Election 2015

too bad Justin is vote buying on false promises and all you liberal lovers for this reason will be crying after he don't make it legal! its all bs
i am going to email "the Beard" and ask what are his views on MMJ and especially on homegrows.
like the others on this forum, i don't expect an answer. i think if i get a reply at all, it'll be nonsense and political speak
too bad Justin is vote buying on false promises and all you liberal lovers for this reason will be crying after he don't make it legal! its all bs
"vote buying on false promises"? Did you get a memo the rest of us didn't. If false promises were to be weighed, I'd be looking at the NDP promises along with a promise of a balanced budget.How in the hell is he gonna pull that off? Answer...he's not. I don't trust any of them, but there is no reason to not take JT at his word when it comes to legal weed. Mulcair wants decrim...keeping control of weed in the hands of organized crime, while giving police forces a income stream from busting and fining teenagers caught smoking pot.Vote Anyone but CON, and we can fight it out with the new kids in town.
seen a facebook pic the other day
"if you vote NDP; we're all gonna be living in a van down by the river!! (Chris Farley from SNL)
..couldn't help but think; that sounds a lot nicer than the 6x8 cell that fuhrer Harpler would like to house me.

really don't like some of the NDPs idea's though. it's funny; i've always voted for them.. but now might not, at a time they're looking to have the best chance.
i pray that Harper gets booted but the last pols show he's gaining...that depresses me.
i prefer the Beard over JT (he voted in favour of C51!!) but i will take anyone over Harper!!!
Harpers asking people NOT TO VOTE!

Stephen Harper unveils ‘Voting: Not super important’ campaign

OTTAWA (The News Desk) — The Harper government unveiled a new campaign today aimed at convincing voters that the act of voting, though integral to the democratic process, is ultimately “not super important in the grand scheme of things.”

The campaign, titled “Voting: Not super important,” will encourage Canadians not to get too serious or divisive about politics, and promote a series of alternative, “more fun” activities to do on election day.

“Canadians are absolutely tired of partisan activities, like voting in an election, which is just about the most divisive thing you can do,” Harper explained during a press conference.

“I guess what we’re trying to tell Canadians is to just chill out for a second. Because, voting? It’s not that big of a deal.”

The campaign will also illustrate, using data and infographics, exactly how little influence each individual Canadian has, all things considered.

“I mean, I only get one vote, and there are millions of people who vote each year. Why should I vote in an election if I know that my voice won’t be heard?” said Harper.

“I can think of so many better things to do with my time on election day.”

The campaign also revealed the country’s most comprehensive listing of cool youth-oriented events occurring on Oct. 19.

“Election day is October 19 — which is coincidentally the same day that we’re throwing Canada’s largest ever craft beer festival!” announced Harper.

Harpers asking people NOT TO VOTE!

Stephen Harper unveils ‘Voting: Not super important’ campaign

OTTAWA (The News Desk) — The Harper government unveiled a new campaign today aimed at convincing voters that the act of voting, though integral to the democratic process, is ultimately “not super important in the grand scheme of things.”

The campaign, titled “Voting: Not super important,” will encourage Canadians not to get too serious or divisive about politics, and promote a series of alternative, “more fun” activities to do on election day.

“Canadians are absolutely tired of partisan activities, like voting in an election, which is just about the most divisive thing you can do,” Harper explained during a press conference.

“I guess what we’re trying to tell Canadians is to just chill out for a second. Because, voting? It’s not that big of a deal.”

The campaign will also illustrate, using data and infographics, exactly how little influence each individual Canadian has, all things considered.

“I mean, I only get one vote, and there are millions of people who vote each year. Why should I vote in an election if I know that my voice won’t be heard?” said Harper.

“I can think of so many better things to do with my time on election day.”

The campaign also revealed the country’s most comprehensive listing of cool youth-oriented events occurring on Oct. 19.

“Election day is October 19 — which is coincidentally the same day that we’re throwing Canada’s largest ever craft beer festival!” announced Harper.
Any politician telling people that voting isn't important should be immediately thrown out of politics.
If it's not important for people to vote then the job isn't important and it's time to stop letting one person be the figure head for millions.
It's ridiculous
Our courts and legal system are still modelled after British rule and crimes against her majesty Ffs
shouldn't it come under C51 telling people to go out and have fun instead of voting he must think that the Libs are getting to the young voters so does not want them to vote.
Harpers asking people NOT TO VOTE!

Stephen Harper unveils ‘Voting: Not super important’ campaign

OTTAWA (The News Desk) — The Harper government unveiled a new campaign today aimed at convincing voters that the act of voting, though integral to the democratic process, is ultimately “not super important in the grand scheme of things.”

The campaign, titled “Voting: Not super important,” will encourage Canadians not to get too serious or divisive about politics, and promote a series of alternative, “more fun” activities to do on election day.

“Canadians are absolutely tired of partisan activities, like voting in an election, which is just about the most divisive thing you can do,” Harper explained during a press conference.

“I guess what we’re trying to tell Canadians is to just chill out for a second. Because, voting? It’s not that big of a deal.”

The campaign will also illustrate, using data and infographics, exactly how little influence each individual Canadian has, all things considered.

“I mean, I only get one vote, and there are millions of people who vote each year. Why should I vote in an election if I know that my voice won’t be heard?” said Harper.

“I can think of so many better things to do with my time on election day.”

The campaign also revealed the country’s most comprehensive listing of cool youth-oriented events occurring on Oct. 19.

“Election day is October 19 — which is coincidentally the same day that we’re throwing Canada’s largest ever craft beer festival!” announced Harper.
Where did you get this article? I can't find it anywhere. :(
Harpers asking people NOT TO VOTE!

Stephen Harper unveils ‘Voting: Not super important’ campaign

OTTAWA (The News Desk) — The Harper government unveiled a new campaign today aimed at convincing voters that the act of voting, though integral to the democratic process, is ultimately “not super important in the grand scheme of things.”

The campaign, titled “Voting: Not super important,” will encourage Canadians not to get too serious or divisive about politics, and promote a series of alternative, “more fun” activities to do on election day.

“Canadians are absolutely tired of partisan activities, like voting in an election, which is just about the most divisive thing you can do,” Harper explained during a press conference.

“I guess what we’re trying to tell Canadians is to just chill out for a second. Because, voting? It’s not that big of a deal.”

The campaign will also illustrate, using data and infographics, exactly how little influence each individual Canadian has, all things considered.

“I mean, I only get one vote, and there are millions of people who vote each year. Why should I vote in an election if I know that my voice won’t be heard?” said Harper.

“I can think of so many better things to do with my time on election day.”

The campaign also revealed the country’s most comprehensive listing of cool youth-oriented events occurring on Oct. 19.

“Election day is October 19 — which is coincidentally the same day that we’re throwing Canada’s largest ever craft beer festival!” announced Harper.

That can't be real???