PP isn't the evil that many opponants want it to be, they provide essential sevices my neighbor's Daughter had ovarian cancer that was caught by an examination performed at PP.
He'll have to change his name to John Flaccid...
Boehner just had enough of the garbage and now the succesor will most likely face the same crap, will it be Mc Carthy or Scalise.
Mc Carthy is a lightweight , politically, a nobody and Steve Scalise a Tea Party favorite and self discribed "I'm David (former Grand Marshall of the KKK) Duke without the baggage". What a Prince he is!
I forecast more uncertainty coming out the House of Reps. Then ever before. They're itching for another shutdown which in the end they'll wind up funding PP anyhow, do you really think the President won't veto a bill that calls for defunding PP, I don't think so.
do you think boehner was just a severely depressed guy? bad drinking habit, public emo.
do you think boehner was just a severely depressed guy? bad drinking habit, public emo.
This is only going to make it harder for the right to work on improving their "Brand" image going into an election year. Upcoming events in the Senate will only damage their brand even further.... than the debates are already doing...
If I had to deal with the kind fractious party I wouldn't be surprised if hitting the bottle wasn't all he was doing.
Sounds like he did a little soul searching & realized he was on the wrong side...sounds like he had a 'come to jesus moment' after seeing the pope.
it's called 'bottoming out'.
Sounds like he did a little soul searching & realized he was on the wrong side...
Sounds like he did a little soul searching & realized he was on the wrong side...
there's going to be a problem with the tea unfortunately..this is what i think has happened..their disconnect linked to the bible has disenfranchised the moderate side by wanting to be uber conservative, tightening of the belt..when in reality taxation needs to be more proportionate to wealth..boehner couldn't deal with this..no one could..tea disconnect is hard to overcome..depending on who they choose is going to be decider on how far right they're going..this was predicted.
If you saw the speech the Pope gave to the country in front of Congress, you could see Boehner's reaction to the pontiff's words. It think it made it hard for him (a devout Catholic) to look in the mirror after that reality check...
It's gonna be a real circus now....he was like Sadam Husain holding it all together. They're gonna have all the wacko factions fighting it out now...Bullshit. Boehner would break down and cry over a hang nail. He is a very emotional person.
You too got it wrong. Reagan targeted, campaigned to, hard core conservatives ONLY, and he won.
Linked to the bible?????
You too got it wrong. Reagan targeted, campaigned to, hard core conservatives ONLY, and he won.
Linked to the bible?????