• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

A little humor to past the time -- Bad Pot Effects

You do know that there has allways been fake weed that vendors sell like at 7-Eleven and stoner shopps. They actually can fuck u up bad but its not te real thing also it could of been laced.

I've been smoking for 30+ years and i still wouldn't take five bong ripps back to back specially if its panama red.
By the way panama red isnt really red.
I remember Panama Red back in the day also. Very nice weed. But it wasn't like Columbian Red. I better do an internet search for Columbian read of years ago. Probably cannot get it anymore ( or you would probably die trying )


Well-Known Member
I think it was just that weed that you hear about in folk lore. The monster weed that comes from deep in the old country; planted and grown by the ancients. The weed you better respect or else. That weed that takes over your mind for a few hours ( maybe days ).
Like I said, closest thing I can say was like it is salvia.
Probably was sprayed with synthetic thc or some shit to fuck with thieves. Otherwise, it is not a cannabis sativa plant.

Where did you "hear about this weed" at? Curious? Columbian gold is good piney shit that i have not came across in a while, but "actual visuals" is not from sativa/indica. I could take 80% thc dabs all day and never get any visuals.

I could see red pistols in a deep fungus area of the forrest, i wouldn't trip if yall we're smoking some type of fungus lol
Probably was sprayed with synthetic thc or some shit to fuck with thieves. Otherwise, it is not a cannabis sativa plant.

Where did you "hear about this weed" at? Curious? Columbian gold is good piney shit that i have not came across in a while, but "actual visuals" is not from sativa/indica. I could take 80% thc dabs all day and never get any visuals.

I could see red pistols in a deep fungus area of the forrest, i wouldn't trip if yall we're smoking some type of fungus lol
Dont know what to say. But ... that is what happened to me that night after smoking 5 bongs in a row in quick succession. It almost caused me to totally stop smoking after that shit happened. It was really fucked up. Especially the demonic aspects of it. I remember walking down the side walk and the wind was blowing the leaves up behind me, I turned and it look like the trees, leaves and everything was some type of demonic force trying to grab my ass. So frightening that while fucked up I tried to pretend that I didn't see it. The shit was not only scary but also deeply psychological in nature and even spiritual because everything seemed real, alive ... and as if it were meant to be ... fulfilling some fucked up purpose and I was the OBJECT of it.
Gymsum weed(sp)
Well ... it did not look like Devil weed at all. And i am not sure if you can smoke the seeds. I remember years ago eating some pods( seeds ) of that shit .. but .. It took a long time for it to effect me. And once it did , it was a different sort of high. I did see crazy shit, though .. like bears coming out of walls and stuff like that. But it was different than the Columbian Red trip. And it lasted much longer than the red ... and also .. most importantly, once it was over , it was over ...
Maybe it was spirtual, and not the smoke all along.
Well .. anything is possible. Could have been my state of mind/being, that also played a role. I can't really be sure about that. I was a college student. And there are mysteries about spirits and things like that that show themselves and/or affect young open minds. Minds that are not quite mature yet and susceptible to influence of unknown type. It could be that the 5 bong hits put my mind/brain in the right state that it could be captured or injected with some type of spirit for a small amount of time. That, perhaps, is why the arm appeared so deformed and strange , it was actually the arm of a real entity that had jumped into my mind while I was in an extremely high pot state.
Of course such a theory cannot really be proven.
Now that I think about it, if something like that happened to me today I would be totally fucked because it would take a minimum of 3 days to come down from that high. And that would mean , if it happened on a friday night, I would still be fucked up by monday and would have to try to go to work while under the influence. And I work around people that would fire you instantly if they suspected that you were high in any fucking way. That would be a trip and a half.
On a lighter and more humorous note:
I recall one time getting the munchies so bad after getting a little stoned that I ended up eating a corn dog , stick and all; Then went home and laid in bed all afraid that the sticks were poking thru my belly.


