Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Bout to watch it with the wife....first I must get dabbed up

I've watched it like 12 yrs ago...so it's been a while
It can be a sewer in there at times.
The name calling is asinine - Ilke you're really going to be able to convince someone their probably not correct on some minutia detail by calling them a fucktard racist.

Like the punchline says - "You're not in this for the hunting, are you."
damnit gwn you fucking racist .....youre going to be convinced you fucking fuck nut.
I sware to god, i think I get more of a kick off this video, than this guy does off the deez nutz joke.
I got eeeeeemm!
Love it
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I saw this morning that media outlets are plugging a story that Eazy E contracted AIDS from acupuncture?

Why the fuck are they running this story it drips of ignorance and perpetuates the dissemination of false information.
I saw this morning that media outlets are plugging a story that Eazy E contracted AIDS from acupuncture?

Why the fuck are they running this story it drips of ignorance and perpetuates the dissemination of false information.

yeah that nigga Suge Knight killed him .....death in a needle
Wow some people. ..so we recently made our birth announcement on Facebook. ..all went well until a few days ago...I received a email from a "friend" asking that I not flaunt my pregnancy in her face...she had a miscarriage at 6 months a few yrs ago ..
Talk about selfish. ..she went on a rant about how people should be aware and be sensitive. .that's right apparently none of her Facebook friends should talk about pregnancy because it upsets her....

I responded by asking her to unfriend me...explaining that my pregnancy had nothing to do with her...

Kinda feel bad ...no person should go through what she has...but if she doesn't give a rats ass about my feelings it's really hard to sympathize with her...