LED Companies w/ LINKS

Ok, so what are opinions and the general consensus here at riu when it comes to PlatinumLED's 12 band lights. I ask because I've bought a p450 and am probably about to buy 4 more p600's. I've just seen too much evidence of what they can do, plus their PAR output and more to write them off in any way. As a matter of fact, for the money spent I haven't been able to find a single light that performs better.

That's not to say they are top of the line, best brand out there. I'm absolutely sure they are not. But I haven't been able to find better lights for that price range. I'm sure most of you have checked out their line of lights if you've done extensive research on LED's. For those who have not, it's https://platinumgrowlights.com/
What evidence? Do people actually grow with those?


Of course they do man. I did a lot of research before I decided to go with Platinum LED and would never, ever invest $3,040 with a plan to invest another $2500 once I get my next 4x8x7'11" unless I was absolutely confident I was getting the best light on the market for the money I have. Let me show you a few videos backing my claims as to why I think this company is the absolute best for their pricing, quality, and customer service and 5 year warranty. Again, purely opinion but backed with a lot of scientific evidence.

These two show side by side comparisons with some other popular brand LED's to Platinum and explain in detail why they perform better and longer. There are no actual plants in this video...just the Platinum units and other brands, a meter that reads PAR output among other things, and a guy who understands pretty thoroughly what he's talking about. This explains the "science" behind Platinum lights. I'd watch these if you're interested in WHY this light works so well.

Now these are some successful, great looking grows on YouTube using PlatinumLED lights. I've talked to many people who have gone through four, five, six, or more LED companies until they found this one. Some which are supposedly top of the line and are upwards of $7,000 per light and were not up to par with these. One guy has an Advanced Diamond 1000 or 1200 that I think he said ran him 2k or more in one vid and laughs about how much difference there is. I also want to make it known that I'm in no way here to promote for anyone or take shots at anyone else in the LED industry. I'm just sharing what I've seen that works, hands down.

(Product review by owner, including plant shots)

[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]http://youtu.be/NOzc5DTKHxA
http://youtu.be/FZOE1_XcV0c (This guy is using the older 11 band model. Still impressive)
http://youtu.be/lrmczP-NMvM (Running two P-450's. Beautiful plants)[/COLOR]

With some of those you can skim through them to get the idea, but some are worth watching through. I could post many, many more videos on the lights but if you're really curious about how happy owners of the lights are, check out their Amazon reviews. From the 150 up to the 1200 they're all highly praised. Many people have switched to them from very expensive "top of the line" units and many more are making the switch.

I did not mean for the video previews to pop up and take up so much space, nor did I mean for the links to be as messy under those but you can still click the links anyways. You can tell I'm new to posting here....apologies.

For those doubting these lights, I'll be starting a journal towards the end of next week, using 4 of their p600's and their p450 for my clone closet. Follow to see what you think for yourself.
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When it comes down to comparing how well a luminaire fares with another lighting fixture, regardless of pricing, footprint by intensity is what wins the race. One could measure 1000 PPFD directly below a PlatinumLED fixture but measure a foot away from that measurement and it's going to be something different. That's why it's important to center the fixture within a tent BY ITSELF and to take more than just one reading, as one reading doesn't prove shit to anyone who knows anything about measuring light in a tent. When I measure PPFD output for a given fixture, like the Model-V4, I take a centered reading for every available square foot in attempts to obtain a clear understanding of how well that fixture covers a space and not just a spot.

You may be a dedicated salesman from Platinum or you may just be another proud LED-fixture owner, it's hard telling these days, but the point I'm making is that those first two Platinum videos appear to be wish-washy, in that they don't offer enough concrete evidence nor effort to convince me, as a grower, that they are selling a quality product. It's more of a "our lights are more purplely, see?" pitch.

As far as test grows go, it's nice to know whether or not a given lighting fixture works well above our plants but at some point (and considering the limitless factors that take place in a given grow), PPFD numbers become the best available indicators in distinguishing what fixture is outputting the highest amount of light in a given area.


Many people have switched to them from very expensive "top of the line" units and many more are making the switch.
Apparently some people are still morons then. No one growing with COBs or Heliospectras or such are "making the switch", I can practically guarantee you that. And that guarantee is stronger than any you could get from Platinum from what I've heard.

What is it Salesman Week here at good old RIU?
Of course they do man. I did a lot of research before I decided to go with Platinum LED and would never, ever invest $3,040 with a plan to invest another $2500 once I get my next 4x8x7'11" unless I was absolutely confident I was getting the best light on the market for the money I have. Let me show you a few videos backing my claims as to why I think this company is the absolute best for their pricing, quality, and customer service and 5 year warranty. Again, purely opinion but backed with a lot of scientific evidence.

