Sunni - I know
I get randomly drug tested at my current job too. I won't be done with schooling for quite some time though

oh man i forgot about that stuff i tried that once... it was like being drunk but sooo clear.....Probably, I have a few friends that would k- all day if they could... lol
Imagine if that thing poped up there though. Uh oh
@Darth Vapour well thats answers our question she is aware she will be subjected to random DT's as a vet tech.Sunni - I knowI get randomly drug tested at my current job too. I won't be done with schooling for quite some time though
love the bunnies, im a big bunny lover, sadly i had to give up my bunny Hugh Hefner when I moved from Canada to alaska because it would be unfair to fly a little guy for that long my trip took me around 29 hours.Smiley is my pit bull... my best friend has her right now though because I can't have dogs where I live :*(
ya but if you show up to work drunk they fire youre ass ya know? ... so its not like people are allowed to be working while wastedHahaha Hugh Hefner.. I wanted to name Coraline Osama Bun Laden but I found out she was a girl so that name went out the window!!! and yeah I am with you on having a roof over my head! Hopefully marijuana gets legalized in more states!! alcohol is legal and KILLS. I just dont understand it. some things in this country are just ass backwards
What do you do with her hair?
......anddddd here I am! I'll be 29 in December.. I'm from the NJ/NYC area and I'm currently in veterinary school. I LOVE animals, I always have. I currently have a few bunnies.... Louie who is a Flemish Giant (and he's a BIG boy weighing in at 26 pounds), Butters, Benny is a mini lop and Coraline, who is a Lionhead. I play my xbox all the time and I'm always looking for new people to rock out with so add my gamertag aNakedCupcake. There is nothing like smoking a joint and playing a good RPG. I also run a video game/tech blog called Geek and Nerd, but with work, kids and life in general I haven't done anything with it lately. I really need help with articles and adding content.. I can't do it on my own anymore. Oh, I'm also a veteran and mother to 3 awesome kids! I have all boys ages 11, 7 and 5.
I recently found this website when I was looking for ways to pass a drug test.. I stopped smoking till I found a job.. I found a job but then another company contacted me for an interview and I had been trying for 9 months to get a position with this company. They pay good, they have benefits and there is room for growth. Plus they pick you up and drop you off at work and a gourmet lunch is included!! Unfortunately I had started smoking again once I got my first job. I went for the interview and was told I was hired the same day! I also only had 2 days to take my urine drug screen for the job. Luckily my mother gave me her pee. I felt so weird asking her but everyone I know smokes, and quick flush is out of the question because it makes my urine diluted and then they will know I took something, so I was looking everywhere on how to keep the urine at my body temp. As long as it's between 90 and 100 degrees, I would be good. Now, this is my first time doing anything like this so I was hoping it went the right way or else I was going to be out of a job at this point. (I quit my other one and told my boss how much of an asshole he was... it felt REALLY GOOD to do that!!!) Anyway, so I brought some non lubed condoms, put the pee inside and tied it up, I let it sit in a HOT cup of water for about 2 minutes and stuffed it up my vagina. Let me tell you... it's really fucking hard to get a condom filled with liquid up there. I tried everything but I couldn't get the whole thing up there... just the tip. I put on REALLY tight underwear and put a cuticle stick inside my underwear so I could pop the condom and get the pee in the cup. I got to LabCorp and 3 hours later I was called to do my drug screen. VIOLA everything worked out as planned and BOOM 97 degrees! So I must really thank the members of this forum because I would have NEVER thought to do something like that!!! That's pretty much it in a nutshell for now.. Hopefully I meet some awesome people here!
You can do it up your ass to i know becaise ive done it. It felt really dank whwn i pushed it up against my prostate.Dat vaginal privilege.
Its legal here but big companies arent stopping uas.Hahaha Hugh Hefner.. I wanted to name Coraline Osama Bun Laden but I found out she was a girl so that name went out the window!!! and yeah I am with you on having a roof over my head! Hopefully marijuana gets legalized in more states!! alcohol is legal and KILLS. I just dont understand it. some things in this country are just ass backwards
that was her moms' urine.Did you masturbate at all when you were doing that stuff wirh your vagina?
What if they watch?You can do it up your ass to i know becaise ive done it. It felt really dank whwn i pushed it up against my prostate.
What if they watch?