Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Major Catterpillar headache ... and wozzzzup with the funky catterpillars that have funny funky webby white nests and when u go to catch em they retreat funkily fast into their sticky webbyness¿? wozwiththat ¿?


Staff member
Wait a sec.... how can gummies be vegan? Aren't they ground up bones or something?
they are for hubby :p but they do make vegan versions

hubby has a serious obsession with sour keys and ketchup chips, he isnt one for junk food but during our drive to toronto, i showed them to him and he tried them
needless to say he was obsessed :D


Global Moderator
Staff member
OMG. I believe I just lost a few brain cells in the Politics section of RIU.

Like the walking dead in there. Same brain dead idiots talking to themselves.
It can be a sewer in there at times.
The name calling is asinine - Ilke you're really going to be able to convince someone their probably not correct on some minutia detail by calling them a fucktard racist.

Like the punchline says - "You're not in this for the hunting, are you."
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