smoking dirt lol


Well-Known Member
I took a small sample yesterday. A tiny branch on the bottom had broken off and was the dirt so i clipped it and tryed to gently rinse the dirt off. Its hanging drying now but still a couple buds have some dirt on em.
Smoke it or nay?


Well-Known Member
if you ever smoked reggos in your life, you smoked all kinds of nasty shit lol. i would say it isnt gonna hurt you at all. and if you dont live a healthy lifestyle there are FAR worse things you probably put in your body on a daily basis like artificial colors, preservatives, tons of sugar, blah blah blah.


Well-Known Member
if you ever smoked reggos in your life, you smoked all kinds of nasty shit lol. i would say it isnt gonna hurt you at all. and if you dont live a healthy lifestyle there are FAR worse things you probably put in your body on a daily basis like artificial colors, preservatives, tons of sugar, blah blah blah.
All of those are in my body on a daily basis :( wish they weren't but bein healthy is hard these days


Well-Known Member
All of those are in my body on a daily basis :( wish they weren't but bein healthy is hard these days
no healthy is not hard these days. it's actually EASIER than ever with all the stuff available to the public now. the hard part is breaking bad habits. it's all about SELF discipline, and only you can hold yourself accountable. READ labels, and REFUSE to pay for substandard products. even if you feel like you NEED it, find an alternative or go without.

i wish all of america would stop buying mcdonalds and all the other fast shit. eventually they would change their menu, rather than going bankrupt, and give us what we deserve (not the cancer and heart disease lol), but real food.
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