Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

If you take the time to look into the reasoning behind the arguments saying Nasa is delivering fake photos, evidence, etc, it’s not crazy at all. No need to hate/fear/mock/twist the words and intentions of those who say it’s not real. —— Unless of course you are afraid they do have a good point and you don’t want to have to incorporate that good point into your world view because it messes with the foundation of everything. I’ve researched the theories saying Nasa is doing pretty much nothing but hoaxes and they make great points. I’m inclined to say they are more than likely right. And it’s not because it’s “too good to be true” or I don’t believe in science itself. To the contrary - I had always assumed Nasa was “true” until I got curious and gave a respectful listen to those who say it’s not. Those who say Nasa is lying are also using science and the scientific method to arrive at their conclusions. Methodically disproving false evidence is as valid as any proof. The more you mock an opposing body of research rather than hear them out - the more you demonstrate insecurity surrounding your own preconceived notions. —— But I don’t mean to disrespect that insecurity - actually when I first realized Nasa was almost surely lying about almost everything it was a shock to my system, and incredibly - sad and uncomfortable. But I’ve adjusted just fine. A few days of disorientation in regards to my world view and I’ve regained my equilibrium. It’s ok - on both sides - to believe or to question - life will continue for you. When kids realize Santa isn’t real it can be a shock - but in time they adjust just fine too.
As well as the intellectual dishonesty trying to bust NASA's chops over the commercialization of Space launches. NASA science and engineering technology is not to blame for 'commercial' SpaceX and their Falcon 9. Discuss that with Elon Musk

Indeed NASA and commercial space are apples and oranges. SpaceX is the most successful ... well least unsuccessful ... of a gamut of efforts to commercialize orbital transport. With chemical engines the game is necessarily very pricy. Hard to compete against foreign governments with established infrastructure and very low pay schedules even for their engineers.
If you take the time to look into the reasoning behind the arguments saying Nasa is delivering fake photos, evidence, etc, it’s not crazy at all. No need to hate/fear/mock/twist the words and intentions of those who say it’s not real. —— Unless of course you are afraid they do have a good point and you don’t want to have to incorporate that good point into your world view because it messes with the foundation of everything. I’ve researched the theories saying Nasa is doing pretty much nothing but hoaxes and they make great points. I’m inclined to say they are more than likely right. And it’s not because it’s “too good to be true” or I don’t believe in science itself. To the contrary - I had always assumed Nasa was “true” until I got curious and gave a respectful listen to those who say it’s not. Those who say Nasa is lying are also using science and the scientific method to arrive at their conclusions. Methodically disproving false evidence is as valid as any proof. The more you mock an opposing body of research rather than hear them out - the more you demonstrate insecurity surrounding your own preconceived notions. —— But I don’t mean to disrespect that insecurity - actually when I first realized Nasa was almost surely lying about almost everything it was a shock to my system, and incredibly - sad and uncomfortable. But I’ve adjusted just fine. A few days of disorientation in regards to my world view and I’ve regained my equilibrium. It’s ok - on both sides - to believe or to question - life will continue for you. When kids realize Santa isn’t real it can be a shock - but in time they adjust just fine too.
Your "body of research" ignores some key points, such as the technical impossibility of generating the photos and videos of 30+ space missions in the USA alone ... without getting something B-movie wrong.
And yet the documentation from those days survives scrutiny until this day, methodical efforts notwithstanding. Investigate ANY denier claims and they founder against the rocks of what we could do and what we did. The photos and videos of the mission are (pardon the term) airtight so far. Arguments about lighting, shadows etc. are specious.
And then there are the Russians. If there was ANY way to debunk our mission results, they'd'a been on that like flies on Turkish hookers. and yet, silence from our avowed opponents ...
I’ll tell you what I think is a bad Idea - blind faith in the benevolent good will of authority to never mess with your head for their own control and advantage.

