenue, a key metric monitored by operatives to assess the health of campaigns. Mailers and staff time don't come cheap.
....and now for the sucker bets. :clap:

Kanye 2020 watch out. Lulz.

What's the criteria for such scum to get your vote - that the candidate must be a meglomaniac, shallow and corrupt?

He's a big mouth arrogant piece of shit with nothing to offer but bullshit.
Who's full of bullshit?

Supply-side economics emphasizes economic growth achieved by tax and fiscal policy that creates incentives to produce goods and services.

There's no need to produce if the demand is not there, Padabanker. No business is willing to get stuck with a lot of inventory. That's just stupid. You need to start and run a business before talking out your ass and experience first hand the tremendous burden businesses have to bear because of Federal anti-business laws and rules.

Having said that it's my understanding of one of Trump's proposals is to bring American jobs back to America by providing certain incentives to make that attractive. When it's cheaper to manufacturer goods in China (lower labor costs, lower corporate tax structure) as opposed to in America, where in the hell do you think the smart businessman is gonna go? That's right....to China, Mexico, etc.

let them go! they pay about..hmmmmm..-45% in taxes?:lol:
Food for thought...hmmmm?
Bernie Sanders is getting screwed: This is why the networks are ignoring him for Donald Trump

....and now for the sucker bets. :clap:

What's the criteria for such scum to get your vote - that the candidate must be a meglomaniac, shallow and corrupt?

He's a big mouth arrogant piece of shit with nothing to offer but bullshit.

1) It was a joke, hence the 'lulz,' duh.
2) Sounds like you're talking about Trump there. :)