EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I value his input, his perspective is based on information delivered from a source hopefully less bias and easily better educated then what is presented to the public here in the US.

The rest of the "middle class" world sit's and thinks, what fools.

I already figured it out. I was actually curious.
Somebody should do a poll just to confirm the obvious fact that over 95% of Sanders supporters think Obama is doing a great job as president
Somebody should do a poll just to confirm the obvious fact that over 95% of Sanders supporters think Obama is doing a great job as president

There again you would be wrong. What most of his constituents wanted was MORE change. The Democratic party has become a mere shadow of the republican party; whatever repubs want, the dems present a watered down version. What we really wanted was actual left of center governance- and we absolutely did not get it in the current administration.

The reason Mr Sanders has gained so much momentum is precisely because he's further left than any candidate has been for a generation- and it's high time the country turned.

Turned its back on corporate welfare while impoverishing the rest that is, with a nasty dose of fascism thrown in for good measure. That's where this country stands today, and going further to the extreme will solve no problems but instead create worse ones.
when you look at the side by side comparison of the two, they line up very closely. Other than fund raising, Obama and Bernie both sounded very similar while running for president. but you're right, Obama is a liar and fraud.
when you look at the side by side comparison of the two, they line up very closely. Other than fund raising, Obama and Bernie both sounded very similar while running for president. but you're right, Obama is a liar and fraud.

Again, not true. Also, it was a different time and his first task was to rescue the economy from going off the cliff the Bush crew had driven it over.

Mr Sanders is far to the left of that.
Again, not true. Also, it was a different time and his first task was to rescue the economy from going off the cliff the Bush crew had driven it over.

Mr Sanders is far to the left of that.
If Bernie were elected in 2008 he would have done the exact same thing as Obama. Raise taxes and spend a crap load of money on increasing the size of our government. Bernie is to the left on Obamacare. Wants to expand it
Compare the ratio of absolute federal taxes paid by the top 10% vs the bottom 90%.

If you haven't done that before it'll be eye opening. A few years ago the top 10% paid about 70% of the federal income tax collected. I haven't looked at the numbers for the past couple of years. I don't expect it to be much different.

You are aware, that a family of 4 with a mortgage making 70K pays essentially no significant federal taxes to speak of.

The fact is, the 1 percent'ers aren't holding anybody back from getting theirs .... that's a myth.

Should we just throw morals and values away for numbers?...Ok.

How many 1% died to get Iraq oil to China? none
How many 1% lose 50%+ of their lifetime earnings/investment when their children die? none
How many 1% lose 57 hrs a yr sitting in traffic? none
How many 1% deal with TSA? none
How many 1% are concerned about Alternative Power?1
How many 1% benefit from a New Bay Bridge? All of them
How many 1% pay for the New Bay Bridge? none

I'll admit the last 3 more emotional then numerical.
If Bernie were elected in 2008 he would have done the exact same thing as Obama. Raise taxes and spend a crap load of money on increasing the size of our government. Bernie is to the left on Obamacare. Wants to expand it

Sure! I wholeheartedly support his position on this. Yes, corporate America can Damn well afford to pay for it.
Sure! I wholeheartedly support his position on this. Yes, corporate America can Damn well afford to pay for it.

...That's what Obama said. Then he bailed out Wall street, gave AIG execs a huge bonus, hooks up his billionaire buddies on a regular basis, and mostly just hangs out with rich old white people at places like Martha's Vineyard.
...That's what Obama said. Then he bailed out Wall street, gave AIG execs a huge bonus, hooks up his billionaire buddies on a regular basis, and mostly just hangs out with rich old white people at places like Martha's Vineyard.

Think you got him mixed up with his predecessor.
I wonder what would've happened if we did take those banking execs to trial. I mean, imagine the legal fees of the US Gov't vs. AIG's team of multiple law firm. I think the court battles would still be going down.
Nope. It's all a matter of public record and 100% true

You know what else is a matter of public record? Recessions happen 5 times more frequently under Republicans than Democrats.

Ohh yay trickle down economics and lower regulations! Less taxes on the rich! Job creators, but they create the jobs! Supply and demand doesn't create jobs, rich people magically do because they horde their money in offshore accounts! Yay fiscal conservatives, let's start a trillion dollar war! Yay small government, let's create the largest single governmental department with the most reach into the private lives of our citizens! Yay! Hooray!
Yay let's get rid of the Federal Reserve and go back to the system we had before the Great Depression and Panic of 1907 and see how quickly we can recreate both! Sounds like fun doesn't it?! Boooo regulation, Tianjin anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
I wonder what would've happened if we did take those banking execs to trial. I mean, imagine the legal fees of the US Gov't vs. AIG's team of multiple law firm. I think the court battles would still be going down.

The very fact that they'd be sitting at the defense table in court would send a loud, clear and long overdue message to the rest of Wall Street to quit fuckin' breaking the law all the time.
Oh I get it. Too bad Obama is a miserable disaster, but it could be worse.

that's genius. why didn't I think of that? Maybe when we get hit by a nuke, we can say the same thing about the Iran deal "That first bomb really hurt us, but at least they didn't drop two. Obama is a great negotiator" That's what I'll be saying. Thanks mystery, you've really opened my eyes.