Small BHO runs without vac purge ok?


Active Member
I just use an 8" by 3" glass essential oil extractor tube, 150 metal micron screen that came with it and 1 can of 5x butane and blast into large size 11x9 pyrex dish thus making it very very thin.

I put the dish in bathtub and in hottest tap water i got. Then blast into dish once its in tub so it evaps immediately

Then i pop bubbles and put it in my home oven on warm setting with oven doir open and watch it every couple mins cuz dont have heat temp radar gun yet.

I let dish get hot enough touch it but not so hot it hurts touch but anyway i let lil more bubbles rise out it and pop those. Let it sit over nite with couple light bulbs right above it all keeping it warm.

In the morning, almost 24hrs later, its ready go back in oven get it warm again and it doesnt make bubbles this time but instead gets warm so i can scrape it out onto parch paper.

It looks tastes and burns like stuff i been paying out a$$ for lately so did I do ok cuz my layers are so thin? I mean 1 gram to 1.5 gram yield per 11x9 dish. Thats uber thin as in most parts dish have no oil to scrape. Thus making butane evap fast and ez cuz nowhere for it get trapped inside and no need vacuum purge it to bubble it out cuz its so thin its like the thickness of a purged bubble of bho you kno?

Im a noob to all this but was told if i did not get butane out i can taste it plus it will make bubbling sound when u take ur dab. Mine dont.

Plus, my stuff turns into gard shatter seconds after i scrape it onto my knife so is that bad ir good? It chips away like hard rock not maluable at all. I thought waxy sappy meant butane still in it so i must be good to go rite? I have video and pics ill post up in sec
Lmao. No vac purge = dirty bho

Open blasting is the stupidest thing you could have ever done.

Get a closed loop system
I expected the flaming trolls... Anyway. For people this thread is relevant too... Ive heard its safe as long as thin enough and small batches . Always snobtards in every forum tho

Anyway check this ish out. I accidently hit my tiny dish with extract tube and let bunch water in at middle of blasting and so i was like damn oh well ill keep going anyway. Well the water like froze into ice cube instantly and looks trippy i took pics. So getn water out was too easy lol. I got a vac chamber and 2stage pump on order and a 250$ open loop blaster i can marinate with. But anyway for now these batches will get like 4/5 days warming up and popping bubbles methods. I got 500$ in shit coming tho i can not wait do it legit
Open blasting is never safe no matter how much you do. Even filling up a torch can be dangerous.

Get a across international vac oven. A distiller for distilling butane. Buy butane by the gallon. Buy a closed loop system from hd botanical.

We're not being snobs. It's about being safe and making a clean product. I guarantee your method doesn't make clean bho. If it's not 0 ppm's it's not safe to smoke. The chemicals in bho if not removed completely will leave crystallized deposits in your lungs causing pulmonary fibrosis or small cell or large cell carcinoma.

You want to make sure to get a lab test after making bho. To make sure it's safe to smoke.

If you are not able to make it properly then don't make it. There's a reason why bho production has been classified as an aggravated felony in almost every state but colorado and arizona.
Ok nm cuz now the real world people on budgets making tiny batches with no desire spend all that on equipment will be afraid speakup. Love forums :P

Anyway for those with common sense it is safe and for 50$ u can blast ur own 3-7gram batches in any well ventilated area with no risk of spark. I use my back deck. Water bath and hit 100-130 degrees often for 3/4 days and pop all bubbles and ur good to go
Mine tastes so good . Only one time i tasted to early but after butanes out it taste identical or better than dispensery stuff. Mine leaves buttery lemon taste on my lips just perfect bho too
you don't have to have coin to get a vac chamber and pump you can buy a kit from best value vac they are actually a good company. vac pros I have seen alot of cracked lids, we are talking maybe 250 shipped to your door with a pump. as to the open blasting indoor in a bath room is retarded, ..

I would gladly give you a run down and a step by step but you can't be blasting in your bath room holy cow batman that is dangerous.
I expected the flaming trolls... Anyway. For people this thread is relevant too... Ive heard its safe as long as thin enough and small batches . Always snobtards in every forum tho

Anyway check this ish out. I accidently hit my tiny dish with extract tube and let bunch water in at middle of blasting and so i was like damn oh well ill keep going anyway. Well the water like froze into ice cube instantly and looks trippy i took pics. So getn water out was too easy lol. I got a vac chamber and 2stage pump on order and a 250$ open loop blaster i can marinate with. But anyway for now these batches will get like 4/5 days warming up and popping bubbles methods. I got 500$ in shit coming tho i can not wait do it legit

You aren't listening; whoever told you that skipping the purge is okay in small runs is flat wrong and everyone here is telling you the same thing. If you're going to ignore good advice and go do something stupid anyway, at least take pics so we can laugh at your dumb ass later!
Open blasting is never safe no matter how much you do. Even filling up a torch can be dangerous.

Get a across international vac oven. A distiller for distilling butane. Buy butane by the gallon. Buy a closed loop system from hd botanical.