Nasa has no checks and balances beyond their own system, they are not held accountable to prove their findings within a broader community of researchers who don’t receive funding from the same place - like ALL other scientists making huge discoveries are. Further - there are no astronauts beyond those funded by UN governments. I agree that this unto itself does not mean they are lying - but it means they could lie - and if so there is no greater authority to challenge the lies.

I don’t actually think that absolute power always corrupts, I do believe there are benevolent authorities, however —- I think in this case they are taking advantage of the opportunity to create deception.
pretty cool movie looks real;y amazing not a star also anywhere to be seen wonder how they made it back to earth after the shoot ???

pretty cool movie looks real;y amazing not a star also anywhere to be seen wonder how they made it back to earth after the shoot ???

No stars is easily explained if you know anything about photography. A daylight photo with 100-speed film is done with f/2.8 and 1/500 shutter speed.
To see the brighter (mag 1 and better) stars, you need 10 entire seconds at that f-stop and film speed ... kids, sheesh
Your "body of research" ignores some key points, such as the technical impossibility of generating the photos and videos of 30+ space missions in the USA alone ... without getting something B-movie wrong.
And yet the documentation from those days survives scrutiny until this day, methodical efforts notwithstanding. Investigate ANY denier claims and they founder against the rocks of what we could do and what we did. The photos and videos of the mission are (pardon the term) airtight so far. Arguments about lighting, shadows etc. are specious.
And then there are the Russians. If there was ANY way to debunk our mission results, they'd'a been on that like flies on Turkish hookers. and yet, silence from our avowed opponents ...

He is incapable of countering the arguments. If you read his posts he's just trolling. So let's help him shall we?
He is incapable of countering the arguments. If you read his posts he's just trolling. So let's help him shall we?
Yah time to lift the tone of this thread

Again for some that think there is no way they could of mocked up a fake landing in 1969 one has to ask then why Stanley Kubrick was approached by the US government to hoax the first three moon landings. There are two main branches of this somewhat implausible theory: one group of believers maintain that Kubrick was approached after he released 2001: A Space Odyssey (released in 1968, one year before the first moon landing), after NASA came to appreciate the stunning realism of the film’s outer-space scenes at that time; another group contends that Kubrick was groomed by the government to film the moon landing long before this, and that 2001: A Space Odyssey was a staged practice run for him.
So what evidence might support such claims? Well: apparently, if you watch The Shining (another Kubrick picture), you can pick up on some alleged messages hidden by Kubrick to subtly inform the world of his part in the conspiracy. The most obvious is the child’s Apollo 11 shirt worn in only one scene. Another supposed gem is the line written on Jack Nicholson’s character’s typewriter: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, in which the word “all” can be interpreted as A11, or Apollo 11.
If you aren’t convinced yet, Kubrick made the mysterious hotel room in the film number 237. Guess how many miles it is from here to the moon: 238,000. So divide that by a thousand and minus one, and you’ve got one airtight theory right there.
Well the conspiracy theories have been surfacing the media for quite a long time and who knows what's the truth? Its a secret we may never know for sure but the moon landing, if true, was indeed "a giant leap for mankind"

I remember my school teacher saying you can be whatever you want, even a astronaut. My teacher lied. I want to see some real nasa pictures/ video. During Expedition 40 in the summer of 2014, NASA astronauts Steve Swanson and Reid Wiseman — along with European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst — explored the phenomenon of water surface tension in microgravity on the International Space Station. The crew "submerged" a sealed GoPro camera into a floating ball of water the size of a softball and recorded the activity with a 3-D camera. (Video: NASA)
If you aren’t convinced yet, Kubrick made the mysterious hotel room in the film number 237. Guess how many miles it is from here to the moon: 238,000. So divide that by a thousand and minus one, and you’ve got one airtight theory right there.

OMGGGG you are so RIIIIGHT!! With evidence of that hermetic awesomeness who am I to doubt you?? I abase myself before your terrible Presence hoping against Hope to survive your righteous wrath.

This sarcasm brought to you by Chapoutier Ermitage "Le Pavillon" '89 (read Bob Parker's review)