I know this is an older thread, I just feel like posting on this one. If you have a typical indica(50-55 day flower),and are planting a juvenial clone I would for surely use the 1 gallon pot. The amount of time the roots are searching for a restriction, the worse the yield will be. The top side of the plant won't developed until the roots reach a restriction to signal vegetative growth. And remember that a 1 gallon trade pot is under a half gallon. A. 3gallon trade pot is only 2 1/4gallons+- I always vege indica's in large cups until I see a saficient amount of to growth then switch to a 2 gallon pot(1.5gallons)until flower where they get trans/pl. To #4 pots(2.5ish gallons). Plants also grow wider if the pot is wider. A plant in a #2 will be as tall as a #4 just less width. I'm going to try 2gallon squat pots on my next indica grow, 10.5" wide x 5.5" deep. May try it on some Mackinac trail mix kush as well