Area 51 Why wait, seems you can buy cree cobs lights now

@GoGreenLEDs It looks like you have a product that will do very well here. Thank you for going about this the right way, supporting us and supporting the forums. As you probably realize , having hung around here for a bit, all products that enter these pages face intense scrutiny. If you care to disclose which bin cxb3070 you use, you will save dozens of pages and thousands of words of speculation.
Thanks and cheers.
@GoGreenLEDs It looks like you have a product that will do very well here. Thank you for going about this the right way, supporting us and supporting the forums. As you probably realize , having hung around here for a bit, all products that enter these pages face intense scrutiny. If you care to disclose which bin cxb3070 you use, you will save dozens of pages and thousands of words of speculation.
Thanks and cheers.
I remember in another thread he said AB.
If it's changed or in wrong then sorry. But I know he said AB when someone asked about my GOGREENLEDS light.

I’m Mike Brady and I’m the product developer for Go Green LEDs. I know lots of people here are thrilled with the results from their Cree COBs and that is why we wanted to manufacture a light people can plug in and grow with. Some people like to build things and others like to simply buy things that work. We want everyone to have access to this technology. We believe strongly in our product and we are giving members here a 15% discount.

On behalf of Go Green LEDs I apologize for any headache we may have caused between BM9AGS and the admin for his review and subsequent offering of a discount at my store. He simply bought our light and wanted to spread the word, I told him I would give a discount to RIU members and he passed the word here and caught some heat, which got his review pulled. Before BM9AGS review and before I knew the rules, my account had been banned and I was working to get it reinstated after I posted about our product without paid advertising. We now happily pay to advertise here and hopefully BM9AGS can continue his review without issue.

With our RIU discount, our prices beat any competitor, as it brings our price down to $458 for a 200W 4 COB light and $679 for a 300W 6 COB light. To apply a discount simply go to, select your light, and use coupon code RIU15 at checkout. Amazon doesn’t have a coupon system so no discounts are available through Amazon. Our shipping is fast regardless of where you order.

Best regards,
Mike Brady

who are you and who are you trying to represent ? I went to and these cob products are nowhere to be seen . apparently you think adding an "S" to a well known company is something special. where are your lights mfg ? what drivers are you using ? and what bin 3070s are you using ?
who are you and who are you trying to represent ? I went to and these cob products are nowhere to be seen . apparently you think adding an "S" to a well known company is something special. where are your lights mfg ? what drivers are you using ? and what bin 3070s are you using ?
Might chill and not be so combative, especially on the name stuff. Afterall most people around here love kingbrite which was made well after the US company kingbright which was an already known and established company as well. @Growmau5 already asked which bins. Let's see if they respond other than bm9ags' response. Always good to have that level of transparency. At least in my opinion that's one reason over th he years A51 has held good and been a choice for spec driven people. Reason my first led was purchased with them. Knew what I'd getting. Let's see what info go green can or will provide.
who are you and who are you trying to represent ? I went to and these cob products are nowhere to be seen . apparently you think adding an "S" to a well known company is something special. where are your lights mfg ? what drivers are you using ? and what bin 3070s are you using ?

The only thing not answered on his website (yes, the site with the 's' in the address and is hyperlinked in the post you replied to) is the bin of CXBs, which has already been answered. It states the drivers used, and in the About section it states that the light is designed in the US and made in China (like almost every product sold in the US).
We finally have some commercial products coming out built with quality components, and apparently now we still aren't happy and want to bash a guy for giving his site a similar name to another LED light company (which doesn't even make grow lights as best as I can tell). We won't know about the build quality of the light until more people start using them, but can we please put away the pitchforks until they've been tested at least?

EDIT: I thought I saw the driver make on the site, but after taking another look it just states the current the drivers run at, not the make. On BM9AGS review page, it looks like he's using some proprietary drivers. Maybe our GoGreen guy can provide some insight on the drivers, if PB hasn't scared him away lol. If PLC is using Meanwells then GreenGenes has an advantage there IMO.
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The only thing not answered on his website (yes, the site with the 's' in the address and is hyperlinked in the post you replied to) is the bin of CXBs, which has already been answered. It states the drivers used, and in the About section it states that the light is designed in the US and made in China (like almost every product sold in the US).
We finally have some commercial products coming out built with quality components, and apparently now we still aren't happy and want to bash a guy for giving his site a similar name to another LED light company (which doesn't even make grow lights as best as I can tell). We won't know about the build quality of the light until more people start using them, but can we please put away the pitchforks until they've been tested at least?

He posted this a while ago
I don't think PLC is open for business, as their website shows no available product, so why compare prices? It's not like you have the best prices for Cree COB-based panels. Don't believe me, check out the different COB-infused fixtures on
No, they have an awesome product from what I know and they're always sold out because of that fact. Got me nothing.
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Last time I heard, he's (GG707) going all in early next year. I've yet to see anyone grow with his fixtures though, so I'm led to believe he's yet to open business.
"Last you heard" is wrong.........assumptions are a bitch, always ;-)

O so he's doing it then? Ok, I somehow misinterpreted one of his comments with another's question

I've been working on them since the minute I finalized the cx300. It won't be right away, beginning of 2016 hopefully. But it is underway.

I believe he was referring to the certifications and stuff, which is very legit.


Check your spelling :-D
O so he's doing it then? Ok, I somehow misinterpreted one of his comments with another's question

I believe he was referring to the certifications and stuff, which is very legit.


Check your spelling :-D
O so he's doing it then? Ok, I somehow misinterpreted one of his comments with another's question

I believe he was referring to the certifications and stuff, which is very legit.


Check your spelling :-D of those days.

I like those lights for sure.
But still I'll take 4cxb 3070 over 2 vero 29s I'm guessing for the same price