These two show side by side comparisons with some other popular brand LED's to Platinum and explain in detail why they perform better and longer. There are no actual plants in this video...just the Platinum units and other brands, a meter that reads PAR output among other things, and a guy who understands pretty thoroughly what he's talking about. This explains the "science" behind Platinum lights. I'd watch these if you're interested in WHY this light works so well.

Now these are some successful, great looking grows on YouTube using PlatinumLED lights. I've talked to many people who have gone through four, five, six, or more LED companies until they found this one. Some which are supposedly top of the line and are upwards of $7,000 per light and were not up to par with these. One guy has an Advanced Diamond 1000 or 1200 that I think he said ran him 2k or more in one vid and laughs about how much difference there is. I also want to make it known that I'm in no way here to promote for anyone or take shots at anyone else in the LED industry. I'm just sharing what I've seen that works, hands down.

(Product review by owner, including plant shots)

[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]http://youtu.be/NOzc5DTKHxA
http://youtu.be/FZOE1_XcV0c (This guy is using the older 11 band model. Still impressive)
http://youtu.be/lrmczP-NMvM (Running two P-450's. Beautiful plants)[/COLOR]

With some of those you can skim through them to get the idea, but some are worth watching through. I could post many, many more videos on the lights but if you're really curious about how happy owners of the lights are, check out their Amazon reviews. From the 150 up to the 1200 they're all highly praised. Many people have switched to them from very expensive "top of the line" units and many more are making the switch.

I did not mean for the video previews to pop up and take up so much space, nor did I mean for the links to be as messy under those but you can still click the links anyways. You can tell I'm new to posting here....apologies.
Brother. I wish you the best of luck.

Forget the makers name and learn what led you're actually using. Then once you have that you can find the efficiency. Then extrapolate it's real worth.

What LEDs are those units using? There's nothing super crazy special in the led world.... There's only so many LEDs you can use. Because you're using 3 watt LEDs and they're not Osram oslon SSL 80 you have low efficiency lighting. So you're gonna make a lot of heat and not as much light as more efficient LEDs.

they won't even say what LEDs they're using because they know you'd look it up and see it's the same as the other copycat lights. There's a reason California light works BML spider and osrams in house lights only use Osram SSL80.

But I'm glad you got a 5 year warranty. Hope it's legit. When you grow please poste your findings on my compilation thread.
Apparently some people are still morons then. No one growing with COBs or Heliospectras or such are "making the switch", I can practically guarantee you that. And that guarantee is stronger than any you could get from Platinum from what I've heard.

What is it Salesman Week here at good old RIU?

Look, I'm new here and not trying to cause any problems and definitely not trying to advertise for platinum. I hold no stake in platinumled and could care less about the advancement of their company. I was simply putting out info I've seen and that makes sense to me. Call me a salesman or whatever. Not my intent whatsoever. Excited about what I've seen them do now that I own them? Yes, of course. But am I trying to push them on anyone or sway anyone? Not at all. I mean the title of this thread is LED Companies w/ LINKS. I'm using an LED company I didn't see the link posted for and thought I'd share my experience so far and why I like and am excited about getting them started. That's all.

I said with confidence that I knew of course that they were not top of the line, best product out there. I actually said Im absolutely sure they are not. What I did say, is that they were the best performing LED's I had come across for that price range and I stand firm in that belief. Everyone has their own way though and that's cool.
Look, I'm new here and not trying to cause any problems and definitely not trying to advertise for platinum. I hold no stake in platinumled and could care less about the advancement of their company. I was simply putting out info I've seen and that makes sense to me. Call me a salesman or whatever. Not my intent whatsoever. Excited about what I've seen them do now that I own them? Yes, of course. But am I trying to push them on anyone or sway anyone? Not at all. I mean the title of this thread is LED Companies w/ LINKS. I'm using an LED company I didn't see the link posted for and thought I'd share my experience so far and why I like and am excited about getting them started. That's all.

I said with confidence that I knew of course that they were not top of the line, best product out there. I actually said Im absolutely sure they are not. What I did say, is that they were the best performing LED's I had come across for that price range and I stand firm in that belief. Everyone has their own way though and that's cool.

Yeah man I started will Black Star LEDS and am now stuck on COBS. If you have the extra time and cha-ching, you should really consider doing a DIY COB-based fixture - it's a fucking blast!
Brother. I wish you the best of luck.

Forget the makers name and learn what led you're actually using. Then once you have that you can find the efficiency. Then extrapolate it's real worth.

What LEDs are those units using? There's nothing super crazy special in the led world.... There's only so many LEDs you can use. Because you're using 3 watt LEDs and they're not Osram oslon SSL 80 you have low efficiency lighting. So you're gonna make a lot of heat and not as much light as more efficient LEDs.

they won't even say what LEDs they're using because they know you'd look it up and see it's the same as the other copycat lights. There's a reason California light works BML spider and osrams in house lights only use Osram SSL80.

