is ambien any good?


Well-Known Member
Since reading the post you made i know you know what i know if that makes any sense , there is a dent in the drywall above the toilet from me leaning forward & sleeping with my head resting on the wall while standing up .

Twelve at once , i wish , its more like HERE IT COMES then false alarm , then its allmost there but another false alarm , then a drop , wait 5 minutes for the next drop , then a tiny squirt & another wait , then 3 drops & bladder is empty , shit drives ya out of your mind sometimes dont it .

I dont use it often but it works well.


Well-Known Member
I dont use it often but it works well.
Ive used Flomax , Rapaflo , Jaylen & Cialis low dose daily use & the only relief i get is from the low dose daily Cialis , been fighting with my prescription insurance for about a year getting them to buck up .

The 1st script of low dose Cialis my insurance had to get authorization from my uroligist saying it was the only medicine that will help me , he spent hours on the phone but finally got it approved , the next month my insurance pulled the same shit requiring the same doctor to call everytime he writes a script for the medicine , doctor flat out told me they are trying to waste as much of his time as possible so he will prescribe cheaper meds or stop dealing with the issue on my behalf .

My uroligist is 87 yrs old & semi retired , he's only doing surgeries this last year then turning his pratice over to another doctor , he has promised me that if i sue the insurance company he will back me up on the grounds of breach of contract & not acting in good faith , my lawyer is investigating the possibility of a punitive damage lawsuit against my insurance carrier .

If his team thinks we have a chance our lawyer will see it thru for a $10k retainer with the remainder to be paid after getting a ruling .

I should know within a few weeks weather were suing or they are gonna let me have prescribed meds unfettered by red tape .

They pulled the same shit with my pain meds where they made it mandatory my pain doc calls each & every month to explain no other med will work , its a constant fight .


Well-Known Member
That sucks bro. Fighting with insurance is no fun. I spent all last week doing it and the idea of doing that constantly is terrible to contemplate.


Well-Known Member
I hate it all and am sirry you not only have to contend with your physical troubles but all the rest of the crap.

I am finding the best way to contend with insurance companies is to wait until my particular malady is in full swing and i am greatly agitated. Takes my mind off the pain.

Back before obamacare, i had to buy private insurance.

Each insurance company has a different length if time in which they will not increase the premiums. I would wait out that time and switch companies rather than endure a twenty to forty percent increase. I once went from one company to another and back in a year and avoided a thirty percent raise in premiums that first company inflicted upon all of its ongoing customers.

The problem was that i would have to endure the enrollment process. I would have to be grilled by doctors on the phone whi probably didnt have real jobs. They were given a list of meds i had recieved and asked me all kinds of questions.

I had had kidney stones the ....

Wait a minute, we are old people comparing medical horror stories on a pot site.

What have we done?


Well-Known Member
Gotta hate the kidney stones but love that IV Morpine sulfate from the ER. I remember walking out of the ER thanking everybody I saw. Kidney stones are no joke though.


New Member
ive never taken these before and i have 60 10mg and 90 5mg pills. how much should i take my first time, and all you are supposed to do is take them and instead of going to bed you stay awake?
If you have never taken them before then just start off by taking 10mg at a time. I have been taking ambien for more than 3 years now and I like the hypnotic effects it gives you when you stay awake after taking them. 10mg used to give me a good high but I got stupid and tried 20 mg and then 30 mg so now I have to take 20 mg (minimum) to get the good high from it. So if 10 mg gives u a decent high then don't go anymore than that. And yes, to get the good hypnotic effects from ambien you should stay awake after taking them. CAUTIONS: when taking them, NEVER drive (even if you don't feel high from them). I tried to drive after taking one and made it all the way to my road and hit a dirt mound. Also just take them at home when you first start out until you get used to the effects of it. Sometimes it can make you feel like you are going crazy. One night around Christmas time I had taken a few and the next thing I know I am literally laying under the Christmas tree looking out the window at my neighbors back yard and I thought I was seeing a bunch of people dancing really slow in their back yard. The next morning, i look at their back yard and what I thought were people dancing was actually firewood, a basketball goal, and trash bins. So just be warned lol.


Well-Known Member
If you have never taken them before then just start off by taking 10mg at a time. I have been taking ambien for more than 3 years now and I like the hypnotic effects it gives you when you stay awake after taking them. 10mg used to give me a good high but I got stupid and tried 20 mg and then 30 mg so now I have to take 20 mg (minimum) to get the good high from it. So if 10 mg gives u a decent high then don't go anymore than that. And yes, to get the good hypnotic effects from ambien you should stay awake after taking them. CAUTIONS: when taking them, NEVER drive (even if you don't feel high from them). I tried to drive after taking one and made it all the way to my road and hit a dirt mound. Also just take them at home when you first start out until you get used to the effects of it. Sometimes it can make you feel like you are going crazy. One night around Christmas time I had taken a few and the next thing I know I am literally laying under the Christmas tree looking out the window at my neighbors back yard and I thought I was seeing a bunch of people dancing really slow in their back yard. The next morning, i look at their back yard and what I thought were people dancing was actually firewood, a basketball goal, and trash bins. So just be warned lol.
Thanks for nothing man. This thread just got really depressing towards the end. Now I friggin' hate ambien.