Well-Known Member
Appears that All Types Of Strange Shit grows in Columbia
that was very interesting man. thx for sharing. its crazy to stop and think about just how fortunate we are not to have to deal with that type of shit on such a large scale. it seemed everyone knew someone who had been drugged over there. very scary shit. remided me of that krokadil shit that ppl inject somewhere over there....and it eats their flesh clean to the bone, but they dont quit because they are so addicted. i've often thought to myself that i wish there was a new drug, but come to find out, there are new drugs, just that there is no new drugs that are safe and enjoyable. i'll just stick to my weed, and hope and pray to god that i never experience anything like curious guys story. ive done alot of acid, mescaline and mushrooms in my past, and that shit is thankfully behind me, due to a horrible trip on 20 hits of pure mescaline. it permafried my friend and really took a piece of me with it. we fried for 48 hours straight, and that was just the peak. i was fucked up and not myself for about 2 weeks, and as i said, my friend never did fully come down. we did this as a drunken mistake, when i foolishly had drugs in my possession that was way more powerful then i knew, 10 years ago. now my friend is homeless and cant deal with society as normal people do. its very sad. i'll add that he was unstable before the trip, but this was the straw that broke the camels back, if you will.
i am 35 now and wont ever touch a mind altering drug that powerful EVER again. i remember praying just as curious guy did, "if i ever come down i'll never take psychidelic drugs again"!!!!!
i however did break that promise a couple years later when ifelt enough time had passed, and forgot how scary that trip was, so isplit an 1\8 of quebenzies with my buddy, and sure as shit if it didnt put me right back where that horrible trip had left off, my friend was all pumped up and giggling, having a blast and he wanted to go to the bar and sing kereoke lol, and there i was shivering under 4 heavy blankets in the middle of summer time, scared as fuck because i thought god was holding me to my promise i had made a few years before.
i did come down, but not before RE-negotiating a new deal with god, assuring him that he had won. no more tripping ever again, and ive stood by it. i feel like if went back on my word, it'd be my last mistake. maybe i over exaggerate, but beleiving that works for me.
i say a good psychedelic trip should be mandatory when transitioning from a child to an adulthood, as i feel it really opens ones eyes to the bigger picture. but, i'll add, its not something to be abused. all that shit should be handled with great responsibility. its a gift that gives, to a certain point, but cross the line and it will rob you blind of your mind, body and soul. be smart you guys. use common sense.
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that was very interesting man. thx for sharing. its crazy to stop and think about just how fortunate we are not to have to deal with that type of shit on such a large scale. it seemed everyone knew someone who had been drugged over there. very scary shit. remided me of that krokadil shit that ppl inject somewhere over there....and it eats their flesh clean to the bone, but they dont quit because they are so addicted. i've often thought to myself that i wish there was a new drug, but come to find out, there are new drugs, just that there is no new drugs that are safe and enjoyable. i'll just stick to my weed, and hope and pray to god that i never experience anything like curious guys story. ive done alot of acid, mescaline and mushrooms in my past, and that shit is thankfully behind me, due to a horrible trip on 20 hits of pure mescaline. it permafried my friend and really took a piece of me with it. we fried for 48 hours straight, and that was just the peak. i was fucked up and not myself for about 2 weeks, and as i said, my friend never did fully come down. we did this as a drunken mistake, when i foolishly had drugs in my possession that was way more powerful then i knew, 10 years ago. now my friend is homeless and cant deal with society as normal people do. its very sad. i'll add that he was unstable before the trip, but this was the straw that broke the camels back, if you will.
i am 35 now and wont ever touch a mind altering drug that powerful EVER again. i remember praying just as curious guy did, "if i ever come down i'll never take psychidelic drugs again"!!!!!
i however did break that promise a couple years later when ifelt enough time had passed, and forgot how scary that trip was, so isplit an 1\8 of quebenzies with my buddy, and sure as shit if it didnt put me right back where that horrible trip had left off, my friend was all pumped up and giggling, having a blast and he wanted to go to the bar and sing kereoke lol, and there i was shivering under 4 heavy blankets in the middle of summer time, scared as fuck because i thought god was holding me to my promise i had made a few years before.
i did come down, but not before RE-negotiating a new deal with god, assuring him that he had won. no more tripping ever again, and ive stood by it. i feel like if went back on my word, it'd be my last mistake. maybe i over exaggerate, but beleiving that works for me.
i say a good psychedelic trip should be mandatory when transitioning from a child to an adulthood, as i feel it really opens ones eyes to the bigger picture. but, i'll add, its not something to be abused. all that shit should be handled with great responsibility. its a gift that gives, to a certain point, but cross the line and it will rob you blind of your mind, body and soul. be smart you guys. use common sense.
very thoughtful, intelligent,wise and meaningful post.
very thoughtful, intelligent,wise and meaningful post.
Even though I remember that red columbian thing from my younger days very vividly, i did have one other serious trip when I stupidly tried salvia once , alone in my apartment, also in the winter time.
Salvia only last about 10 minutes. After that you become plum sober. But the 10 minutes can be pretty extreme, depending on how big a dose you inhale. I don't think you can die from it. But it can be quite frightening. I will probably NEVER, EVER, EVER, NEVER try salvia again because of the intense and extreme nature of its effects. That was a 10 minutes of hell in a bread basket.
It went like this:
1. Bored sitting in front of the TV decided to finally smoke that Salvia I had purchased at the head shop.
2. I got some tobacco or something or other to put in a small pipe. Then I sprinkled the Salvia over that.
3. Now the instructions said: Take in one big puff and hold it in.
4. At this time there was a commercial on television about some type of huge farming machine that was used to cut hay, or corn. It had the large rotating blades that would chop up the the corn/hay or whatever.
5. Anyway, while looking the TV commercial, I took that one big hit and held it in.
6. Within a few seconds I could hear that Farm machine making loud woofing noises and I could feel wind from it coming out of the freaking TV.
7. The huge machine actually starting to come out of the Television screen.
8. I had to duck down so that it didn't hit me.
9. When I hit the floor, a wooden floor, it suddenly looked like the skin of a large lizard. The whole room basically became the body of a freaking lizard.
10. My only desire at that point was to get the hell out my room and head down the stairs and outside.
11. I reached down to put my sneakers on and one hand melted into the sneakers and became part of the sneaker while my other hand became part of the lizards body and got stuck.
12. I do not remember what happened much after that ...
13. I did make it down stairs and onto the porch.
14. I remember peeking thru the front door window and it looked like some other type of universe or reality existed inside the house and I feared that I would become part of that universe forever .

