EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Please note that nobody gives enough fucks about you to read through a wall of text just to see they disagree with you. That would be pointless. No offense or anything, I'm just warning others who might waste moments of their lives on reading such an uninteresting bootlicker post.

Since when were you annointed the official RIU spokesman? Keep your self serving comments to yourself, chump.

@Uncle Ben immediately before posting on RIU. ^^^^^
Not sure where your getting your information, here's my experience with the upper end of the bracket; mid to older professional wage earners, doctors, dentist, attorneys, business guys, ect.. Social liberals, fiscal conservatives typically moderates politically. In my opinion, you're giving this group way to much credit in terms of political clout. The 50K club makes more noise than these guys.

1-2 million bucks net worth doesn't make you wealthy or rich. With entry into the 1% club at 350-400K pre-tax, the top of the bracket ain't attending many 100-200K fund raisers, nor are they buying much political influence as individuals. The earned income guy is "teeny tiny" comparatively speaking to the .1% club.

If the goal is to target the "trick" looking for more than a political hand job, look else where. You've got the wrong group. You need to be looking at the fractional bracket below that of the 1%'ers. After all, how many suitors does a "political whore" really want? One fat sugar daddy vs a bunch of little grubby shits?

So to summarize, you feel the donor class starts at .1%, or the one in a thousand?

Please note that nobody gives enough fucks about you to read through a wall of text just to see they disagree with you. That would be pointless. No offense or anything, I'm just warning others who might waste moments of their lives on reading such an uninteresting bootlicker post.

No offense taken pendejo.

It's great that you didn't attempt any reading, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. Based on prior demonstrations of your reading comprehension skills, or more appropriately the lack thereof, the content was beyond you anyway; and more than likely would of culminated in a headache. It's good that you recognize your limitations.

So to summarize, you feel the donor class starts at .1%, or the one in a thousand?

I don't want to sound nasty, but you should go back to where this conversation started and see if you can figure out what I'm responding to.

And then ask yourself, who has the ability to buy more influence the Kochs or a group of dudes with a fraction of their money? Now if you don't believe that money buys influence then that's another story.
Not that I'd expect you to know this, but Bernie Sanders is polling ahead of Clinton in New Hampshire and Iowa. If you're going to say "So what" to that, just stay out of the discussion on our electoral process.

yup! posted a few pages back..let's see what's going on in bernie's world today..
Since so many people think Bernie Sandwich is a socialist, I'm inclined to ask; What is currently privatized that he wishes to change? Make a list so I can go item for item and analyze it to see what kind of socialist he is and to what degree.

For example, he wants to abolish private prisons from what I hear. Is he planning to appropriate these privately owned prisons? Will he then free the prisoners? How exactly is it an improvement to have the biggest nationalized prison population in the world as opposed to privatized?