Where do you stand?

Uncle Ben has a lot of good things to say. Perhaps he is a racist, I don't know.
So sad to see the label shadow over his better half
Why are you judging a person for his personal beliefs. Perhaps he was raped by a person other than his color and he is traumatized for life.

Don't judge people that don't harm you. Some people have reasons it's not your position to judge that in life.
sunni, I absolutely did get that rating for taking the test, and answering the questions honestly. I promise. I was kinda surprised myself, so we have that in common.

But I did answer honestly. And I read each question carefully.

Most of us sometimes appear different than what we are or believe. Especially online.
im joking with you

ya gotta learn to laugh a bit
Why are you judging a person for his personal beliefs. Perhaps he was raped by a person other than his color and he is traumatized for life.

Don't judge people that don't harm you. Some people have reasons it's not your position to judge that in life.
I haven't passed any judgment, so I'm not really sure why you quoted me.
I hear what your saying and understand the point you are making though
Uncle Ben has a lot of good things to say. Perhaps he is a racist, I don't know.
So sad to see the label shadow over his better half
Why are you judging a person for his personal beliefs. Perhaps he was raped by a person other than his color and he is traumatized for life.

Don't judge people that don't harm you. Some people have reasons it's not your position to judge that in life.
Racism and prejudice does harm me. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." -MLK

UncleBen doesn't have a better side. He's an old, ignorant curmudgeon, hellbent on war with Iran, Israeli analingus, federal denial of equal civil rights and Reaganomics.

He's a caricature of the republican party and a good example of why they're running on fumes
I took the test honestly, though some of the questions felt like they were leading me by my nose to the answer the author wanted picked.
I felt some of the questions really didn't
Have questions that would put you in Right category
Should've asked hot topic debatable things
Like immigration and more in depth

I believe it really only spoke about gay people

Still quizzes are fun
Im with you bro. It's just adding hate to hate doesn't fix shit. It's ignorance that is the enemy. Likely they could be raised to be believe a certain race is bad. Just like the old days you had the smiths hating the mccoys for no good reason but some bull shit story about how great uncle was beat up by their great uncle.

If you find a person you think is racist then just ask them why. Hating them too only adds and reinforces it all.

You're fighting an intangible belief system...... Only knowledge will win
Im with you bro. It's just adding hate to hate doesn't fix shit. It's ignorance that is the enemy. Likely they could be raised to be believe a certain race is bad. Just like the old days you had the smiths hating the mccoys for no good reason but some bull shit story about how great uncle was beat up by their great uncle.

If you find a person you think is racist then just ask them why. Hating them too only adds and reinforces it all.

You're fighting an intangible belief system...... Only knowledge will win

Ahh yeah haha I should've said that. Good point.
Just like the old days you had the smiths hating the mccoys for no good reason


Just jerkin your chain bro - I completely agree with negativity thinking breeding the same.

*A paraphrase*
Hating someone is like drinking rat poison and expecting the rat to die.
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Who is arguing "the default status of people is to be governed"?

I don't care what "the default status of people" is, that isn't the argument. The authority of government derives from the consent of the governed through a representative democracy. You can sit here and argue 2+2=5 all you want like you usually do, but that is an aspect of political philosophy that's been well established for over 2 centuries. If you don't like it, you don't have to live with it, but if you choose to live in society with everyone else, you must abide by it. That's why you don't get to kill people or steal other people's property. You give up those "rights" for safety and the reasonable expectation of security. Without the government, there is no central authority guaranteeing citizens these basic necessities to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Then there are the things you take for granted that have come about directly through government action, like landing on the moon, Hubble, creating the internet and GPS, and a whole list of medical and scientific advancements that have saved countless millions of lives.

The one thing your entire argument comes down to is you don't believe you ever gave your consent to the government to behave in this way and you believe it does things that are wrong. Society has told you that you have given your consent because the government does act that way and there's nothing you can do to change it, so either you're right and your opinion doesn't matter or you're wrong. Either way, your arguments are not very persuasive. The system you espouse leads to many more problems than the one we have now and many more people would be much worse off if it were put in place.

I think you wrote alot of words, somewhere in there, you admitted that some people (society) can forcibly make other peaceful people do things and you are okay with it. If you and I can't do that to each other, why do you think it is okay for OTHER PEOPLE who call themselves government doing that? What makes that okay when they do it and wrong if we do it?

Also, you have no evidence that "society" would be better off without a coercion based government. Should I compile a long list of atrocities of government and a long list of the slippery slope freedom stealing day to day shit that happens or will you at least admit that I could?

I bet you won't answer my questions.
sunni, I absolutely did get that rating for taking the test, and answering the questions honestly. I promise. I was kinda surprised myself, so we have that in common.

But I did answer honestly. And I read each question carefully.

Most of us sometimes appear different than what we are or believe. Especially online.

You still got game though Jack and probably still good on the offensive boards too.