We're not being snobs. It's about being safe and making a clean product. I guarantee your method doesn't make clean bho. If it's not 0 ppm's it's not safe to smoke. The chemicals in bho if not removed completely will leave crystallized deposits in your lungs causing pulmonary fibrosis or small cell or large cell carcinoma.

You want to make sure to get a lab test after making bho. To make sure it's safe to smoke.

If you are not able to make it properly then don't make it. There's a reason why bho production has been classified as an aggravated felony in almost every state but colorado and arizona.

I thought it was here in Colorado too?
Ok nm cuz now the real world people on budgets making tiny batches with no desire spend all that on equipment will be afraid speakup. Love forums :P

Anyway for those with common sense it is safe and for 50$ u can blast ur own 3-7gram batches in any well ventilated area with no risk of spark. I use my back deck. Water bath and hit 100-130 degrees often for 3/4 days and pop all bubbles and ur good to go
Some of the worst advice I have seen on this forum.

Like others have already stated. Closed loop and a vacuum oven. Even that isn't fool proof.
To the op, everyone pretty much answered your question. No it is not okay. End of story. Even the oven might not remove 100%.

Also, no more blasting indoors unless you live in a cave with no electricity and fire lol. Butane is pretty heavy gas, pools on your floor for a while and will ignite very easily. Also, i dont believe your un-purged BHO taste better then the dispensaries but ill give the benefit of the doubt if you post some shots.

You could build a DIY vac purger with a digital heating pad, vacuum hand pump , mason jar and some epoxy sealant.
Do not blast indoors, theres simply no safe way, no matter what. No safe ways. Just dont.

Get the vac chamber, I went 2 years making my own w/ a honeybee extractor and no vac chamber...

I regret waiting so long... I now vac purge, and winterize....

A small batch vac chamber and pump from bestvaluevacs is <$200, totally within budgets of almost anyone, even if it takes weeks to get it together...

Its WORTH it....

After than you can move up to a closed column extractor.... again, maybe $100, and it increases yields, decreases butane used per run.
Bonus - If in the future the prices come into the range of affordability, the closed column can be turned into a closed loop with the addition of the recovery system and such...

Browse bestvaluevacs, may safe your life...
I just use an 8" by 3" glass essential oil extractor tube, 150 metal micron screen that came with it and 1 can of 5x butane and blast into large size 11x9 pyrex dish thus making it very very thin.

I put the dish in bathtub and in hottest tap water i got. Then blast into dish once its in tub so it evaps immediately

Here is a link to a forum recording the explosions around the country and how they happened.

You will note that at least one was in a bathroom, and all support the premise that it is unsafe to extract indoors without an engineered extraction booth.

Then i pop bubbles and put it in my home oven on warm setting with oven doir open and watch it every couple mins cuz dont have heat temp radar gun yet.

Read on and you will find one about someone blowing their oven door off.

I let dish get hot enough touch it but not so hot it hurts touch but anyway i let lil more bubbles rise out it and pop those. Let it sit over nite with couple light bulbs right above it all keeping it warm.

In the morning, almost 24hrs later, its ready go back in oven get it warm again and it doesnt make bubbles this time but instead gets warm so i can scrape it out onto parch paper.

It looks tastes and burns like stuff i been paying out a$$ for lately so did I do ok cuz my layers are so thin? I mean 1 gram to 1.5 gram yield per 11x9 dish. Thats uber thin as in most parts dish have no oil to scrape. Thus making butane evap fast and ez cuz nowhere for it get trapped inside and no need vacuum purge it to bubble it out cuz its so thin its like the thickness of a purged bubble of bho you kno?

Im a noob to all this but was told if i did not get butane out i can taste it plus it will make bubbling sound when u take ur dab. Mine dont.

Plus, my stuff turns into gard shatter seconds after i scrape it onto my knife so is that bad ir good? It chips away like hard rock not maluable at all. I thought waxy sappy meant butane still in it so i must be good to go rite? I have video and pics ill post up in sec

Define good to go??? Concentrates sold in dispensaries are typically required to meet residual solvent standards lower than you are likely to be with your process.

Before vacuum processing and mandatory GC/MS testing, we processed concentrates in a manner similar to your process, and judged it by taste and how it reacted on a nail. Shatter bubbles on a nail, as it decarboxylates, so not a good measure of residual solvent.

We typically watched for sputter and fire dancing when we stuck a glob into an open flame, as well as flares. Sputter and fire dancing is usually water, and the flares residual solvent.

We also relied on taste, which is affected by mystery oil content, and one of the banes of open blasting.
To the op, everyone pretty much answered your question. No it is not okay. End of story. Even the oven might not remove 100%.

Also, no more blasting indoors unless you live in a cave with no electricity and fire lol. Butane is pretty heavy gas, pools on your floor for a while and will ignite very easily. Also, i dont believe your un-purged BHO taste better then the dispensaries but ill give the benefit of the doubt if you post some shots.

You could build a DIY vac purger with a digital heating pad, vacuum hand pump , mason jar and some epoxy sealant.
I've used a hand pump with the food saver mason jar attachment to use the normal lids. Just wrap the heating pad around the jar. Worked pretty damn good for a little diy rig though max vac was I think -27.5. So yeah not ideal, but was better than nothing though. LOL