EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Since so many people think Bernie Sandwich is a socialist, I'm inclined to ask; What is currently privatized that he wishes to change? Make a list so I can go item for item and analyze it to see what kind of socialist he is and to what degree.

For example, he wants to abolish private prisons from what I hear. Is he planning to appropriate these privately owned prisons? Will he then free the prisoners? How exactly is it an improvement to have the biggest nationalized prison population in the world as opposed to privatized?

privatization encourages repeat business..people shouldn't jail people to make a buck.

taxation of derivatives from speculation trading is one source bernie mentioned to further drive government revenue.
privatization encourages repeat business
All business encourages repeat business. That's why it's business. You didn't really say much, and certainly didn't explain why we're better off with our massive prison population nationalized.
taxation of derivatives from speculation trading is one source bernie mentioned to further drive government revenue.
OK, so what was privatized about trading that will cease to be privatized?

Focus, we're focusing on what is socialist about Bernie Sandwich.
All business encourages repeat business. That's why it's business. You didn't really say much, and certainly didn't explain why we're better off with our massive prison population nationalized.

OK, so what was privatized about trading that will cease to be privatized?

Focus, we're focusing on what is socialist about Bernie Sandwich.

here is his platform..i don't think he's socialist in marx context. it's the 'ism' that frightens people but shouldn't because capi has it too.

are you aware the president called bernie personally to ask for support of iran deal so he could get the votes?..he didn't call hillary..that speaks volumes.

No offense taken pendejo.

It's great that you didn't attempt any reading, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. Based on prior demonstrations of your reading comprehension skills, or more appropriately the lack thereof, the content was beyond you anyway; and more than likely would of culminated in a headache. It's good that you recognize your limitations.

I don't want to sound nasty, but you should go back to where this conversation started and see if you can figure out what I'm responding to.

And then ask yourself, who has the ability to buy more influence the Kochs or a group of dudes with a fraction of their money? Now if you don't believe that money buys influence then that's another story.

I'm trying to find points of agreement, so the shrill tone is unnecessary.

I'm operating under the premise that money not only 'influences' politics, but drives it, full stop. Every industry with lobbyists is corrupt- it's just that we've organized it. Doesn't make it any less destructive.
So he's not a socialist at all, got it.

he has social leanings..societal. mainstream gives the monikkker. if you don't understand it; make fun..just as in society. anything; anyone that is different from the norm must be wrong..why, just because it's NOT your way?

you and i both know that's not true.
does a name really matter? what about the issues he stands for?

he will win and i tell you why..he's genuine..this you cannot fake.
Thanks for the offer but I'm not a big fan of coolaid. I prefer to vote for socialists who are into actual socialism, not liberals who call themselves socialists.
does a name really matter? what about the issues he stands for?

he will win and i tell you why..he's genuine..this you cannot fake.
I don't understand your bumper sticker.
You're not really a patriot, and you haven't questioned authority since Bush was president
privatization encourages repeat business..people shouldn't jail people to make a buck.

taxation of derivatives from speculation trading is one source bernie mentioned to further drive government revenue.
But but but
Who then will take risks if they raise taxes?
-muyloco argument
But but but
Who then will take risks if they raise taxes?
-muyloco argument

shouldn't that be up to state and fed since it's their system?

when capitalism is involved in anything, the likelihood of exploitation rises sharply because you have people like rob roy and muy loco who won't follow the rules that society has deemed appropriate.

they get caught, then new rules are made..stricter than the last..blame everyone for what they did because it's everyone's fault but their own.

blame game..it's a rightie trait..everyone (every situtation) is to blame but themselves.

ownership needs to be taken for actions.