Then I sobered up ..
Found a good and legitimate accounting of S alvia .. this is sort of like what happened to me :

amazing that this guy took such an interesting scientific approach to Salvia. I took it 1 and 1/2 times. The 1/2 time was actually an accident because I decided that I would never take it again but .. while getting high with my girl friend one night on weed, I accidentally smoked some weed from the "pipe used for salvia". I was instantly pissed off that I made such a mistake. I recall hearing my girlfriend say .. good for you .. now just go with the flow. ANd I said: What the fuck ...
amazing that this guy took such an interesting scientific approach to Salvia. I took it 1 and 1/2 times. The 1/2 time was actually an accident because I decided that I would never take it again but .. while getting high with my girl friend one night on weed, I accidentally smoked some weed from the "pipe used for salvia". I was instantly pissed off that I made such a mistake. I recall hearing my girlfriend say .. good for you .. now just go with the flow. ANd I said: What the fuck ...
I am writting this as I watch the video ... I must say that having went thru what this guy went thru .. The video so far has me totally cracking up with laughter ...
All my research this week has almost made me want to go to the head shop and purchase some salvia. But I do not think it is still legal in my state. The time I bought it before was during that big earthquake in haiti . That was several years ago. I think that the half life of salvia .. meaning .. the time it takes your stupid mind to forget the horror of the experience and to try and put some type of spiritual justification on it .. is about 5 years or so. So I am at the 5 year or so point. Maybe time to try it again.


Well-Known Member
It was funny how those two dudes embarked on a mission to seek out and score scopelamine, but flushed it in the end. I thought it was a wise choice, but got to admit that i'd had loved to see how the trip was when self adminestered, willingly and knowingly ingesting it may be different then having it snuck into yr system. That would be just about one of the scariest things that could happen.