But I'm glad you got a 5 year warranty. Hope it's legit. When you grow please poste your findings on my compilation thread.

I'll post the findings after I've used them for a while. The name of the company means nothing to me. I just have three close friends in real life that I've watched all purchase and use different models of them for a while now and they sold me way before any of these videos did. I agree the first two seem very marketing driven and didn't sell me at all on their own and never would have so I see where some of you are coming from. One of those friends also had four California Lightworks lights he sold in order to buy these. I don't believe they're the same category as a lot of copycat lights at all. I've seen too much production and yield and quality in front of my face in real life with these lights hanging in the background to believe that. You have made me curious though as to what type of LED's exactly are in the light. I'm going to make it my mission to find out now.
Look, I'm new here and not trying to cause any problems and definitely not trying to advertise for platinum. I hold no stake in platinumled and could care less about the advancement of their company. I was simply putting out info I've seen and that makes sense to me. Call me a salesman or whatever. Not my intent whatsoever. Excited about what I've seen them do now that I own them? Yes, of course. But am I trying to push them on anyone or sway anyone? Not at all. I mean the title of this thread is LED Companies w/ LINKS. I'm using an LED company I didn't see the link posted for and thought I'd share my experience so far and why I like and am excited about getting them started. That's all.

I said with confidence that I knew of course that they were not top of the line, best product out there. I actually said Im absolutely sure they are not. What I did say, is that they were the best performing LED's I had come across for that price range and I stand firm in that belief. Everyone has their own way though and that's cool.
Ultimately no one cares. We just like to talk smack. It's how we welcome brother growers. I'll be waiting for your results
I'll post the findings after I've used them for a while. The name of the company means nothing to me. I just have three close friends in real life that I've watched all purchase and use different models of them for a while now and they sold me way before any of these videos did. I agree the first two seem very marketing driven and didn't sell me at all on their own and never would have so I see where some of you are coming from. One of those friends also had four California Lightworks lights he sold in order to buy these. I don't believe they're the same category as a lot of copycat lights at all. I've seen too much production and yield and quality in front of my face in real life with these lights hanging in the background to believe that. You have made me curious though as to what type of LED's exactly are in the light. I'm going to make it my mission to find out now.
For the record as of 2015 CLW started using the Osram Oslon ssl80 LEDs. Before that it was same shit as the others.
Good to know.

Good stuff. Your results will be in before long, sir and then we can have a real discussion on their worth. =)

They use bridgelux and epistar btw. But find the diode model if you can please. I believe I've seen a post where supraspl states that their efficiency in near that of hid. So....that answers most everything.

Anyway make sure you save your boxes and you only have 90 days from your ORDER date so yeah that tells you everything. They cut corners where they can. That extra 5-10 days shipping makes a difference. notice it says return for a refund and not full refund.

They will inspect it!!

20% restocking fee!?!? You got $3k in lights. You're paying them $600 if you don't like it.

Also notice their replacement policy can be very subjective and is gonna cost you. Most people will give up tbh. They're a business.

the good companies give FULL warranties out to about 2 full grow cycles worth of time. Becaus they know you will be happy.

But still good luck.

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Ultimately no one cares. We just like to talk smack. It's how we welcome brother growers. I'll be waiting for your results

Good stuff. I gotta question though. Once I get these lights and tent set up next Friday or Saturday, where should I start a grow thread? I mean I see the place at the top to start a journal, but is there somewhere people posts their grows so you could get advice in real time if you had a problem? Like a certain thread or threads in one of the main forums.
Lemme write that again my friend

20% restocking fee if you're not satisfied in the first 90days and they inspect it in its original box and find no problems.

Good stuff. I gotta question though. Once I get these lights and tent set up next Friday or Saturday, where should I start a grow thread? I mean I see the place at the top to start a journal, but is there somewhere people posts their grows so you could get advice in real time if you had a problem? Like a certain three or threads in one of the
I'd put it in the led section personally.
Should there be a restocking fee, @BM9AGS, and if so, what would be reasonable?

5% is the standard on reasonable more is used to deter returns.
gogreenleds has a real return policy. If you're not happy you return it and get a full refund. I forget the time line but it's like two grows.

20% does not justify adding it back in to inventory by typing it in a computer from the number 800 to 801 and then walking it to the shelves. $200 for retuning a 1000$ led that has similar Effiency as HID.

They're trying to deter people from returning it.

Also after 90days you're not getting shit unless it's broken and they accept that it failed because of them not something you did. Very subjective. That's not a 5 year warranty. That's less than 90 and then hopefully when it fails after a year they will hopefully fix it.